Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/314

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Tis occafion'd by Iharp Humours, which prick and vel- the Term Cardinal was given not only to Priefts but alio hcate that Orifice, and the adjoining Parts. The Word to Bifhops and Deacons, who were attach'd to

comes from the Greek Mf>JV«, Heart, and **-y, Vain,

SUtncbard makes the Difeafe confift in a Gnawing, and Contraftion of the 'Par vagum, and the intercoftal Nerves implanted in the Stomach ; proceeding from a pungent vel- licating Matter in the Stomach it fclf : which, Tjy reafon of the Confent of Parts, affefls the Heart ; ftraitning and contracting it

Churches ; to diftinguiih 'em from thofe who only i'crv'd 'em en pajfant, and by Commiffion. Titulary Churches, or Benefices, were a kind of Parilhes, i. e. of Churches al- fign'd each to a Cardinal Prieft ; with fome Hated Dillrift depending on it, and a Font for adminiftring of Baptifm, in Cafes where the Bidiop himfelf could not adminilter it as iomctimes to occafion fwoomng. Sec Thefe Cardinals were fubordinate to the Bilhops ; and:

^"nllf "' T r • r i. r> , ■ cordinely in Councils, particularly that held a - t Rome in

CARDINAL, a Term ferving to exprefs the Relation, 868, fubferib'd after them. It was not, however, only at

or Quality of Prime Principal, moll Confiderable ; or, the Rome, that Priefls bore this Name ; for we find there were

Foundation of any thing. Thus, we fay, the four Cardinal Cardinal Priefls in France : Thus, the Curate of th» Pa-

Virtues, was. Prudence, Juflice, Fortitude, and Tempe- rim of St. John de Vignes, is call'd in old Charters the

ranee ; which arc the Bafis of all others. So, the Cardinal Cardinal Prieft of that~Parifh. The Title of Cardinal is

Points, Cardinal Wmds, tfc. alfo given to fome Bifhops, qmtmus Bilhops ; e. S r. to

.:.... tr! S r™ . ,£ m , Car/ !f',^ H i, n S« ».« thofe of Mentz and Milan -. The Archbifhop of Sourges

alfo, in antient Writings, call'd Cardinal ; and the

being en thefe Fundamental Points, that all the reft of the fame kind feem to turn.

The Abbot of

Church of Sourges a Cardinal Church. Vendome calls himfelf Cardinalis Nasus.

The Cardinals are divided into three Gaffes, or Orders 5

containing 6 Bi/hops, 50 Priefts, and 14 Deacons ; making,

- in all, 70 : which conflitute what they call the Sacred

Meridian, arc called North and South, regard to the College. Sec College. The Cardinal Si/hots, who are,

Poles they are direfled to. See North, and Sooth, as it were, the Pope's Vicars, bear tie Tides of the

7-, „ Th^K ° h 'M 6 Po 'r n S' fee Mymum Bifhopricks affected to 'em ; the refl take fitch Titles as

„ ;„A^V ■ T' V ' Z -n$ e J n ?' k ?'°? of the Hori - arc afftgn'd 'cm : The Number of Cardinal B./hops has

and West ' "" ' 4 E " ft ^ *& SeB EAST ' been fix ' d ' but that of Car4 "' al Priefc and Dcarons ' ani

Tl»c.l;;..itii ■ 1 r . confequently the Sacred College irfelf is aiways flufluating.

rldLfitf T\' ,h Lr ref0re ' C ° inC , ide Wi,h thef0Ut TiU * e Yeat '»J, the College only confined of 5 = , or fileal^T^ ^r 5 ^ are 9 ° <iiihm " : The Council of C«,yfc„« reduced them ,0 ,4 , but InZ^l In V r" ln,erme<llat = Iolnts «» "" d &'- -S&WW IV. without any regard ,0 that Reftrict.on, rais'd lateral Points ,Jee Collateral S»«««. them again to ,3, and K 65. Thus, as the Number

new Titles rdmals were

Cardinal Taints, in Cofmography, are the four Inter- feftions of the Horizon, with the Meridian, and the prime vertical Circle. See Point.

