Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/269

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Names and Situation of

the Stars.

North in the hind Leg Agft.pofterioi- Thigh, under thcGird. In the hind Leg Firft of 3 ovei- the Head

In the pofterior Hand

In the Head

In the Writ! of the porter. Hand

In the Ext rem. of the Staff's Handle

Middle over the Head

In the Staff, near the Hand Pofterior over the Head South of the middle ones in the Staff In the hind Shoulder


That follow the Stafftow^thcCrown North of the middle ones in the Staff South in the Extrem. of the Staff

More North Another following this 55

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BORAX, a Mineral Salt, ufed in foldering, brazing, and calling Gold and other Metals ; known to die Antients under the Name of Chryfocolla. 'Pliny divides Borax in- to Natural and Arti€cial : The Natural, according to "him, is only a ilimy Humor running in Mines of Gold, Silver, Copper, and even Lead ; which being congeal'd and har- den'd by the Winter's Cold, becomes of the Confluence of Pumice-Stone. For Artificial Borax, he fays, 'tis made by letting Water run in the Veins of the Mine, all the Winter long, till June 5 and letting the Mine dry, the reft of the Tear. So that Artificial Borax, according to him," is no more than the Mineral putrify'd and corrupted. The fame Author diftinguifhes Borax into Black, Green, Yellow and White ; affuming their feveral Colours, as' well as Values, from the feveral Mines whereof they are forni'd. The Natural, according to him, is heavier than the Factitious.

The Moderns, in like manner, diitinguifli two Kinds of Borax ; Natural, call'd Crude 3 and Artificial, which is purify 'd and rcfin'd. The Natural is a Mineral Salt, of the common Form, dug out of the Earth in feveral Parts of 'Per/ia ; and found alfo at the Bottom of a Torrent, running in the Mountains of Purbcth, near the Frontiers of White Tartary : When taken up, 'tis expos'd to the Air; where it acquires a kind ofreddifh Fat, which ferves to feed it, and prevent its calcining. When in its Perfec- tion, 'tis fent to Amadabat, in the Territories of the Great Mogol, where the European Merchants buy it. There is another kind of Artificial Borax 5 drier, and of a greyifh Colour, like Englijh Copperas ; only differing from the former, by its being longer expos'd to the Air.

For Artificial Borax, it was the Venetians who firft found out the Art of preparing it 3 or, rather, of purify- ing the Natural : 'Tis done by diffolving it in Water ; then filtrating and cryftallizing it : ufing, for that purpofe, Cotton Matches 3 about which the Borax cryilallizes, like Sugar candy and Verdigreafe on Wood. The Dutch, after refining it, reduce it into little Pieces, like tagged Points ; and 'tis thus commonly us'd.

Borax, refin'd, either in the jDntch or Venetian manner, fhould be clear and tranfparent, alrnoft infipid to the Tafte 3 and above all, Care muft be taken it have no Mixture of " "nglijb Allom. Borax is of fome ufe in Medicine, as it enters the Compofition of the Unguent Citrin. 'Tis alfo ufed in the Preparation of a Funis for the Ladies.

Agricola lays, there is a foffile Nitre, as hard as that whereof the Venetians make Borax : In which he has Rea- fon ; this Nitre being nothing but the 'Perfian Borax a- bovemention'd. What he adds, that the Venetian Borax is made of the Urine of young People who drink Wine, beat in a Mortar to the Confidence of an Unguent 5 then mix'd with Iron Ruft and Nitre : is not only falfe, but is a Mifreprefentationofa Paffage inPliuy, Hift. Nat. L.33. c.5.

BORDERS, among Florifts, . are fuch Leaves as ftand about the middle Thrum of a Flower. See Flower.

BORD-HALFPENNY, or Brod-halfpcnuy. Money paid in Markets, and Fairs, for letting up Boards, Tables, and Stalls, for the Sale of Wares.

BoRo-LANrs, Lands antiently kept by the Lords in J«eir Hands, for the Maintenance of their Board or Fami- ly- This was alfo antiently call'd Bordage.

BoKv-Service. A Tenure of Bord-Lands ; where the 1 cnants are to pay fo much ter Acre, in lieu of finding 1 rovifion for their Lord's Board, or Table.

