Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/1010

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Falls off from the Bone. — This may be remedy'd by Care and proper Application ; a new Hoof being procurable, it the Coffin Bone, ($c. be not hurt.

Horfes fometimes caft their Hoofi by reafonof lome Prick, Stub, foundring, furbating, or other Accident, that caufes an Impofthumation in the Foot; fo that the Hoof, and fome- times the Coffin Bone, being fpungy and eafily broken, fill off in large Pieces. The laft when it happens is de-

P Hoov-hmid, is a fhrinking in of an Horfe's Hoof on the Top, and at the Heel ; whicn makes the Skin ftare above the Hoof, and to grow over the fame. _ .

It befals an Horfe divers ways, either by keeping him too dry in the Stable, by ftrait Ihoeing, or by fome unnatu- ral Heat after foundering. _ ■ .

HoOF-taff- — In labouring Beads, efpecially Oxen, it the Hoof be hurt with a Coulter or Share, it may be cur'd by a Salve of Pitch and Greafe mix'd with Powder of Brimftone, difl'olv'd together, and with an hot Iron melted in the {en Hoof at Clee

Hoav-loofen'd, is a Diffolution or dividing of the Horn or Coffin of a Horfe's Hoof from the Flefli, at the fetting on of the Coronet.

If the parting be round about the Coronet, it comes by means of foundering ; if in part, then by a Prick of fome Channel-nail, Quitter-bone, Rerreat, Gravelling, Cloying,

or the like. • . 1

The Signs of being loolen'd by foundering, is its break- ing firft in the fore Part of the Coroner, right againft the Toes ; becaufe the Humour always defends towards the Toe. — If it proceeds from pricking, graveling, or the like, the Hoof will loofen round about equally, even at firft. — If occafion'd by a Quitter bone, or Hurr on the Coronet, it will break right above the grieved Part, and rarely be feen to go any farther.

HaoF-fweM'd, i s an Infirmity that fometimes befals young Hotfes when they are over-rid, or wrought hard, which makes 'them f well in that Parr, by realbn of the Blood falling down and fettling there ; which if not fpeedily re- mov'd will beget a wet Spavin.

HOOK in Angling, \$o. SeeANGLiNo, tfc.

HOOKS, in Buildings, pc. are of various Sorts; fome of Iron, and others ot Brafs.

l°. Armour Hooks, which are generally of Brafs, and are to lay up Arms upon, as Guns, Muskets, half Pikes, Pikes, Javelins, £J?r. 1°. Calement Hooks. 3 . Chimney Hooks, which are made both of Brafs and Iron, and of different Fafhions; Their Ufe is to fet the Tongs and Fire- fhovel againft. 4 . Curtain Hooks. 5 . Hooks for Doors, Gates, &c. tf°. Double Line Hooks, large and fmall. 7 . Single Line Hooks, large and fmall. 8°. Tenter Hooks of various Sorts. See Tenter.

HOOK-/'i»J, in Architecture, are taper Iron Pins, only with a iJcoi-head, to pin the Frame of a Roof or Floor together.

HOOP, a Meafure of a Peck. See Peck.

HOP or Hops, a Plant of the reprile Kind, whofe Flower is a principal Ingredient in Beer, and other Malt Liquors. See Brewing. See alio Beer and Maet- Liquor.

The Hop creeps like Snake-weed, unlefs it find Pales or Shrubs to hang to ; or unlefs they who cultivate it, plant Poles for the Purpofe. — Its Stem is long, flexible, rough, and hairy. — Its Leaf indented like that of the Vine, and cover'd with a kind of prickly Down like that of the Cu- cumber. Its Flowers are of a greenifll Yellow, refembling, both as to Form and Size, thole of the Female Elm ; and grow in a kind of Bunch or Clufter. In this Flower is a blackifh bitter Grain contain'd, which is the Seed of the


In the Spring time, while the Bud is yet tender, the Tops of the Plant being cut off, and boil'd, are eat like Afparagus ; and found effectual to loofen the Body : The Heads and Tendrils are good to purify the Blood in the Scorbutus, and moft cutaneous Difeafes : Decoctions of the Flowers, and Syrops thereof, are of ufe againft peftilential Fevers : Juleps and Apozems are alfo prepar'd with Hops, for Hypochondriacal and Hyfterical Affecfions, and to pro- mote the Menfes.

The Propagation and Culture of Hops, being a Point of fome Nicety, as well as great Advantage, we mall lay down a little Syftem thereof. — 'Tis certain there is nothing in all the rural Employments, that, under prudent Managemenr, turns to more account ; very large Eftates having been rais'd by this Commodity in a few Years paft. — Switzer tells us, he has known Ground yield 30/. per Ammm per Acre, planted therewith : To fay nothing of the great Number of Poor that are employ'd therein, viz. in the Planting, Soiling, Digging, Houghing, Poling, Tying, Pick- ing, i$c.


