Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/346

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The Jfckp'nin, according to fome Eotanifls, is a Kind of hired for that Purpofe, fought with wild Beafls ; which Opi. Perufa, which Gaf. 'Bauhin. calls Libanotis Ferulte fclio &fe- nion he confirms from Ca/Jian, Jitfiinian, Claudian Firmicm

Mdmllm and CaffiodorvX

The Word is form'd from the Greeks* fall and t^ris Fruir.

Hence the Name was alfo given by the Athenians to a Sa- crifice, wherein all Kinds of Fruits were offer'd

PANCHREAS ? „ S Pancreas.

PANCHREATICS * ee ^Pancreatic Juice

PANCHREST, <Panchreps, in Medicine, iTamcea, 61 Remedy tor all Diftempers.

The Word is form'd of the Greek is£v all, %iiU Utilis, ufeful.


The Chironian, according to fome Is a Kind of plelianthe- fniiin.

PANADA, wcTamtella, a Diet, confifting of Bread boil'd in Water, to the Confidence of a Pulp ; given to fick Perfons whofe Digeition is weak, or to whom ftronger Poods would be improper. See Diet.

'Tis fometimes made thin ; to ferve as a Drink ; andfome- tlmes likewife fweetened, &c. to render it more palatable.

The Word is form'd from the principal Ingredient 'Pants Bread.

PAN AGE or PANNAGE in our ancient Cuftoms. See Pannage.

PANARIS or PAYORYCHIA, in Medicine, a painful Elack Hellebore. See Extract' Tumour or Inflammation, arifing on the Extremities of the Its Name arifes hence, that being a Compofition of all the Fingers or Toes, popularly called, among us, Whithe. Kinds of Purgatives, it has the Virtue of purging all the Hu-

It isoccafion'd by aiharpor faline Humour, Iodg'd between mours of the Body at once. See Purgative. the Bone and <Perioftettm, and the Nerves and Tendons. The Word is form'd from the Greek way all, ^{^ot Succits^

An infallible Remedy for it, is to open it either with the Juice ; and iyav ducere, to draw off. Point of a Lancet, or with fome Unguent, and then to dip the PANCRATIUM, among the Antients, a Kind of inter

PANCHYMAGOGUE, in Pharmacy, an Extract of Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Scammony, Jalap, Agaric, Coloquintida and

Finger in a Lixivium of Vine Allies.

The ^Panaris is exceedingly reftlefs. B;"fide the mild Kind call'd JVhithc, there is alfo a malignant Kind, called a Felk'n. It fometimes tends to an Impofthiime, but more ufually Gan- grenes.

mix'd Exercife, confiding of che Lucia or Wreftling, 1 and Box- ing or <pugilata.

The^ancratium was the third Gymnajiic Exercife, and was not introduced till long afterthe former. . See Gymnastic. -

The People, who engaged in thefe Exercifes, were called

The Word is form'd from the Latin (Panaritium^ which wfl <Pancratiaftes ; which Name was alfo given to fuch as did not

find in Apulelus ; and that from the Greek ir^mvui^ Le. an confine themfelves to one Exercife, but fucceeded in feveral

Abfcefs at the Root of the Nails. I different ones.

For the '■Panaris, after bleeding, and the univerfal Remedies, The Word is compounded of nXv all, and Key.m Force.

Dr. 'Burnet orders the Patient to hold his Finger a good while PANCREAS, in Anatomy, popularly call'd the Sweet-

in a rotten Egg, or a putnty'd Moufe. Hdlmont adds, he has bread, a huge conglomerate Gland ; or a Body compofed of an

feen a Finger as big as an Arm, by means of a (panaris, cured infinite Number of little Glands, tied up in the fame common

by rubbing it with Blood, then wrapping it up in a Mole-Skin. Membrane ; fituate at the Bottom and Hind-part of the Sto-

Riverius adds, that to hold the Finger afrecled in a Cats Ear, mach, and reaching from the 2)uodemm to the Spleen. See

cures a ^Panaris in two Hours. Objervat. 63. Cent. 4. Gland, Stomach, £s?c.

PANATHEN.-EA, in Antiquity, a Fealt celebrated at A- The Glands it confifts of are bound together both by the

thenS, in Honour or Minerva, whom the Greeks call'd Athene. VefTcls, and by a Membrane proper to each of them 5 and all

JParpocrctun and Suidas refer their Inttitution to Erichto- together are loofcly cloath'd with a thin Membrane, from the

mas IV. King of Athens who lived before L'hefeus. "Tfceodoret, ^Peritonmtm.

alone, fays tlie Feaft was eftablifh'd by Orpheus. Its Colour is Carnation ; its Form like that of a Dog's Tongue,

Be this as it will, till T"hefeus, this was a particular Feafl: of 8 or 9 Fingers long, 2^ broad, and one thick ; its Weight 4 or

the City of Athe?is, and was called (imply Athen^a: But that 5 Ounces.

Prince uniting all the People of Attica into one Republic, they Its Arteries come from the Celiac; its Veins go to the Torta^

all affifted at the Fealt ; whence the Name (Pauathencea, i. e- its Nerves come from the Hepatic plexus.