BORDURE, in Heraldry, a kind of Ad- dition on the Limb of a Shield, in Form of a Hem, or Girdle, encompaffing it all round, and ferving as a Difference ; fee Diffe- ' ' ' 1 1 ' 1 ,

VX^*'^y fixm Part ot the Breadth of the Shield, «sjp a fimple Bordure, is that which is of the

fame Colour or Metal throughout 3 and is the firft Ad- dition of younger Brothers : There are others, Coupo- ned, Counter' d, Ingrail'd, Indented, and Cbarg'd with other Pieces ; which make different Additions for younoer Brothers, in (everal Degrees. If the Line which con'iti- tutcs the Bordure be ilreight, and the Bordure Plain a ■ they call it in Blazoning, the Colour of the Bsrdur alone is named 5 He bcarcth Gules, a Bordure Or If * Bordure be charg'd with any Parts of Plants or Flowers * they fay, Verdoy of Trefoils. If it confift of Ermins, VaiJ ry, or any of the Furs, the Term is, •Purfiew of Ermins - It the Bordure be charg'd with Martlets, the Word is: Charg'd with an Enaluron of Martlets, He.

BOREAS, a Greek Name, now in popular ufe, for the' North Wind 5 tho Pearon obferves, antiently, and with much greater Propriety, it fignify'd the North-Ealt Wind, at the Time of the Summer Soliiice : He adds, that the Word comes from the Celtic Word Bore Mornin" ■ in re- gard their principal Light, in that Seafon, came from that Quarter, whenci common Etymok

ence alfo thofe Winds ufually ble . nologics fetch it either from the C, -. Clamour or Noife ; or Bog,, Efca, Food ; becaufe it oc fions an Appetite, or becaufe it is good for the Fruits of

u „.. w U » r uia lt 3 or a corporation which is not a ee City. In which Senfc, a Borough and Corpo- re the fame thing; fee Corporation, tSc

lew. The Greek Bc», occa- - good for the Fruits of the Earth, which yeild us Food : Others from the Hebrew, Birjah, Food 5 or Bert, Calmnefs ; bor, Purity ; or bar. Corn. The Antients fuppos'd Boreas only blew out of Thrace.

BOREE, or BOUREE, a kind of Dance, compos'd of three Steps join'd together with two Motions ; and be- gun with a Crotchet, rifing. The firft Couplet contains twice four Meaiures, and the fecond twice eight. It con- fifts of a balance Step and a Coupee : 'Tis fuppos'd to come from Auveigne.

BOROUGFI, or Bcrow, or Burgh, is freoucntly us'd for a Town Corporate ; or a Corporation which is not a City. Se ' ration arc

Borough, in its Original' Saxon Borhoc, was "primarily meant ot a Company confining often Families, who were bound and combin'd together as each other's Pledge. Brae- ton, L. 3. Tr. 2. c. 10. Afterwards, as Verftegau has it, Burg, and Burgh, came to fignify a Town that had some- thing ot a Wall or Inclofure about it : But, in later Times, the^fame Appellation was beftow'd on feveral of the Villte Infigniorcs, or Country Towns of more than ordinary Note not wall'd. See Town, Village, ($c. '

Borough, or Burgh, is now particularly appropriated to luch Towns, and Villages as lend Surgejfis, or Rcpreienta- tives to Parliament : See Burgess.

Boroughs are equally fuch, whether they be incorporated or not ; there being great Numbers of our Emfijb Bo- roughs not incorporated : And, on the contrary, feveral Corporations that are not Boroughs 5 ex. or. Kim lion. Deal, Kendal, &c. * SJ '

Boroughs, are diftinguim'd into thofe by Charter or Statute 5 or by Prefcriptwu, or Cufiom. See Prescrip- tion, i£c.

The Number of Boroughs in England, is 140 3 fome whereof fend one, iome two Reprefcntatives. See Par- liament.

Borough-English, in Law, a Cuftomary Dcfcent of Lands or Tenements in fome Places, whereby they come to the Yottngeft, infteadofthe Elded Son ; or, if the Owner have no Iflue, to the Youngeft, inilead of the Eldeft Bro- ther : for that the Youngeft is iuppofed, in Law, the lcaft able to iliift for himfelf.

Borooch-Head, or Headberough, is the Chief Man of the Dccury, or Hundred ; chofe by the reft to (peak and aft in their behalf. In many Parifhes it iignifies alfo a kind of Conftable ; where many of them are c'hofen as his Afliftants, to ferve Warrants, i$c.

Royal Boroughs, in Scotland, are Corporations made for the Advantage of Trade, by Charters, granted by fe- veral of their Kings s having the Privilege of fending Com- miflioners to rcprefent 'em in Parliament, befides other peculiar Privileges. Thefe form a Body of themfelves, and fend Commiftioncrs, each, to an annual Convention at lunerskeithing ; to confult the Benefit of Trade, and the general Iutereft of the Boroughs.

BOSCAGE, a Place fet with Trees, a Grove or Thic- ket. In a Law Sence it fignifies Mali, or fuch Sultenanca as Woods and Trees yeild to Cattel: And, among Painters, a Picture reprelenting much Wood and Trees.