Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/159

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Day, like Flea-Bites, over the whole Body; but thicker and redder, and with greater Inflammation, than thofe of the Small-Pox, and vani/h in four or fix Days after ap- pearance: being, when at the height, not larger than Pins Heads. The Meajles is more fickly than dangerous; tho it often inclines to Con fum prions, by a Cough which it leaves behind. See Variola.

MEASURE, in Geometry, any certain Quantity af- fumed as one, or Unity, to which the Ratio of other ho- , refpective Head: mogeneous, or fimilur Quantities is exprefs'd. This Defi- the Pace, Fathom.

Long Measures, or Meallircs of Application.

The EnglifJj Standard Long Measure for Commerce, or that whereby the Quantities of Things are ordinarily elH- mated in the way ot Trade, is the Tard, containing three Englijh Feet : equal to three Paris Feet, i Inch, -,% of an Inch ; or | of a Paris Ell. Its Diviiions are the; foot, >£««, Palm, Inch, and Barley-Corn, which fee under their Foot, Inch, {£c. Irs Multiples are , Pole, furlong and Mile. See Mile, is fomewhat more agreeable to Practice than that of Furlong, Pole, gffc. The Proportions thefe feverally Euclid, who defines Me.fure by a Quantity, which being re- bear to each other, will be exprefs'd in a Table for the peated any number of Times, becomes equal to another : purpofe.

This only anlwers to the Idea of an Arithmetical Meafure, The French Standard Meafure for Commerce is the Anne or Quota Part. See Quota Part. or Ell, containing 3 Paris Feet, 7 Inches, 8 Lines; or 1

Measure of a Number, in Arithmetic, is fuch a Number Yard, § Fnglip ; the Paris Fuot Royal exceeding the Eng- as divides another, without leaving any Fraction ; thus is lift by ,-" j Parts, as in one of the following Tables. This aMsfl/m of 27. See Number, Ell is divided two ways; viz. into Halves, Thirds, Sixths,

Measure of a Line, is any right Line taken at pleafure : and Twelfths-, and into Quarters, Half-Quarters, and iSfee- The modern Geometricians ufe a Decempeda, or Perch, . teenths.

divided into 10 equal Parts, call'd Feet. The Feet they This EU holds throughout the grcatcft part of France 5 iubdivide into 10 Digits, the Digit into 10 Lines, %$c. See excepting at Troyes in Campa^ne^ at Arc in the Barrois ; in Measures.^ fome parts of Picardy and Burgundy, where it only con-

This Decimal Divifion of the Meafure was firft intro- tains two Foot, five Inches, one Line ; in firetagne, where duccd by Stcvintc, probably from the Example of Regio- it contains four Foot, two Inches, eleven Lines ; and. at montamts : The Index or Character of Decemped<e he made St. Genoux in Berry, where it exceeds the Paris EU by eight c, that of Feet 1, of Digits 2, of Lines 3, ©fc, which, Lines. See Ell,

in regard the Meafure was fubdivided in a decuple Ratio, But in Languedoc, particularly at Marfeilles, Mo?itpellier, were the Logarithms of the Divifion. Bayer, in lieu of Touloufe, in Provence, Gmenne, they meafute by the Carina, thefe, exprefs'd the Logarithms by the .Rowm Characters; which at Touloufe and in Guienne contains five Paris Feet, v.g. 5 Perches, 4 Feet, 3 Digits, and 2 Lines, he ex- five Inches, and fix Lines; or one Pan; Ell and a half, prefs'dthus; 5°, 4 7 i 3'\z'"' 'Tis, frequently, mod com- At Montpellier, and throughout the Lower La7iguedac t as alfo modious to feparatc the Integers, or Perches, from the in Provence and Avignon, and even "Daufhine, the Canna is Fractions by a Point; thus inftead of 50, 4', 3", z' u ; to fix Foot and nine Lines; or one Paris. EU, two Thirds, write 5.431. F. Noel obferves, that among the Chinefe, See Canna.

the Decimal Divifion obtains in their common Meafures, and even in their Weights. See Decimal, Degree, ££V. Measure of a Figure,or Plane-Surface, is aSquare,whofe Side is of any determinate Length ; among Geometri- cians 'tis ufually a Perch, call'd a. Square Perch, divided into ten fquare Feet, and the fquare Feet into fquare Digits ; Hence fquare Meafures. See Square,

Standard Meafure in Ho!!a?id, Flanders, Sweden, a good part, of Germany, many of the Hans-Towns, as Da?:tzic and Ham- hourg--, and at Geneva, Francfort, &c. is likewife the Ell: But the Ell in all thefe Places differs from the Paris Ell. In Holland, it contains one Parh Foot, eleven Lines, or four Sevenths of the Paris Ell. The Flanders Ell contains two, Foot, one Inch, five Lines, and half a Line, or feven

Measure of a Solid, is a Cube, whofe Sides are of any Twelfths of the Paris EJ1. The Ell of Germany, Brabant^

Length at pleafure. Among Geometricians, a Perch, &c. is equal to that of Flanders. See Ell. call'd a Cubic Perch, divided into Cubic Feet, Digits, ££c. The Italian Meafure is the Braccio, Brace, or Fathom ;

Hence Cubic Meafures, or Meafures of Capacity. See Cube, which obtains in the States of Modena, Venice, Florence,

