Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/109

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FORTUNE Waagen for an original. Waagen, Art Trea- sures, iv. :UO, :170 ; Athenipum (180:5), 5. 4 il). FORTUNE, WHEEL OF, /^/-w-Joncs, Arthur Balfour, Esq. , M.I'., L(jntlon ; large upright picture. Tlie goddess Fortune, a tall, sad figure, clad in grayish blue, stands at left, turning round in a listless vav the terrible wheel, on which are bound three nude figures, the laurel-crowned poet, the sceptred king, and the slave, alike cowed and wretched, the victims of a cruel and all powerful chance. Grosvenor (lallerv, 188:5. FORTUNY Y CARBn, MARIANO, born at Rriis in Catalonia, June 11, 18:58, died in Koine, Nov. '21, 1874. Genre paint- er, pupil of 1'alau, of Claudio Loren/.ale/, and of the Barcelona Academy, where he wontheprix duRonio in 1850. At Koine, which became thence- forth his principal residence, he studied Raphael and made sketches of Roman life. In 185'J he was sent to Morocco by the gov- ernment to paint the incidents of General Prim's campaign, and during this and a second visit painted a large picture of the Battle of Tetuun, besides making many sketches of Moorish life. In IKIili he went to Paris, where through Zamacoi's he entered into business relations with Goupil ; and then to Madrid, where (18(!7) he married the daughter of Madra/.o, director of the Madrid Museum, and studied the works of Velas- quez, Ribera, and Goya. With the exeep tiou of a year in Paris (18(!!)-70) and three years in Spain, lie spent the rest of his life in Rome. His vigorous and original style, correct drawing, and fine colour gained him a great reputation, and the auction sale of the contents of his studio after his death brought 800,000 fr. ($100,000). Works : A Glory (1854), original destroyed, sketch be- longs to Mr. Galceran, Barcelona ; Virgin of I'ity (1855), Mr. Soberauo, Reus ; St. Paul before the Areopagus (1855), Charles of An jou on the Shore of Naples, Benin ger 111. nailing the Arms of Barcelona to the Cas- tle of Foix (1857, won the prix de Rome), Odalisque, The Little Count, 17 faces from Nature, Studies in Morocco (ISflli), Battle of Tetuan, Barcelona Museum : View of the Tiber, Nereids on a Lake (lS."i,S); St. Mari- ano, Church of Reus; Bacchantes (185!)) ; studies in Morocco (oil and water-colour, 18(i(l) ; Arabs Dane-ing, Mr. Chartrand, Cuba; Head of a Negro (18(51), the Col- lector of Engravings (ISO:!), The Ma>ks, Roman Countrywoman, Old Koman Peasant, Fruit Shop in Granada, Study of Chickens, Academicians of St. Luke choosing a Model, Street in Morocco, Arab Reclining ( 18011 1, Stairs of Casa de 1'ilatos in Seville, The Drunkard, Arquebusier, Tribunal of the AI- hambra, Returning to the Convent, Cafi' des Hirondelles (18(!(J), Arab Fantasia, The An- tiquaries, Mr. W. Stewart, Paris ; Arab Sen- tinel, Mr. d'Arthe/., Tarragona; Three <)<la- lisques, Arab shoeing a Donkey, Mi 1 . San/, Madrid; Pond near Tangiers ( l*ii">). Man with Helmet, Mr. Goupil, Paris ; Collectors of Engravings, Woman in a Garden, Koman Peasant Woman, Departure of the Proces- sion, The Library, Carpet Merchant (1870 1, Aral) on a Rug, Mr. Murrieta, London; The Masks, The Butterfly (IS07), Arab Seated, A Concert, Mr. de Goyena, Seville ; Stand- ard Bearer, Mr. Ha/el tine, Komi! ; Faust (land Marguerite, Persian, Idyl, Old Man, Arab on Horseback, Mr. Ramon Erra/.u, Paris ; An Arab, Mr. Cusino, Peru ; De- parture of the Procession, Arabs feeding a Vulture, A Fan, The Butterfly (1808), Mr. Gargollo, Madrid ; Bull King at Seville, Bull-Fighters Salute, the Butterfly, Door of the Church of San Gines, Mr. F. De Ma- drazo, Madrid ; The Carnival, Mr. Ayala ; Spanish Marriage. (1809), Mine, de Cassin, Paris ; Sit/ik-i- Charmers, Mr. Ed. Andre, Paris ; Bull-Fighter, Mr. Le Roy, Paris ; Arquebusier, Mr. d'Epinay, Rome ; Court of the House of Cliapiz in Granada (1871) ; Arab Praying (187'2), Mr. Oppeuheim, Paris ;