Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/126

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FREYBERG Leuchtenberg Gallery, St. retersbnrg ; Charity, life-size Portrait of Artist, All- gem. (1. Biogr., vii. 304 ; Nagler, Mon., ii. 5!)3. FREYBERG, KONRAD, born in Stettin, March 14, 1842. Horse anil military genre painter, pupil in Berlin of Steffeck, especially successful in equestrian portraits on a small scale. Works : Prince Charles of Prussia and Suite (1872); Ride of Prince Charles to a Stag-Hunt (187(5); Prince Hohenlohc at Clamart, Arrival of Prince Frederic Charles on Battlefield of Yionville, Surrender of Metz (1877) ; Group of Officers of Garde du Corps (1878); Encounter at Fermc St. Hu- bert, life-size Male Portrait (18711). Rosen- berg, Berl. Malerseh., 2i3. FRIANT, EMILK, born at Dieuze (Alsace- Lorraine). Cienre painter, pupil of Caba- nel. Medals: :id class, 1884 ; 2d class, 1885. Works: Studio Interior, Prodigal Son (1882); A little Rest (188:i); Favourite Corner (1884); The Sketch, Portrait (1885). FRICH, J., born in Christiania in 1810. Landscape painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy, then studied in Dresden and Mu- nich. Generally paints Norwegian subjects. Member of Stockholm Academy. Works : Six Norwegian Landscapes (1852), Oscars- hall, near Christiania ; View in Hallingdal, Wood Landscape from Thalemarken, Chris- tiania Gallery. Miiller, 185. FRIED, HEINRICH JAKOB, born at Queiehheim, near Landau, March 11, 1802, died in Munich, Nov. 2, 1870. History, genre, portrait, and landscape painter, pu- pil of Stuttgart and Augsburg art schools, then from 1822 of Munich Academy under Langer and Cornelius. From 1834-37 lived in Rome and Naples, came to Munich in 1842, and was appointed Conservator of the Art Union in 1845. Works : Margaret at Spinning Wheel, Knight Toggenburg, Hunt- ing Party by Castle Trifels, Blue Grotto of Capri, New Piuakothek, Munich ; View of Hohenschwangau; Wounded Knight; Italian Pifferari ; Cloister of S. Scolastica; Vintage Assembly ; Views in Sabine Mountains ; Tivoli ; Views in the Palatinate. Allgem. d. Biogr., vii. 387. FRIEDLANDER, FRIEDRICH, born at Kohljanowitz, Bohemia, Jan. 10, 1825. His- tory and genre painter, pupil of Vienna Academy, and of Waldmiiller ; visited Italy in 1850, Diisseldorf and Paris in 1852. Member of Vienna Academy since 180(5. Works : Death of Tasso (1852); False Play- ers ; Kirmess at Mariabrunn ; At the Jewel- ler's ; Interrupted Division ; After the Lot- tery ; Adoption of Child ; Shop Politicians (1803); Seizure of Incendiary (1804); Hour of Rest (1805); Pawn Shop, Coburg Gallery ; House of Invalides, Tasting Wine (18(50); Return Home (18(58); The New Comrade (1808), Vienna Academy ; Service of Friend- ship ; Strawberry Sellers (1872), The Inva- lides (1875), Vienna Museum ; News, The Examination (1883); Distribution of Wine (1884). Miiller, 18<i ; N. illustr. Zeitg. (1883), i. 340 ; Wurzbach, iv. 358 ; f. b. K., viii. (Mittheilungen, i. 21). FRIEDRICH, KASPAR DAVID, born at Greifswalde, Sept. 5, 1774, died in Dresden, May 7, 1840. Landscape painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy, then from 1798 in Dresden. Became professor at Dresden Academy in 1817, and member of Berlin Academy in 1840. Works : Abbey in Oak- wood, Wanderer on Seashore, Royal Palace, Berlin ; Harz Landscape, Moonrise by the Sea, National Gallery, ib. ; Moonlight Scene (1810), Giant's Grave, Rest during Harvest (1835), Dresden Gallery ; Woman on Sea- shore beaconing to Ship, Gotha Museum ; Crucifix on Hill after Sunset ; Thirty-six views of Riigen. Brockhans, vii. 353. FRIEDRICHSEN, ERNESTINE, born in Dantzic, June 29, 1824. Genre painter, pupil in Diisseldorf of Marie Wiegmann, then of Jordan and Wilhelm Solm. Works : Convent - School ; Polish Country Mail ; School-Children crossing Lake ; Polish In- surgents in Cellar ; Loving Couple in Boat , Old Church in Mazovia ; Children in Rome during Carnival ; Friday Evening in Jewish Quarter at Amsterdam ; Polish Rag-Pickers