Measure of an Angle, is an Arch, defcribed from the Lucca,Milan, Mantua, Bologna, &c. but of different Lengths.,

Vertex, a (Tab. Geometry, fg. to.) in any Place between At Venice it contains one Paris Foot, eleven Inches, three

its Legs ; as at df. Hence, Angles are diflinguifli'd by the Lines, or eight Fifteenths of the Paris Ell. At Bologna,

Ratio of the Arches, defcribed from the Vertex, between Modena, and Mantua, the Brace is the fame as at Venice^

the Legs; to the Peripheries. Angles then are diflin- At Lucca it contains one Paris Foot, nine Inches, ten Lines,

guifh'dby thofe Arches ; and the Arches are only diflin- or half a Paris Ell. At Florence it contains one Foot, nine,

guifti'd by their Ratio to the Periphery. Thus the Angle Inches, four Lines ; or forty-nine Hundredths of a Paris

Ida isfaidtobe of fo many Degrees, as is the Arch fd. Ell. At Milan, the Brace for meafuring of Silks is one See Angle.

Measure of Velocity, in Mechanics, is the Space pafs'd over by the moving Body in any given Time. To mea- fure a Velocity, therefore, the Space muft be divided into as many equal Parts, as the Time is conceived to be di- vided into. The Quantity of Space anfwering to fuch an

Paris Foot, feven Inches, four Lines, or four Ninths of a Paris Ell : That for Woollen Cloths is the fame with, the Ell of Holland. Laflly, at Bergama the Brace is onq Foot, feven Inches, fix Lines, or five Ninths of a Paris Ell. See Brace. The Meafure at Naples, however, is the Carina, containing fix Foot, ten Inches, and two Lines,

Article of Time, is the Meafure of the Velocity. See or one Paris Ell, and fifteen Seventeenth.


Measure of the Mafs, or Quantity of Matter in Mecha- nics, is its Weight; it being apparent, that all the Mat- ter which coheres and moves with a Body, gravitates with it: and it being found by Experiment, that the Gravities of homogeneal Bodies, are in proportion to their Bulks ; hence, while the Mafs continues the fame, the Weight will be the fame, whatever Figure it put on : its abfolute "Weight, we mean; for as to its fpecific Weight, it varies as the Quantity of Surface varies. See Ve l o c i t y, "Weight, Gravity, Z$c.

Measures, therefore, are various, according to the va- rious Kinds and Dimenfions of the Things meafured. Flence

The Spanifj Meafure, is the Virga, or Yard, in fome Places call'd the Barra ; containing fevemeen Twenty-fourths of

the Paris Ell. But the Meafure in Cajhlte and Valentin

is the Pan, Emfan, or Palm ; which is ufed, together with

the Canna, at Genoa. In Arragon, the Varra is equal to a

Pans Ell and a half, or five Foot, five Inches, fix Lines.

'- The Portuguefe Meafure is the Cavedo:, containing two

Foot, eleven Lines, or four Sevenths of the Paris Ell ; and

the Veras, 106 whereof make 100 Paris Ells. The

Piedmontefe Meafure is the Raj, containing one Paris Foot,

nine Inches, ten Lines, or half a Paris EU. -In Sicily,

their Meafure is the Canna ; the fame with that of Naples.

Laftly, the Mufcovite Meafures are the Cubit, equal to one

ciife Lineal or Longitudinal Meafures for Lines or Lengths ; Paris Foot, four Inches, two Lines; and the Aran, two

Square Meafures for Area's or Superficies; and Solid or Cu- whereof are equal to three Cubits. The Turkifi, and Le-

bk Meafures for Bodies, and their Capacities: All thefe vttn t Meafure, the Picq, containing two Foot, two Inches,

are very different in different Countries, and in different and two Lines; or three Fifths of the Paris Ell. The

Ages, and even many of 'em for different Commodities. Chine fe Meafure, the Coke; ten whereof are equal to three

Whence arife other Divifions oi~Domeftic and Foreign Mea- paris Ells. In Perfia, and fome part of the Indies, the

Cures, Antienx and Modern ones ; Dry and Liquid Meafures, Gueze, whereof there are two Kinds; the Royal Gueze,

&c. call'd alfo Gueze Monkelfer, containing two Paris Foot, ten

The Bufinefs of Meafures has been fo confufedly, and Inches, eleven Lines, or four Fifths of the Paris Ell ; and

withal fo imperfectly dehver'd by our Englifh Writers, the Shorter Guege, call'd fimply Gueze, only two Thirds of

that the Reader will not be difpleafed with the pains we the former -At Goa and Ormus, the Meafure h the Varra,

have here taken to difembroil, and fupply it. Under this the fame with that of the Portuguefe, having been intro-

Head he will find enumerated the various, general, fland- duced by them. In Pegu, and fome other Parts of the

ing Meafures, Long, Square and Cubic, now or heretofore in indies, the Cando or Candi, equal to the Ell of Venice.

ufe, ".wiili their Proportions and Redu&ions: for Particu- At Goa and other Parts, they ufe a larger Cando, equal to

lars, he muft be contented to be refer'd to the particular feventeen Dutch Ells; exceeding that of Babel and Belfo.ra

Heads; as Foot, Digit, Ell, Tun, Gallon, Bushel, hy^perCent. and the Varra by 6 and | — -In Siaw,

Perch, League, Furlong, &V. t h e y ufe the Ken, fhort of three Paw Feet by one Inch.

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