Feafl of all Attica. _ Each little Gland has an excrcLury Duel:, which uniting

In Effect all Attica was prefent ; and each People fent a form one luimnun excretory Duct, call!d 7)uclus <Pancreati-

Bullock for the Sacrifices, and for the Entertainment of the vaft cus Virtfungi, from PFirtfungus, ProfefTor of Anatomy at ^Pa-

Multitudle of People affembied. dua x the Difcoverer thereof.

If they eat a great deal, it appears they did not drink lefs ; This Du£t, running along the Middle of the pancreas, 6-

witnefs the VefTels they drunk cut of, which were called <Pa- pens into the Cavity of the 2)wdenzm, generally by two Mouths,

nathenaka. each of which held two Congius's and a half. See the one four or five Fingers below the (pyhrus, fonietimes at


There were two Kinds of (Panatheinea^ the Great, cele- brated every five Years ; and the Little, every Year, or every three Years; if we may credit the Author of the Argument of %)eino(thenes'$ Oration againft Midias.

In the "Panathen&a was held one of the Proccffions which the Antients call'd T>Qmp<e, compofed of the brilkeii old Men,

the fame Orifice with the DuBus Cholidicas ; the other lower. 'Tis ottheBignefsof a Raven's Quill, near the Interlines, but lefs, further off. Tie Graafob&rves, that it is frequently double.

The pancreas ferves to feparate a peculiar Humour from the Blood, call'd the Pancreatic Juice. See Panchreatic Juice.

The Word is form'd of the Greek <&*p all, and xgfac Caro t

each whereof bore, in his Hand, an Olive-Branch 5 whence they Flefh

were c&UcAT'hallopbori. pANCREAsy^///7,inComparative Anatomy,is a large Gland

This was to do honour to Minerva, in Quality of Inventrefs in theMiddle of the Mefentery of fome Brutes, efpecially Dogs ;

of the Olive-Tree; on which Account they had likewife Com- to which, moft of theLacleals refort ; and whence the Chyle is

bats, Wherein the Vrftors were rewarded with Veflels of Oil, conveyed, by latge VefTels, that have their Rife immediately

and crown'd with Olive-Crowns. It was a Crime in any of from the Inteflines, and call'd Laffea fecundi Generis. See

the Spectators to he clad in black. Mesentery.

The Ceremonies were the fame in the great, and the little It has its Name from the Author who firil took notice of it

(panathemea^ excepting a Banner wherein the Actions cf the AfeffiltS. See Lacteal.

Goddefs were reprefented in Embroidery perform 'd by Maids. with the Names of thofe who had difKnguifh'd themfelves in the Service of the Republic ; which was only bore at the Greater.

PANCARPUSi in Antiquity, a Sort of Spectacle, or Show

M. 'Perrault obferves, that the Fifh, call'd 'Place, has 440 pancreas's ; tho' it has but five Duels opening into the In- terlines, each of which correfpond to 80 "Panchreas's and 2 of them to 100 a-piece.

PANCREATIC Juice, an infipid, limpid Juice, or Hu-

which the Roman Emperors frequently exhibited to the People, mour feparated from the Blood, and prepared in the 'Pancreas.

See Spectacle. See Pancreas.

The fpancarftus was a Kind of Chace, or Hunt. For the This Juice is not acid, as moft Authors have fuppofed 5 nor Performance hereof, a Number of Beaits, as Hares, Deer, Bui- alcaline, as fome others; but, a little faline, and much re- locks, t$c. were fhut up in the Circus or Amphitheatre 5 into fembling the Saliva in its Origin, VefTels, and Properties. which Trees were frequently tranfplanted, fo as to form a Kind 'Tis carried by the pancreatic DucT: into the ^Duodenum,, of Foreft, wherein the Beaits were let loofe ; whence the ^Pan- where it ferves to dilute the Chyle, to render it more fluid and carpus was alfo called Syha. fit to enter the Mouths of the Lacl:eaJs;and perhaps to temper

The Beaits were thus abandon 'd to the People, i. e. to all and dilute the Site, to change its Vifcidity, Eitternefs, Co-

who were difpofed to fhare in the Pleafure of the Chace ; who lout, %$c. and make it mix with the Chyle, in order to reduce

purfucd, fhot, killed and cut in Pieces all they could lay hold the feveral Taftes, Odours, and Properties of the feveral Foods

of. into one homogeneous one. See Bile, Chyle, and Chy-

Helicgabalus, the Gordian\ and Trobus^z-vc this Diverfion lipication.

v'erv frequently. 27^0. Janjfen will have the ^Pancreatic Juice to have been

CapAihon, Cujas, Titho?!, Sec. make the ^Pancarpus and known to Bippecrates and Galen.

Syha the fame thing; Salmajius will have them different. ^DeGraef, a 2)iftrt> Phyfician, has found Means of collecting

The Sylvi^ according to him, was a Dlverfion, as that above a Quantity of it for Experiments; and has publifh'd a Trea-

defcribed 5 but the (pancarpis a Combat, wherein robuft People, tife exprefs dc Succo Tancreatico,

q C tpnup