Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/337

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( 6*82 ) OZM

Compound Oxymel only differs from the fimple, in that to the Honey and Vinegar, they add the Decoction of the five major aperitive Roots, with the Seeds of Smallase, Pariley, and Fennel. It is ufed to open Obttruclions of the Liver and Spleen.

The Word is form'd from the Greek o%vf t four, and fiiA/, Mel, Honey.

OXYREGMIA, in Medicine, a Sournefs or Acidity of the Stomach-Liquor, occasioning Belches. From o£uj and sfwye, ritflo. See Ructation.

OXYRRHODON, a Mixture of two Parts of Oil of Rofes, and one part of Vinegar of Rofes, ilirr'd to- gether for fome time.

To thefe are fome times added diftill'd Waters. It is ufed for Inflammations, and to dry up Tetters.

Scultet prefcribes it as follows 5 Two Whites of Eggs beaten, one Ounce and half of Vinegar of Rofes, four Ounces of Rofe-Water, and two Ounces of Oil of Rofes.

The Word iscompofed of the Greek c£t)f, four, and feJV, Rofe.

OXYSACCHARUM, a Syrup prepared with Vi- negar, the Juice of fourPomegranuts, and Sugar ; ufed to cool, refrefh, and refift the malignity of peccant Humours. From o£uf, four, and trctjtxctpov, Sugar.

OYER, feems to have been antiently ufed for what we call Jjfze. See Assize of Novel Dijjeijin.

Oyer and Terminer, is a Commifiion efpecially granted to fome eminent Perfons, for the hearing and determining one or more Caufes. It is the firft and largeft of the five Commitfions,

by which our Judges of Affize do fit in their fevetal Circuits. See Justice.

Antiently ir was only in ufe upon fome fudden Out- rage or Iniurreclion in any Place. See Assize.

The Term is French, and literally denotes to bear and determine. In our Statutes it is fometimes wrote Oyer and Determiner.

Oyer de Record, is a Petition made in Court, praying that the Judges, for better Proof fake, will be pleafed to hear, or look upon any Record.

In the like Senfe one may demand OjerofBond, Deed, or Covenant.

OYES, a Corruption of the French Oyez, hear ye ; being a Term, or Formula whereby the Cryers, in our Courts, enjoin Silence, or Attention e'er they make Pro- clamation of any thing.

OZJENA, in Medicine, a fetid Ulcer, in one or both Noftrils ; wherein the Humour is very acrid or cor- rofive, fanious, and fometimes mixed with a bloody Mucus. See Ulcer.

It fometimes proceeds from neglected or ill-managed Wounds, Contufions, &c in the Noftrils ; efpecially in Scorbutic, Scrophulous, or Venereal Habits ; ancl fometimes follows the Small- Pox.

It often fpreads and eats thro' the JU ; and at other times preys into the Septum Nafi, Cartilage, and Os Fa- laii ; efpecially in Venereal Cafes. Whence the great danger of the Nofe in that Diftemper. See Vene- real.

The Word is Greek, i&ivct,, which figmfies the fame thing.