Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/18

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The P £ £ F A C R

fles, antecedent to fitch Intervention of ours" 5 and even purfuc it up to its Caufe, and fhew how it' eftfts there, before it be Knowledge : And to trace the Progrefs of the Mind thro' the Whole, and the Order of the Modifications induced by it. This is a Dcfideratum, hitherto fcarce attempted ; but which we could nor, here decline entering upon, on account of its immediate Relation to the prefent Defign. 'Tis the Bafis of all Learning in general ; the great, but obfeure Hinge, on which the whole Encyclopedia turns.


16 ARCHITECTURE, including die Conftruftion of B u i l d- INGS ; as Houfe, Temple, Church, Hall, Palace, Theatre, Sec. Ship, Galley, Galleon, Ark, Buccentaur, Boas, Sec. Pyramid, Alan/oleum, Pantheon, Sec. Capitol, Seraglio, Efcurial, Sec. Arch, Vault, Bridge, Monument, Tomb, Sec. Forms thereof. Rotondo. Platform, Pinnacle, gcc. Plans, Defign, Ichnography, Profile, Sic. Parts, as Foundation,

lis Zones, Climates, SfCi Its Places ; their Longitude, Latitude, bif tanci, Elevation, Sec. Inhabitants, Antipodes, Aborigines, Trmhditest Afcii, Perifcii, Sec. lnftruments relating thereto, Globe, Map, Sec.

jS NAVIGATION, or the Confideration of Sailing ; iri Ship, Frigate, Bdrk, Sec. Parts thereof, Mafi, Anchor, Sails, Yards,

Wall, Roof, Sec. Door, Window, Stairs, Chimney, Sec. Orders, as Cordage, Capjian, Rudder, Deck, Sec. Their Coitrfe, Rhumb, Sec. fhewri

Tufcan, Doric, Corinthian, Sec. Caryatides, Rufiic, Gothic, Sec. Co- by Cempafs, Needle, Variation, Sec. Dire&ed by Steerage, Current,

tunin, Pilafier, Attic, Sec, Parts thereof, Entablature, Capital, Pe- Sec, Didance or Reckoning, by Log, Obfervation, Longitude, Lat'i-

defial, Sec. Cornice, Frieze, Bafe, Sec. Volute, Pediment, Modillion, tude, Sec. Taken by Fore-Jlaf. Back-fiaf, Ajlrolabe, Nocturnal. S't-

Confole, Sec. Mouldings, Ogee, Tore, Afiragal, Scotia. Abacus, nical Quadrant, Sec. Wrought by Gunter, Chart, Mercator, Tra-

Gvolo, Sec. Materials, as Brick, Stone, Tyle, Slate, Shingle, Sec. verfc, Sec. The Operations of Sounding, Weighing, Careening. Sig-

Timber, Wainfcot, Glafs, Lead, Plafier, Sec. Beam, Rafter, Mortar, rials, Buoy, Sec.

Nail, Hinge, Key, Lock, Sec. Quarry, Mafonry, Sic.

  • 7 SCULPTURE, or the framing of Statue, Figure, Orna-

ment, Sec. in Relievo, Creux, Sec. as Carving, Pottery, Porcelain, Sec. Engraving, Seal, Dye, Sec. Etching, Cutting. Mezzo Unto, &c. Foundery, of Bell, Letter, Ordnance, Sec. Coining, Money, Medal, Medallion, Sec. Pile, Legend, Sec. Lapidary, Turnery, Inlaying, Vaneerlng, Damafqueening, Enchajing, Sec,

1 TRADES and MANUFACTURES; as Printing, Paper-

37 COMMERCE, or the Affairs of Merchandize, in- cluding, Money, Coin, Species Sec. as Pound, Cro-ivn, Shilling, Penny, Sterling. Ducat, Dollar, Piece of Eight, lalent, Seflcrce, Shekel, and the* like. Weights, Libra, Ounce, Sec. Meafures, Foot, Yard, Standard, Sec. Given in Exchange, Truck, Permutation, Commutation, Sec, foe Manufatiurc, Spice, Drug, Woollen, slave. Negro, Sec. hnperted, Expor- ted, Tranfponed, Convoy , Flota,Sec. Conditions thereof, Tarijf Contra- band, Charter-party, Freight, Average, Sec, Cufioms, Duty, Tunnage, Poundage, Sec. Bottcmry, Ajfiirance, Pike, Sec. Tranfactcd by Corn- making, Book-binding, Sec. Gilding, Japanning, Glafs-making Grind- pany ; as Hans, Steel-yard, Eafi India, Tiirky, Hamburg, M'ififippt,

tng. Sec. Plumbery, Glaziery, Forging, Hammering, Sec. Weaving, Bleaching, Whitening, Sec. Fulling, Dying, Prejfing, Sheering. Calen- dring, Taby'mg, Freezing, Sec. Woollen, Silk, Linum Incombufiibile, Sec. Cloth, Serge, Tajfety, Stocking, Sec. Velvet, Tapifiry, Hat, Sec. Tan- ning, Currying, Taking, Sec. Chamoifing, Chagreen, Marroquin, Sec. Making Parchment, Glue, Gun-ponder, Smalt, Soap, Starch, Sec. Candle, Taper, Torch, Sec. Steel, Button, Pin, Needle, Pipe, Fan, Pe- ruke, Sec.