Culture of Hops, and Hop Gardens,

Hops are of divers Kinds : Mortimer reckons four, viz. the wild Garlic Hop f which is not worth propagating j the long and fquare Garlic Hop, which, tho' valuable, yet on account of the Redneis towards the Stalk, does not bear the befl Price ; the long white Hop, which is the moft beautiful and fertile $ and the oval liop. Another Author diilin- gui/hes the Hops to be cultivated into the white and grey Binds ; the latter being a large fquare Hop, more hardy, and bearing a plentifuller Crop than the former $ tho* it does not ripen lb early.

For the Soil of Hops. — There is fcarce any but may ferve, except ftoney, rocky, and {tiff Clay Ground : The belt, however, is that which is light, deep, and rich 5 which will be the better if Sand be mix'd with it ; A bla»k Gar- den Mould is alio excellent. If the Ground be cold, ftiff, and four, the bed Means or Improvement is to burn-beat it. Mortimer adds, that in Kent, where they efteem new Land befl for Hops, they plant their Hop Gardens with Cherry Trees and Apple Trees, at a good Diflance 5 that when the Land is pall the heft for Hops, fwhich happens in about ten Years) the Cherry Trees may begin to bear ; and 30 Years after, when the Cherry Trees are fpent, the Apple Trees may be in Perfection.

For the planting of Hops. — The Ground is firft to be prepar'd by tilling it the Beginning of the Winter, either with the Plough or Spade. In Otlober, (and ibmetimes, tho' rarely, in Anarch') they proceed to plant 5 marking out the Places where each Hillock or little Plantation is to be. Some plant in Squares, Checquer-wile, which is the moft convenient Form, where they intend, in the Courfe of the Tillage, to plough with Hories between the Hills : But the befl Form for the Hop, as well as the moft pleafing to the Eye, is the Quincunx. See Quincunx.

If the Ground be poor, or ftiff, 'tis neceffary fome good Mould, or elie a Compofl of Manure and Earth, be lard in Holes a Foot fquare, in the feveral Places where the Hills are to be. — The Diflance of the Hills in dry hot Ground may be fix Foot 5 but in moifl and rich Ground, fubje£l to bear large Hops, eight or nine.

For planting, the iargefl Sets are to be chofen, eight or ten Inches long, having each three or four Joints. Thefe to be fet in Holes, made for the Purpofe, one at each Corner of a Hole, and a Fifth in the Middle, raifing the Earth two or three Inches about.

For the dreffmg of Hops. — If the Hop-Ground be old, and wore out of Hearr, they find it convenient to dig about them, toward the Beginning of each Winter, and take away a Quantity of the old Earth 5 its Place to be fupply'd with what is fatter and frefher. — If the Hops be in good Heart, Manuring and Pruning is moft advilable. In order to this, they pull down the Hills, and undermine all about, till they come near the principal Roors. This done, taking off the Earth from the Roots, they find by the Colour, &c. which are new Shoots, and which old ones ; and cut off all the new ones. — When the Roots are thus drefs'd, the new Mould or Manure to be apply'd.

For the < Poling. — The Time is when the Hops begin to appear above Ground ; The Number and Dimenfions of the Poles to be adjutted to the Diflance of the Hills, the Na- ture of the Soil, and Strength of the Hop. — To prevent Ho'ifiwg, the Poles are to be made to lean outwards ; and particularly toward the South, to receive more of the Suns Beams ; it being Matter of Obfervation, that a leaning Pole bears more Hops than an upright one.

As to tying. —When the Heps are got two or three Foot above Ground, the next Bufinefs is to conduct and tye them to fuch Poles as are empty, and at a proper Diflance for them. --They are to be ty'd with wither'd Rufhes, or Woollen Yarn ; but not fo clofe as to hinder their climbing up the Poles: Two or three Strings may fuffice for a Pole. This Operation to be attended to in April and May.

About Midfummer, when they ceafe to run in Length, and begin to branch, fuch of them as are not yet got up to the Tops of the Poles, fhould have their Heads nipp'd off, or elfe be diverted from the Pole, that they may branch the better ; which is more for the Increafe of the Hop, than its extending in Length.

Sometimes in May, after Rain, the Hills are to be made up with a Hoe, or Spade, or by ploughing; which will be a Means to deflroy the Weeds : And 'tis neceffary, if the Spring or Summer prove dry, to water them twice or thrice in a Seafon.

Hops blow toward the latter End of July ; and the for- ward ones are ripe by the Clofe of Aitgvft, — Their Ripe- nefs is difcover'd by their fragrant Scent, their changing of Colour, being eafily pull'd, and by the brownifii Colour of the Seed.
