Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/154

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GEERTZ Lived with the knights of St. John at Haar- lem, and hence was called Geertgen tot Sint Jans, although not of their order and prob- ably a native of Leytlen. He painted for the church of the order an altarpiece, two wings of which are preserved in the Vienna Museum, one a Pieta, the other representing the Legend of the bones of St. John the Baptist. Other works attributed to him are : Scene from the Legend of St. Lucy, in the Lippmann Collection at Vienna ; View of Haarlem Cathedral, in that edifice ; Crucifix- ion, in the Galleria Estense at Modena. Dr. "Bode is inclined to assign to this master also an Adoration of the Magi in the Prague Gal- lery, the Expiatory Offering in the Amster- dam Museum, and Christ in the Tomb sur- rounded by the Instruments of the Passion in the Archiepiscopal Museum at Utrecht. Allgem. d. Biogr., x. 261 ; Bode, Studien, (5 ; C it C., Flemish Painters, 248 ; Dohme, li.; Kramm, ii. 516 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 01 ; Riegel, Beitriige, i. 59. GEKRTZ, JULIUS, born in Hamburg, April 21, 1837. Genre painter, pupil in Ham- burg of the brothers Gensler, then in 185(5- 00 of the Carlsruhe Art School under Des Cou- dres, and, after a short stay in Munich, of Ru- dolph Jordan in Diissel- dorf ; studied in 18(54 in Paris, visited Brittany and Holland, and settled in Diisseldorf. Works : Sour and Sweet, Maternal Joy, The Student (1807) ; Disturbing Return Home, Consequences of School-Arrest, Shut In, Watch on the Rhine (1870) ; Prisoners of War, At the Menagerie, Criminal after Sen- tence (1873) ; Organ Grinder, Last Orna- ment (1874) ; Catching Flies, Girl with Bird's Nest, Capitulation (1876) ; Beggar's Penny (1877). Illustr. Zeitg. (1874), i. 79 ; (1875), i. 187 ; Kunst-Chrouik, ix. 342 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, vi. 149. GEFFROY, EDMOND AIMti FLOR- ENTIN, born at Maignelay (Oise), July 29, 1804. Genre painter, pupil of Amaury- Duval. Educated a lawyer, but married an actress and went on the stage. Though he had considerable success as a painter, he is best known as an actor. Medals : 3d class, 1840 ; 2d class, 1841 and 1857. Works : Virgin and Child ; Pierre Corneille ; The Actor Mirecourt (1840) ; The Members of the Comudie Fran<;aise (1841), Coim'die Fran(;aise ; Ariadne and Theseus (1844) ; MoliiTe and his Characters (1857) ; Sgan- arello in the School for Husbands (1863) ; Members of the Comedie Franyaise (1864) ; Hylas (1868). Larousse. 'GEGENBAUR, JOSEF ANTON VON, born at Wangen, W r iirtemberg, March 0, 1800, died in Rome, Jan. 31, 1876. History painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Robert von Langer. Studied in Rome, espe- cially after Raphael, in 1823-26, and after his return was appointed court-painter to the 1 King of Wiirtemberg, for whom (1836-54) he decorated the royal palace in Stuttgart with frescos from Wiirtemberg history. Works : St. Sebastian (1820) ; Two Shep- herds, First Parents after Loss of Paradise, Moses striking the Rock (1823-20), Royal Palace, Stuttgart ; Hercules and Omphale, Stuttgart Gallery ; Cupid and Psyche, As- sumption, Madonna, Aphrodite, Crucifixion (1829 -35) ; Sleeping Venus and two Satyrs, Leda, several Aphrodites and Madonnas, Portraits (1836-50) ; Apollo and Muses, Bacchus and Ariadne, Venus and Cupid, Ceres and Jason, TEolus and yEola, Pluto and Proserpine, Neptune and Thetis, Genii and Amorettes (all 1800), Royal Palace, Stuttgart. Frescos : Hercules and Omphale (1826), Thorwaldsen Museum, Copenhagen ; Jupiter giving Immortality to Psyche, Mar- riage of Cupid and Psyche, Four scenes from Life of Psyche, Four Seasons, Aurora (all in 1826-29), Villa Rosenstein ; Sixteen scenes from History of Wiirtemberg (1836- 54), Royal Palace, Stuttgart. Allgem. d. Biogr., viii. 495 ; Brockhaus, vii. 652 ; Kuust-Chronik, xi. 349 ; Reber-Pecht, ii. 229. 118