Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/103

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FONTAINE Works : Suliote Woman keeping Watch for FONTAINEBLKAU, FOREST OF, Nar- her Father, Huntsman on Rocky Cliff, Fish- ciso Duiz do la Pefia, T. W. Walters, Balti- eriuaidcn on Strand, Fisherman's Family more ; canvas, H. 2 ft. (i in. x 2 ft. 1 in. ; expecting Father, Fisherwoman on Achen dated 1871. Autumn scene. Dia/. painted Lake, Two Chamois Hunters, Hunter and many views of the Forest of Fontainebleau, Shepherdess, Knight and his Sweetheart, some of which are in the following collec- Greek Women on Battlefield all in (1820 tions : W. H. Vunderbilt, New York ; Sani- 35); Two Madonnas, Holy Family, The uel Hawk, ib.; M. Graham, ib.; J. W. Drexel, Diver, The Princess, Count of Hapsburg ib.; J. T. Martin, Brooklyn ; R. C. Tuft. (1835-38); Minstrel's Curse (18:!8), Cologne Providence ; H. P. Kidder, Boston; Mrs. Museum ; Scene on the Isar near Munich, W. P. Wilstach, Philadelphia. Darmstadt Museum ; Madonna (1839) ; Em- By Theodore HnKnai'iin, Louvre; canvas, peror Sigismund, ROmersaal, Frankfort ; H. 4 ft. 7 in. x (> ft. 5 in. ; signed. Sunset Frederic Barbarossa kneeling before Henry scene on the border of the forest. Salon of the Lion (1852); Age of Pericles, Maximili- 1855 ; formerly in Luxembourg. Rousseau aneum, Munich ; Italian Mother with Chil- spent many years in the Forest of Fontaine- dren by the Sea, Pilgrimage in the Moun- bleau, which supplied him with numerous tains, Peasant Woman and Child ; Scene subjects. from Defence of Tyrol, Brera Gallery, Mi- FONTANA, LAVIN1A, born in Bologna, Ian ; two great Hunting Scenes ; Rhino Lc- Aug. 2(i, 1552, gends, Schonborn Palace, Munich ; G<itz died in Rome von Berlichingen and the Monk, Vienna in 1<!14. Bo- ( ' ,1 Museum ; King Louis I. and Family look- lognesc school ; K ^-~ , '<& ing at Painting, Madonna, Frauenlob. Fres- daughter and (7 V ' ~' * ' cos: Foundation of Academy of Science, pupil of Pros- and four Allegorical Figures, Arcades, royal pero Fontana ; garden, Munich ; twenty-three scenes from married Paolo (_ ,<f Schiller's and nineteen from Burger's Bui- Zappi, son of a -T~T-/,- v ; lads, Royal Palace, Munich ; Times of Dav, rich merchant | ^ X, -'<<' j[ /".- Gods of Greece instructing Man, Schonborn of Imola, who ' ^'^>j-^i' . . * "^ / '^ Palace, Munich. Allgem. d. Biogr., vii. aspired to be a 150 ; Brockhaus, vi. 943 ; Kunst-Chronik, painter, but without success. I^ivinia went xii. 771 ; Illnstr. Zeitg. (1881), i. lili:!. to Rome about 15!)2, and won considerable FONTAINE, EDME ADOLPHE, born at reputation us a portrait painter. She also Noisy-le-Grand (Seine-et-Oise), May 8, 1814. executed several altarpicces like her father's Portrait, genre, and landscape painter, pu- in colour, but inferior in design and execu- pil of Leon Cogniet. Medal, 3d class, 1852. tion. Works at Bologna : Virgin and Saints, Works: Ibrahim Pasha at the Military School S. Giacomo Maggiore ; do., La Madonna del of Saint Cyr (1847-85); Supreme Court at Versailles (1850-55) ; Visit of Napoleon HL to School of Saiut-Cyr (1853) ; The Let- ter (1857) ; Attack of Sclinghinsk Earth- work, February 23, 1855 (1859); Mass at /I V/ V/ A Pont 1'Abbe, Studio Interior (1861) ; Cscsar L nnd his Fortune (1863); Bay of Audierne, f/JA/TA/i/AP Finistere, Villa of Quintiliau ou the Via Ap- **** pia (1875) ; Studio Interior (1878). Bellier Baracano ; Miracle of Loaves and Fishes, de la Chavignerie, i. 561. Chicsa dei Heudicauti ; Crucifixion, S. Lu-