  • 9 PYROTECHNY, or Artificial Fir E-fcfW; ; including the

Confideration and Ufe of Gun-pouder, Match, Fttfee, Sec. Of Ord- nance, Cannon, Gun, Mortar, Sec. Carriage, Charge, ProjecTwn, Range, Point-blank, Recoil, Sec. Petard, Carcafs, Shot, Bomb, Granado, Sec. Rocket, Star, Sec.

3° MILITARY Art, including the Confideration of Ar- mies, Fleets, Cavalry, Infantry, Sec. Confiding of Regiments, Troops, Companies, Phalanx, Legion, Sec. Soldiers, Dragoon, Grena- dier, Fufileer, Cuiraffier, Archer, Janifary, Spahi, Velites, Argyrafpi- des, Gend'armery, Sec. Divided into Squadron, Battalion, Brigade, Sec. Commanded by General, Marflml, Bafiiaw, Admiral, Sec,

South Sea, Ajfiento, Reg'ifier. Colony, Fifiiery, Faihry, Sec. At Sta- ple, Fair, Market, Bank, Burfe, Sec. By Ccmmitfion, Paclor, Broker, Sec. Weighing, paying by bill ; at Ufance, Acceptance, Par. Pro- tefi, Difcount, Rechange, Sec. Aclion, Subfcription. Bookkeeping, Sec.

38 ANATOMY, or the Analyfis of Animal Bodies, and their Parts, viz. Bones, as Cranium. Rib, Vertebra, Radius, Fe- mur, Tibia. Sacrum, Pubis, Patella, Sec. Their Articulation, Apophyfes, Sec. Mufcles, Abdnihr, Adductor, Ereclor, Deprepr, Deltoules, Sar- torius, Cucullaris, Orbicularis, Sphinc'ter, Sec. Their 'tendons, Fibres, Sec. Veilels, as Artery, Aorta, Afpera, Trachea, Pulmonary, Sec. Veins, as Cava, Porta, Jugular, Carotid, Sec. Gla?lds, as Pancreas, Parotides, Profiates, Sec. Nerves; Optic, Olfaiiory, Auditory, Sec. Lymphatic, Lac'leal, Mefaraic, Mucilaginous, Sic. Their Valves, Tu- nics, Anaflomafes, Sec. Their Humours, as Chyle, Blood, Spirit, Seed, Gall t Urine, Milk, Sweat, Marrow, Sec. Membranes ; Pannicle, Cu- tis, Cuticula, Papilla, Sec. Venters, Head, Meninges, Brain, Sec. Eye, Far, Pupil, Tympanum. Tongue, Teeth, Palate, Larynx, Glot- tis, Oefophagus, Sec. Vifcera, Stomach, Lungs, Heart, Sec. Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Intefiines, Bladder, Sec. Functions or Operations

Lieutenant, Brigadier, Colonel, Captain, Serjeant, Major, Adjutant, hereof, Refpiration, Deglutition, Digeftion, Chylification, Sanguification,

Enfign, ^uarier-Mafier. Tribune, Centurion, Primipilus, Sec. In Battle, Siege, March, Camp, Sec. Ranged in Line, Column, Sec. Mo- tions, Attack, Retreat, Halt, Sec. Evolutions, Wheeling, Counter- wheeling, Sec. Signals, Word, Drum, Chamade, Sec. Guards, Gari~ fan, Piquet, Patroll, Round, garter, Place of Arms, Sec. Standard, Banner, Eagle, Labarum, Sec. Their Arms, Artillery, Carabine, Mufi quel, Sec. Helmet, Buckler, Pelt a, Cuirafs, Sec. Aries, Balifia, Cata- puita, Fundus, Sec.

3 1 FORTIFICATION, or the Conftruaion of For- tresses; as Citadel, Cafile, Tower, Sec. Fort, Star, Redoubt, Sec. Works, or Parts thereof, Rampart, Bafiion, Ditch, Crunier- fcarp, Curtain, Sec. Ravelin, Horn-work, Crown-work, Sec. Ap- proaches, Trench, Sap, Mine, Sec. Line, Parallel, Circumvallation, Sec. Battery, Attack, Sec.

ASTRONOMY, or the Doftrme of the He A

Circulation, Syftole, Nutrition. Secretion, Excretion, Perforation, Vo- miting, Sec. Genitals, Penis, Tefticle, Clitoris, Matrix, Nympha, Hy- men. Embryo, Zoophyte, Mole, Sec. Erection, Generation, Conception, Geflation. Delivery, Lochia, Menfes, Sec.

