Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Supplement, Volume 1.djvu/983

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Cordated Leaf, expreffes one of an ovated fliape, hollowed

a little on each fide at the bafe. Obverfely cordated Leaf, one of the fame figure with the

former, but affixed to its petiole not by the cordated part

which is the bafe in the former, but by the oppofite end. Cordato-fagittated 'LEAF, zfagittated leaf, the fides of which

are convex. Crenated Le AF , crenatum folium, that whofe edges are fur-

niflied with inden tings which are contiguous to one ano- ther, and are neither turned toward the point nor toward

the bafe. Acute crenated Leaf, a crenated leaf, in which the indent-

ings are {harp at the ends. Obtufe crenated-, that whofe indenting? terminate obtufely. Crijp Leaf, crifpum folium, that which is undulated or folded

over and over at the edge, which muft alio be in fome

manner divided, not entire, viz. either dentated, ferrated,

or lacerated. Cuneiform Leaf, one of the fhape of a wedge; or, the

length of which greatly exceeds its breadth, and the lower

part of which grows fmaller all the way. Decompofite Leaf exprefTes a leaf, the common petiole of

which divides itfelf twice before it is furnimed with

leaves. Decurrent Leaf, one which adheres immediately to the ftalk

or branch of a plant, without any pedicle ; and, which has

its lower part extended and running along the branch. Deltoide Leaf, one with four angles, whereof thofe of the

fummit are farther diftant from the center than thofe of the

fides. Dentated Leaf, one whofe edge is befet with horizontal

points of the fame matter with the leaf itfelf, and diftinct

and feparate one from another. Deprejfed Leaf, one which has the mark of an impreffion on

one fide. Digitated Leaf, exprefTes a compound one, formed of a

number of fimple foliola, placed regularly on a common

petiole : in a ftrift fenfe, however, it is ufed only tocxprefs

fitch a leaf as is compofed of more than four foliola, Duplicato-pinnatum, or pinnato-plnnatum, exprefTes a leaf com-

pofed of feveral others, each of which is itfelf compofed of

feveral fmaller leaves or foliola. Duplkato-ternated Leaf, one confifting of leaves, which are

themfelves compofed of three leaves each. Emarginaied Leaf, that which has a little indenting on the

fummit. Obtufely emarginaied, is the term when the two

points which form the indenting are obtufe : when they are

acute, it is faid to be acutely emarginaied. Enfform Leaf, a comprefled leaf of the fhape of a fword,

which is thin, and edged as it were on the fides, and which

has a high rib running down its middle. Erecl Leaf, one fo fituated as to make an acute angle with

the ftalk. Erofe Leaf, erofum folium, a leaf which has feveral finufes

in its difk, and alio in the edge or border. Fafciculate Leaves, exprefTes leaves, many of which arife

together from the fame point. Floral Leaf, exprefTes one found near the flower, and which

never appears but with the flower. Frondes exprefTes leaves confifting of feveral other leaves, and

forming the whole plant ; as is the cafe in the fern-kind,

in which the fructification being on the back of the leaves,

the Tingle leaf makes the whole plant. Hajlated Leaf, one in form like a fpear's point: this exprefTes

a triangular leaf, the Tides and the bafe of which are both

hollowed, fo as in fome meafure to give the refemblance of

a leaf compofed of three parts. Hirfutum folium. See Pilofe Leaf, infra. Hijpid Leaf, one whofe furface is covered with more thick

and rigid hairs than the pilofe leaf See Pilofe Leaf, infra. Horizontal Leaf. Sec Patent Leaf, infra. 'Jagged Leaf. See Laciniated Leaf, infra. Imbricated Leaf, vnbricata folia, leaves placed over one ano- ther in the manner of the tiles of a houfe, or like the fcales

of fifties. biflex Leaf, infexttm folium, that which in growing from its

bafe, turns its point again toward the plant. Intire Leaf, integrum or indivifumfoHum, a leaf which is not

cut in with any iinus in Its difk.

The term integcrrimum applied to a leaf denotes that it is

free from all diviilons or fimmtions of any kind in the

border any more than in the difks. Lacerated Leaf, lacerum folium, a leaf, the edge of which is

compofed of fegments of different fhape and figure. Laciniated Leaves, are thofe which are very deeply cut in,

though not quite to the middle rib, yet are divided into fe- veral jagged portions, thefe are called alfo jagged leaves ;

and of this kind are thofe of the horned poppy, ragwort,

and the like. Lanceolated Leaf, that which is fhaped like a fpear's point,

or which is oblong, and growing fmaller and narrower

from the middle to the extremity where it terminates in

a point. LanigerousLEAF. See Pilofe Leaf, infra.

Linear Lfaf, one the two fides of which run aimoft parallel to one another : the linear leaves are ufually narrow, and fomewhat broader in the middle than at either end.

