Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/131

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niuwiimi Loves, Sea- Nymphs (18(53); Deatli of A<lo- Institute, Frankfort, then in Munich of Ber- nifl (1865) ; Hylas and Nymphs (18(>7); Puck delle and in Paris of Couture ; also studied (18(5!)); Haunt of Diana, Cupid Disarmed in Homo. Copied several pictures by old (1870) jMusidora (1871); Nymph and Cupid masters for the Schack Gallery in Munich, (1872); Bacchante (1874). Art Journal whore ho lives. Gold medal, Munich, 18IW. (181!)), 184; (1857), 5; (1877), 280; Sand- Miiller, Is'.!. by, ii. 21!; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 3(52 ; FUGER, FRIEDRICH HEINRICH, born Kunst-Chronik. xii. (558. iuHeilbronn, Wiirtemberg, Dec.8, 1751, died FRUWIHTH, KAHL, born in Vienna in in Vienna, Nov. 5, 181S. Gorman school; 180!), died there, Jan. 17, 1878. Still-life history and portrait painter, pupil in Stutt- aiitl genre painter, studied in Vienna ; was gart. of Guibal and in Leipsie of Oeser. In also a skilful restorer of old paintings. ] 77 I he went to Vienna and iu 177(5 to Homo, Works: Venetian Fishermen in approach- where he studied the Carracci and Donieni- ing Storm (1846); Little Noll in the Cnri- chino, as well as H iphael Mengs and Hattoni. osity Shop (1847); Still Life (1850), Vienna In ITS'J lie was patroni/.ed liy Count Lam- Museum ; Wine, Woman, and Soiig (1850); berg, the Austrian ambassador at Naples, and Dinner on Fishing Bark (1853); Armoury oxecutod paintings for the King. The next (1857). Wur/.liach, iv. 388. year he was appointed vice-director of the FUECHSELL, HERMANN, born at Vienna Academy, and in 17!I5 director, Brunswick, Germany, Aug. 8, 1833. Land- which post lie held until ISO!!, wlien he lie- cape painter, pupil of Lessing in Diisseltlorf came director of the Belvedere Gallery. in 1855. Prize for life-drawing, Brunswick Works: Death of Ciesar ; Farewell of Corio- Collego, 1852. Studio in New York since Linus, C/.ornin Gallery, Vienna; Death of 1858. Works: Scorn; on Staten Island Genuanicus (178!)), Vienna Academy; 1'ro- (18<!!)); On the Saeo North Conway, N. If. metheus, Count /in/endorf, Vienna ; Ari- (187!)); On the Hills near Bolton Lake adno at Naxos, Joseph II. as Ally of Cathe- Georgc (1880); View from Crow's-Nest rine of Russia, Field-Marshal Laudon as North River (1881); Break-Nock Hills on Conqueror of Belgrade, Mrs. d ( ; Witt in the Hudson (1882); Camping Scene Adi- Greek Costume, Philip at Bed of Alexander, rondacks, View on Lake George (1884). Krasistratus at Bed of Antiochus (17ss !)ii); FUES, CHRISTIAN FHIEDHICH, born portraits of Joseph II. (1787). of Artist's in Tiibingen in 1772, died in Nuremberg, Father (1788), of Elector of Mont/, of Sept., 183(i. German school ; history, genre, Marehese Gallo, Princess of France (six and portrait painter, pupil of the Stuttgart times); Socrates before the Judges; ()r- art-school, under Hetsch and Harper ; lived phous in Hades; Judgment of Brutus; Dido for some time in Brunswick, then in Niirem- on the Funeral Pyre ; Adam and Eve mourn- berg, where he became professor at the art- ing Abel's Deatli (17!)'.)), John the Baptist school. Works: Minnesinger (1821); Fam- (1811), Magdalen (181(i), Allegory on Peace ily of Old Knight (1827); Politicians at Cof- of Vienna, Vienna Museum; Somiramis fee-House, Girl Resting, Wiirtomborg Cos- hearing of Revolt of Babylon, Death of tunics (18150); Village Fair (1827); Kirmess Virginia (1801); St. John in the Desert (18:53); Laughing Peasant, Suabian Girl (1804); Christ Crucified (1813) ; Bath- braiding her Hair (1834); Summer and Win- sheba, National Gallery, Pesth ; Magdalen, ter (1835); nine portraits of distinguished Graces and Cupid, Schleissheim Gallery; Nurembergers, City Hall, Nuremberg. Alcestis consecrating herself to the Gods, Andresen, iv. 280. Minerva and Saturn defending Art and FUESSLI, WILHELM, born at Zurich Science, Ment/ Museum ; Zeus appearing in 1830. Portrait painter, pupil of Stiidel to Phidias, Achilles by the Body of Pa- vt