J9 MEDICINE, including the Confideration of Life and Health; Conditions thereof, Longevity, Strength, Temperament, Sec. Means, as Food, Drink, Exercife, Sec. Oppofites, as Death, Difeafe, Sec. Kinds hereof, Chronic, Epidemic, Contagious, Sec, as Plague, Fever, Gout, Apoplexy, EpiUpfy, Palfy. Pox, Polypus, Palpi- tation. Madnefs, Hydrophobia, S?afm, Hypochondriac- Phthifis, Scor- butus, Dropfy, Tympanites. Lepra, Itch, Plica, Ophthalmia, Gutta t Cataract, and the like. Wound, Vlcer, Cancer. Erasure, Fifjure, Caries, and the like. Symptoms, Sign, Diagnojlk, Pulfe, Urine, Sec. Prefcription, Crifis, Cure, Sec. Regimen, Diet, Medicine, Sec. Kinds hereof, Specific, Purgative, Emetic, Diaphoretic, Diuretic, Alterative, Styp- tic, Afiringent, Emollient, Opiate. Abforbent, Caitfiic, Anodyne, Sympathe-

Their Circles, Ecliptic, Zodiack, Meridian, Equator, Vertical, Azi- tic. Cardiac, Cephalic, Febrifuge. Antimonial, Chalybeat, Mercurial,

muth. Galaxy, Sec. Points, as Pole, Zenith, Nadir, Sec. Celeftial Bodies, viz. Stars, Sun,Sec. A flcmblage thereof, into Sign, Confiella- tion, Sec. Their Precelfion, Culmination, Refratlion. Declination, Afcenfton, Longitude, Latitude, Altitude, Amplitude, Azimuth. Pla- nets, as Saturn, Venus, Earth. Moon, Satellite, Comet, Sec. Their Places, AfpeSis, Syzygy, Conjunction, Quadrature. Diameter, D'tftance, Period, Revolution, Orbit, Node, Sec. Their Station, Retrogradation, Equation, Sec. Their Phafes, Eclipfe, Penumbra., Occupation, Paral-

and the like. Operations, as Evacuation, Phlebotomy, S'tture, Litho- tomy, Amputation, Inoculation. Salivation, Couching, Cupping, Tre- panning. Touching, Tapping, Stroking, Transfufion, Cafiration, Circum- cifion, and the like.

40 PHARMACY, or the Preparation and Compofithn of Re-, M E d 1 e s ; as Muhridate, Treacle, Hiera Picra, Laudanum, Diafenna, Turbith, Calomel, Sec. in the Form of Electuary, Confeblion, Extras!,

lax, Crepufadum, MacuU, Sec. Obfervations thereof, taken with the TinHure, Syrup. Troche, Pill, Pouder, Lohoc, Potion, Apazem,

Quadrant, Gnomon, Micrometer, Reticula, Sec. Collected in Cata- logue, Tables, Sec. Hyporhcfes, or Syftems thereof, Copern'ican, Ty- chonic, Ptolemaic, Sec, Exhibited in Sphere, Globe, Sec.

33 C H R O N O L O G Y, or the Doftrine of T i M e ; meafur'd by Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour. Age, Period, Cycle, Sec. Com- mencing from Epocha, Creation, Hegira, Sec. Laid down in Fdfti, Almanack, Calendar, Julian, Gregorian, Sec. Accommodated to Feafis, Peru, Eafier, Sec. by means of Epail, Golden Number, Do- minical, Sec.

medicated Ales, Wines, Waters. Unguent, Emplafier, Purge, Clyfler, S-ippofitory, Peffary, Collyrium, Sec. From Drugs, or Simples ; as, Guaiacum, Sajfafras, Colocynthis, Crocus, Rhubarb, Cajp.a, Senna, Cor- tex, Styrax, Jalap, Scammony, Opium, Sec. Fats, Claws, Horns,Scc. of Viper, Crab, Elk, Sec. Cantharides, Millepedes, Mummy, Ufnea, Ichthyocolla, Sec. Antimony, Orpiment, Afphaltus i Bifmuth, Marca- fite, Bole, Cinnabar, Mars, Venus, Sec.

41 AGRICULTURE, or the Tillage and Improvement of

Soils, Clay, Sand, Earth, Sec. By the Operations of Ploughing,

Fallowing, burning, Sembradore, Sowing, Manuring, Sec. To pro-.

34 DIALLING, including the Furniture and Projection of Di- duce, Com, Hemp, Flax, Liquorice, Safron, Sec. For Malt, Bread,

als, Horizontal, Declining, Reclining, Deinclining, Sec. Moon-Dial, Sec. Granary, Threfhing, Sec. The Culture of Trees, Timber, Sec.

King-Dial, HsrodicTtcal, Sec. lnftruments, as Declinator, Analemma, by Planting, Lopping, Barking, Sec. For Ccpphe, Park, Paddock,

Scales, Sec. Hedge, Pafiure, Sec.

Js GEOGRAPHY, including the Doftrine of the Earth, or 4a GARDENING, including the Culture of H E r b s, Flow-

GtOEE: ir s circles; Parallel, Tropic, Horizon^ Axis t Poles, Sec. ers, Fruits, Sec* as Dwarf, Standard, Stone, Wall, Efpalier, Salted, Sec.

b Th*