Linguifonn Leaf, a linear leaf in fliape of a tongue, which is obtufe, flefhy* deprefTed, convex on the under fide, and ufually cartilaginous at the edge.

Lumdated Leaf, one in form of a crefcent : it is a fuborbi- cular leaf hollowed at the bafe, with two curvilinear angles in form of circles at its hinder part or bafe.

Lyrated Leaf, folium lyratmn, one in form of a lyre ; or, it is a compound leaf formed of a fimple one, which divides itfelf in its lower part in fuch a manner, that the incifions below make fegments which ftand our from the body of the leaf, and are detached from the larger fegment, which forms the upper part.

Membranaceous Leaf, one merely compofed of membranes with no pulp between.

Naked Leaf, nudum folium j exprefTes a leaf whofe furface is finooth and equal, without any particular marks.

Natant Leaf, one which floats upon the furface of thfe water.

Nervofe Leaf, one whofe vefTels arc fimple, and extend them- felves parallelly from the bafe toward the fummit, without any ramifications.

Nitidum folium, exprefTes a leaf of a fmooth and glofly fur- face, looking as if polifhed by art.

Oblong Leaf, one the length of which is many times equal to its breadth, and the extremities of which are both too. narrow to form fegments of circles.

Obtufe Leaf, one terminated by the fegment of a circle. When the fummit of a leaf is obtufe, but terminated by a fine fharp point, affixed as it were upon it, it is faid to be obtufum cum acumine.

Obverfely ovated Leaf, obverse ovatum folium, a leaf of the fame figure with the ovated leaf, only fixed to the petiulo by its fmaller end.

Orbicular Leaf, one of a round figure, the breadth of which is equal to its length, and every part of its edges equally diftant from the center.

Oval Leaf, one approaching to round, but too long for its breadth ; its diameter, at both extremities, is equal to the two ends, forming the fame fegments of circles : this might be more diftinctly called elliptic.

Ovated Leaf, folium ovatum, exprefTes a leaf, the fhape of which is like that of an egg ; of, which is longer than broad, and the bafe or lower part of which forms the fer- ment of a circle, though the other extremity is too fmall to be in proportion to it.

Palmated Leaf, one in form of an open hand : this exprefTes a leaf, divided into feveral fegments, from the top down to the middle, or to the bafe;

Panduriform Leaf, one of the fliape of a violin : this is an oblong leaf, larger at both ends than in the middle^ where it is deeply cut, in a rounded manner.

Papillofe Leaf, one whofe furface is covered with little roundifh protuberances, or veficles.

Patent Leaf, one which ftands aimoft ftrait out from the ftalk, or nearly at right angles with it. When it forms perfectly right angles, it is called horizontal.

Peltatcd Leaf, exprefTes a leaf, the petiole of which is affixed to the difk, and not to the bafe, or to the edge of the leaf

Pentagonal Leaf. Sec trigonal Leaf, infra.

Perfoliate Leaf, that whofe difk is pierced by the ftalk, the branch, or the peduncle; and does not any where touch or adhere to its edges.

Petiolate Leaf, one affixed to a plant by means of a peculiar pedicle, which in the cafe of a leaf is cRlled petiole, though in cafe of fruit a peduncle. See Petiole, &e.

PHofe Leaf, one whofe furface is furnifhed with hairs fo lar^e and long, as to be diftinguifhable by the eye feparately. The fame idea is alfo expreffed by the term hirfutu?n\ villofum, and lanigcrum.

Pinnated, or pennated Leaf, one formed in manner of a wing, and compofed of two ranges or feries of folioles, annexed to the two fides of one common oblong petiole. Of the pinnated leaves there are feveral kinds : i. The pinnated with an odd one : this exprefTes the pinnated leaf when befides the two feries juft mentioned, there is an odd leaf at the extremity of the petiole. 1. The pinnated abrupt leaf, in which there is neither an odd leaf, nor a tendril at the end of the petiole. 3. The cppofitely pinnated, which is when the folioles ftand oppofite to one another on the com- mon petiole. 4. The alternately pinnated, when the folioles ftand not oppolitely but alternately. 5. The interruptedly pinnated, in which the folioles are irregular and unequal in fize or fituation. ■ 6. The cirro-pinnated^ the extremity of whofe petiole has one or more tendrils, inftead of an odd leaf. 7. The decurrently pinnated, in which the folioles ex- tend beyond their proper bafe in going down she petiole, and as it were make it alated. 8. The membranaceous pin- nated, of the fame form with the laft, but with the petioles themfelves membranaceous and articulated. 9. The conju- gated pinnated leaf, when the whole compound leaf confifts of only two folioles on the petiole : this kind ot pinnated

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