Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/149

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Writs to fuch as take the Duties of Toll, S&. Sec Ser


No Lands are to be aceomptcd ancient Demefne, but fuch as are held in Soccagc. See Monstraveuunt.

ANTIHECTICKS, Antihectica, Remedies againft Hefiical Diforders. Sec Hectic;

Antiiiecticum Poterii, in Pharmacy, a celebrated Chymical Preparation, made of equal quantities or Tin, and chalybeated Reguius ot Antimony, by melting 'em in a large Crucible, and putting to them, by little and little, three times the quantity ot Nitre : the Detonation being o- vcr, the whole is wafh'd with warm Water till no faltiieft remains.

It is a very penetrating Medicine, making way into the rninuteft Paffages, and fearching even the nervous Cells; whence its ufe in Hct~iic Diforders, from which it derives the Name. See Hectic

It is applied to good purpofe in Heavineffes of the Head, Giddinefs, and Dimneis of Sight, whence proceed Apo- plexies and EpilepfieSi And in all Affections and Foul- neffes of the vifcera of the lower Belly is reckoned inferior to nothing. Thus it obtains in the Jaundice, Diopiies, and all kind ot Cachexies. Dr. £>uinty adds, that there is fcarce a Preparation in the Chymical Pharmacy of greater efficacy inmoft oblfinate chronick Diftempers.

ANTILOGAR1THM, is the Complement of the Loga- rithm of a Sine, Tangent or Secant ; or the Difference of that Logarithm, from the Logarithm of ninety Degrees. See Logarithm and Complement.

ANTILOGY, Antilocia, a Contradiction between two Expreffions or Paflages in an Author. See Contra-


"Tirimis has published a large Index of the feeming An- tilogies, in the Bible ; i. e. of Texts which apparently con- tradict each other, but which are explained and reconciled

by him, in his Comments on the Bible A Matteje of

the Oratory in Italy, has attempted the like ; but has done little more than rchearie what occurs of that kind in the principal Commentators.

The Word is Greek, «tm«>w, q. d. Contrary Saying. ANTIMENSIA, a kind of Confccratcd Table-Cloth.oc- cafionall.y ufed in the Greek Church, in lieu of a proper Al- tar. See Altar.

F. Gear obferves, that in regard the Greeks have but few confccratcd Churches ; and that confecrated Altars are not things eafy to be removed : That Church has for many Ages made ufe of certain confccratcd Stuffs, or Linnens call'd Antimenfia, to fcrve the purpofes thereof.

ANTIMONARCHIl-AL, fomcthing that oprofes or {lands againft Monarchy, or Kingly Government. See Mo- narchy.

ylntimcnarchical is frequently ufed in the Scnfc of Re- publican. See Republic.

ANTIMOMALS, in Medicine, Preparations of Anti- mony ; or Remedies whereof Antimony is the Bails, or principal Ingredient. See Antimony.

Antimonials arc chiefly of an emetic tendency ; tho' they may be fo qualified as to become either Cathartic, or Diaphoretic, or even only Alterative. See Emetic, Ca- thartic, &c.

Dr. £uincy affures, that there are no Medicines in Phar- macy to^be compared wiah thefe in Maniacal A fleet ions : for that there are noEmetics or Cathartics ot anyothcrTribe that arc flrong enough for fuch Patients, unlefs in an Over- dofe, which might be dangerous. See Mania.

An Antimonial Cup t made either of Glafs of Antimony ', or of Antimony prepared with Salt-petre, tho' a Subftance indiffoluble by the Stomach, will give a flrong Cathartic, or Emetic Quality to any Liquor poured jiito it; without any diminution of its own weight.

ANTIMONY, Antimokium, in Natural Hiftory, a Mineral Subftance, of a Metalline Nature ; having all the feeming Characters of a real Metal, excepting Malleability. See Mineral and Metal.

Antimony is what we properly call a Semi- Metal ; be- ing a Foffil Glebe, com poled offome undetermined Metal, combined with a i'ulphurous and ftony Subftance. See Se- mi-Metal.

It is found in Mines of all Metals; but chiefly thofe of Silver and Lead : That in Gold Mines is ufually held

the beft It has alfo his own Mines ; particularly in

Hungary, I'ranfylvania^ and Germany, and fevcral Pro- vinces of France.

Antimony is found in Clods or Stones of feveral fizes, bearing a near refemblance to black Lead; only that it is lighter and harder : whence alfo it is called Marca'te of Lead 1 and its metalline part fuppofed to be of that Spe- cies. See Lead.

Its Texture is fomewhat particular, being full of little fhi-

ning Veins or Threads, like Needles ; brittle as Glafs

fometimes there are Veins of a red or golden Colour inter-

mixed, which is called Male Antimony ; that without 'em,

being denominated I-'emak It fufes in the Ffre tho'

with fome difficulty ; and diflbhes more eafily in Water.