Of thefe, two, w'as, the Interfcflion of the Horizon and

cTi™ 7rh> , °°'"*"" *«»"•, „ . . them again to 5,, and Z«s .0 65. Thus, as the

,l, f Kifi™ J9? !/ r\ ff r S ' °L r ' '/".^""^V' are of CW/»«/ Priefts was antiently fix'd .0 ,8, m

S e R ,t i g 7 thE SU " > *?&»& a " d Nadir " were to be eftablim'd, in proportion as new Card,

SL rf'"^^ S ^T°'5.i N, , TI !, an , d , N ^ R ' . „ , «-4 For,he & ,-*J ffl P ,hey,,reori

y were originally no

feven, for the 14 Quarters of Rome ; but they were afterwards increas'd to 1 .

Cardinal Winds, are thofe that blow from the Cardi- nal Points. See Wind.

Cardinal Numbers^ in Grammar, are the Numbers one, two, three, $$c, which arc indeclinable ; in oppofiti- on to the Ordinal Numbers, fecond, third, fourth, gfft See Dumber.

Cardinal, is particularly

JSS' ™£ ^i 3 * 7 ^ ^ P afl "' V Q e > ! » the ' being very great, they became the common Refuge of the un-

clTve C ° ndaVe > " the Elea ' on of a Po P e - See Con- happy Priefts of all other Churches. According to Onu-

phnus, it was Pope 'Pins IV. who firft enaaed, in 1562

Tn the Vatican i.~ „ r™ili.'" r "Fd ~""£ v ', " "'-'■"- ' that the Pope ihould be chofen only by the Senate of Car-

nulates the Ri»W »5 x" S**/? ^"'- wblch rC j *"" /i ; whereas . tiU th » Time, the Section was by all

g u ? kj : ? g \ tsand T't'« °f the Cardinals; and the Clergy of Koaw. ' which declares, that as the Pope reprefents Mofes, fo the

more than

, ..nd again diminiftl'd.

Some fay, the Cardinals were fo call'd from the Latin

Incardinatio, the Adoption any Church made of a Prieft

of a foreign Church, driven thence by Misfortune ; and

add, that the ufe of the Word commene'd at Rente and

s d for an bcclefiaftick Prince, Ravenna ; the Revenues^ the Churches of which Cities


7t~ % r I ma l S C0 ™P°!; e the Po E?: s Council, or Senate : {hat the Pope flio'uld be chofen only by the Senate Tof Car-

Some fay, the Election of the Pope relied in the Cardinals, exclufive of the Clergy, in rhe Time of Alexander III. in jitTo. Others go higher ftill, and fay, that Nicholas II. having been elected at Sienna, in 1058, by the Cardinals alone, occafion'd the Right of Elcaion to be taken from the Clergy, and People of Rome $ only leaving 'em that of confirming him by their Confent ; .!%.?!£ " hlc , 11 wa * " ' en g th ' however, taken from them. P. Pape- that it was Honorins IV. who firft in-

Cardmals isprefent the 70 Difciples, who, under rhe Pon- tifical Authority, decide private and particular Differences.

Cardinals, in their firft Inftitution, were only the prin- cipal Priefts, or Incumbents of the Parifhes of Rome. In the primitive Church, the chief Prieft of a Parifh, who immediately follow'd the Biftiop, was call'd Presbyter Cardinalis ; to dittinguim him from the other petty Priefts, brech cornea^e* who had no Church, nor Preferment : Th~ n ' 1 " -- rn

apply'd to them in the Year rjo ; others Silvefier in the Year 500. Thefe Cardinal Priefts were alone allow d to baptize, and adminifter the Eucharift. When tne Cardinal Priefts became Bifhops, their Cardi- ««toe became vacant ; they being then fuppos'd to be rais'd to a higher Dignity. Under Pope Gregory, Cardinal Priefis, and Cardinal Deacons, were only fuch Priefts or Deacons, as had a Church or Chapel under their Cure : And this was the original ufe of the Word. Leo IV. in

tlurdhU fnd'Theifchurch'e 3 ' SSP ?&V °^" S ' £* thS Plime MniferS in ' th = Court rf the

