Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/143

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GALLEGOS Merit ; Order of Oaken Crown of Holland. Works : Render unto Ctrsar the things thaf are Caesar's (1831), Ghent Museum ; Christ healing the Blind (1833), Tournay Cathe- dral ; Duke of Alva in the Netherlands. Travelling Musicians (1834); The Beggars (1834), Liege Museum ; Job and his Friends (1835), formerly in Luxembourg Museum; Death of Palestrina ; Montaigne visiting Tasso in Prison (1830), King of Belgium; The Penitent (1830); Battle of Mont Cassel (1837), Conquest of Antioch by Godfrey de Bouillon (1840), Count Bald- win crowned at Constantinople in 1204 Due de Biron (1835), Versailles Museum Abdication of Charles V. (1841), Brussels Museum ; replica (1849), Stiidel Gallery Frankfort ; Temptation of St. Anthom (1848), King of Belgium; Triumph of Ge- nius, Broken Violin-Bow (1850) ; Obsequies of ti/iiuiiil and Horn (1851), Tournay Mu- seum ; Slavic Musicians (1852), Ravein' Gal- lery, Berlin; Gypsy with Children (1852); Song of Prisoners (1855); Francis I. in Leo- nardo da Vinci's Studio (1857); Egmont's Last Hour (1858), Capuchin Monk, National Gallery, Berlin; Joanna la Folio (185!)). Brussels Museum ; Oath of Vargas, San Donato Gallery ; Alva contemplating the beheaded Counts Egmont and Horn, Art and Liberty (1859), Power of Music (1800), Peace, War (1872). W. T. Walters, Balti- more ; Alva signing Death-Warrants ( 1803); Monk feeding the Poor, New Pinakothek. Munich ; The Prisoner, W. H. Vandorbilt, New York ; Italian Revenge ; Samson and Delilah ; Fisherman's Widow ; Murillo find- ing Model for his Madonna ; Prayer after Vintage; Plague in Tournay (1882), Brus- sels Museum ; Portraits of Pius IX. (1801), and of Cardinal Antonelli (1802); Fifteen historical portraits of Warriors, Legislators, and Patrons of Art and Letters, Senate Chamber, Brussels. Art Journal (1800), 101; Brockhaus, vii. 470; Imnier/oel, i. 259 ; Kramm, ii. 520 ; Springer, Gesch., 198; Zeitsohr. f. b. K., xvii. 370; Riegel, Wandmalerei in Belgien, 30, 44. GALLEGOS, FERNANDO, bom at Sala rnanca about 1475, died there in 155(1. Spanish school ; pupil of Pedro Berriiguote, but painted in the manner of Roger van dor Weyden. One of his best works, a Madonna with SS. Andrew and Christopher, was exe- cuted for the chapel of S. dementi in the Cathedral of Salamanca. Works : Altar- piece in Cathedral at /amora ; Two Bishops and Two Saints, Academy, Valladolid ; Vis- itation. Life of St. John the Baptist (5), Madrid Museum. Stirling, i. 12O. GALLERVNI. CKCILIA, portrait, Leo- nardo da in-i, lost (?). Painted in Milan about 1485-8'J, for Lodovico Sforxa (II Moro). Duke of Milan, whose mistress she was. She afterwards married Count Ix>do- vico Pergamino. In last, centurv this pict- ure was in possession of Marquis Bom-sana, Milan. A replica, or eopv. belonging to Professor Franchi. Milan, passed for a St. Cecilia. Another portrait of her by Leo- nardo belonged to the Pallavicini family of San Calorero. He also painted her as a Madonna, called the M. della Rosa. In this picture, which Ainoretti saw in Milan, the Virgin is urging Jesus to bless a rose. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 7 ; Rigollot, Hist, des Arts, etc.. i. 29!) ; Ainoretti, Mem. storic. di L. da Vinci, 3S, 80, 105 ; Hoaton, 27'.), 28(1. GALLI. See l;il,i,;,n. GALLOCHE, LOl'IS, born in Paris, Aug. 24. 1070. died July 21, 1701. French school ; pupil of Louis de I.oiillongno ; ob- tained the first prixe in 1095, spent two years in Rome, and after his return to France opened a school. Was received into the Academy in 1711, made professor in 1720, rector in 1740, and chancellor in 1754. He had a pension from the king, and w;is lodged at the Louvre. Works: A Ices- f tis restored to V-Vl *- L.O CAiJO Admetus(1711), ( ) Louvre; St. ^""^ /j Peter in Cap- tivity, Rennes Museum ; St. Ambrose reviv- ing a Child, Nancy Museum ; Angelica and 1U7