When dugout of the Earth, it is put into large Cruc-bles fufed by a violent Fire, and then poured into Cones, or An- timonial Horns ; which makes the common or crude Anti- r/wny of the Shops, the Apex whereof is always the beft and pureft part, as the Bafis or broadeft part is the fouteft.

Antimony is fuppofed by many oftbeChymifts to contain the fcminal Principles of all kind of Bodies; and accordingly the Character whereby it is denoted in their Writings, is the fame with the ( haracterof the Earth ; to denote that An- timony is a kind ot Microcofm. See Character and Earth.

The Ufes of Antimony are very Numerous, 'and Impor- tant' It is a common Ingredient in Specula, or burning

( oncaves, ferving to give them a finer Poiifli It makes a

Part in Bell-Metal; and renders the Sound more clear ■

It is mingled with Tin to make it more hard, white, and founding; and with Lead, in the calling of Printer's Let- ters, to render them more fmooth and firm. It is a


Help in the melting of Metals, and efpeciaily in calling of Cannon Balls. See Specui um, Fountjery, &c. Antimony is the Stibium of the Antients ; by the Greeks

called <;'iuy.. The reafon of its modern Denomination is

ufually referr'd to Safil Valentine, a German Monk, who ha- ving thrown fonve of it to the Hcgs, obferv'd, that after purging them violently, they immediately grew fat upon it. This made him think that by giving his Fellow-Monks a like Dofe, they would be the better for it. The Expe- riment however fuccecded fo ill, that they all died ot it ; and the Medicine thenceforward was called Antir/.ony y q. d. Anti-Monk.

Its Angular Properties and EfFecls have occafion'd it va- rious other Denominations ; zsProteus, by reafon ot its va- rious forms and appearances, Lupus, Zlevorator, Saturn of ibePbilofophsrs, Balneum Solts, Lavacnmi Leprorum, ckc. all chiefly refpecting its Faculty of deftroying, and diffipating whatever Metals are fufed along with it, all except Gold; whenceits great Ufe in refining and purify- ing. See Refinino,Purii-yino, Gold, &c.

Antimony , is particularly ufed in Pharmacy, under va- rious Forms, and with various Intentions Its medicinal

Virtue is fuppofed to arife from the fulphurous part in its Compofiticn, which being diffolved by any proper Men- ftruum, fets at liberty an active volatile Salt, or other un- known Principle, to which the Operation is chiefly owing. See Antimonials. See alfo Sulphur..

Before the XlVth Century, /.ntimony had no place in Medicine; otherwife than as an Ingredient in fome Cofme- ticks: but about that time, Safil Valentine having found a method ofpreparing, and correcting the dangerous Quali- ties of its Sulphur, published a Book, entitled Ctirrus Trium- fhalis Anti??2onii, wherein he maintained it a fure Remedy

fcr all Difeafes But, in fpight ot all he could fay in its

behalf, tho' confirmed by Experience, Antimony remained in a general Neglect, upwards of ico Years; till about the beginning of the XVlth Century, when it was brought

into Vogue by Paracelfus The Parliament of Paris,.

immediately upon this Reftoration, condemn^-d the uf; of it in form ; and a Phyfician named Sefuier, having b^en found delinquent herein, . was excluded the Faculty. It feem.% a deal of Mifchief had been done by it, for want of knowing the proper ways of Application ; 10 that the Ar- ret of Parliament rcptefents it as a mere Poifon

Several learned Men complained of fo fevere and unjuft a Prohibition ; and by a Courfe of happy Experiments brought it into Eflecm again : whence in fpight of all the Invectives made againft ylntimony, by clivers Authors, it was at length replaced, in the Year \6\"\, by Public Authority, among the Number of Purgative Drugs ; and was inferred accordingly in the Pharmacorccia, publilhed by the Faculty the fame Y"ear.

Patin did all he could to decry Antimony : in his Let- ters we find an unufual Vehemence exprefs'd againft it — • Ke had even compiled a large Rcgiflcr of Perfons whom thePhyiicianshadkill'd by it; which he called the Marty- rokgy of /rntimony.

Crude"' Antimony, or Antimony in Subftance, is the Native Mineral Antimony, melted down and caft in Cones,

as abovementioned It is much ufed in Diet-drinks and

Decoftions of the Woods, and Compofitions againft the Scur- vy, as a Diaphoretic, and Deobftrucnt. See Diaphore- tic

Prepared Antimony is that which has undergone fome Chymical Procefs, whereby its Nature and Powers are al- tered or abated; and this differently, according to the Cir- curhftances of the Preparation. See Antimonials.

Antimow, fays Mr. 'Boyle, alone, or aflociated with one

or two other Ingredients, by a variety of Operations and

Compofitions, might be brought to furnifh a whole Apo-

F f thecary**