J ThTcrdlnals continS „n *•?•"" ^u"^\ Em P en,r ^edoM, are call'd Cardinal*. And Caffiodty-

cAZf: S^t^aL&^-tT'Jt-^SW^ rUS ' h Y l - Fwmul makcs mcn »on of the Cardinal

tecamJexceedinl augmented tf *S jf %,?&** TT t ^ ^P ° f Rme - A » d in the Lift of ° fficers

cil of Cardinals mafaPT £&. « would , nave , hls Conn- of the Duke of Sretagne, in 1-447, we meet with one

they ,fT r 1 " .? 6 L a ! ,tient Raml *«*■«« &r2wi< of ^itillart, Chancellor, and

■ Thing expreVdV r " d,helran " Se " ant ° f - the Vic ™ nt * M'

The 1 erm was firft trodue'd Bifhops into the Sacred College ; by admitting the m 1 fay under Pope Bifhops Suffragans of the Pope, to whom, of right, it B belong'd to name him 5 and of thefe conftituting tie firft Cms of Cardinals.

The Cardinals began to wear the red Hat at the Council of Lyons, in 124.5. The Decree of Pope Urban VII. whereby 'tis appointed that the Cardinals be addrefs'd under the Title of Eminence, is of the Year itfjo : till then they were call'd Illufirijjimi. See Eminence.

The Term Cardinal has alfo been apply'd to Secular

inn „„ „ j i_ >. , D r " "3 * L " A ° "u mure.

Twas a good while, however, e'er they had thePrecedence over isiihopr — • ■■■

™ervci tneir an- Servant of the Vicount de Rohan s which lhcws it to 'have

was no more, been an inferior Quality

-..thePrecedence CARDING, in the Manufaauries, a Preparation of

Hands: but when 8 hey w! etc" PO^'dorthTp^ 1 ' Wool Cotton, Hair or Line, by paffing it between the

leges, they foon had the red Hat and Purnlf ft I™n Points, or Teeth, of two Inftrumen.f, call'd Cards, to

ing ftill in Authority, became a lari?fi^ i g T" C °? b ' d ' fi " ra ?8 le . ^nd range the Hairs or Fibres thereof ,

Bift.ops, by thefoleC^ualftyrf bein'&^" 10r w '° ***** * *? V™ ® &C ' See **»«». and

K i^o?Xrfh«rThf;e„ltc!Lch h :rwe7 re '"T n-P° r h the f W °°V be r** '" S ° U ' d - ° r ¥= as ' d - h

call'd Parijhes ; the fecqnlS^^twch wST^ ° ! - ^T^r^^ft °- f the Wei g ht of ?he Wo0 ' is

pels ioin'd to Hofpitals, and ferv'd b Deacon 1% ?£*A Vl^ "I W °f M * d '° r thc Woot ' of Smffs ' and one

were fimp.e Orathes, 'where plrticu'lar M ffiVwte £d °Ko ilt^' 'h 6 T^ ^ 0W V W "J^

and were difcharg'd by local and refident Chapkini He xr v ? * "" ■ ° ^' the fec ° nd Vc »ebra of the

adds, that to diftinguifh the Principal, or Parifh '

f.^„ .. ^1 , & , ^. . ,r ' x J. ^nurclres stropheus, the Chapels, and Oratories, the Name Cardinales was r SB n „, a>u r- -

given them. Accordingly, Parifti-Churches gave fil ,v P <£ ' S V J * * R " S ' Y^ 1 '"' ■?'"" ° f foe

to C«-,/,' OT/ p ric ft s . and fome Chapels alfo Tie™ h 'hin Paftboard, whereon are primed divers Points and K-

,A'„^ 9)e*r„„ r Othe s obferve fl „ 1""? 5 u r 6 "*'" Nu ?^ r ' ° r Affemblage of which, ferve

utners owerve, that for the Performance of divers Games ; as Sa/fct, Ombre, Vieptet, Whisk, &c. 1 The

fo call'd becaufe the Head turns upon it. See Ert- ... „ n( l Vertebra.

gave the Title of Cardinal 'Deacons. '