Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/175

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GIESSMANN A visit to Poscn in 1872, to Mr ran in 187:5, anil to Home in the winter of 1873-4, failed to restore his health, broken by privations undergone in Poland during the insurrec- tion, iu which he took part in 180:5, with the rank of officer. Honorary member of the Berlin Academy. Works : Return with- out the Master, Attack of Cossacks, Funeral in Polish Town (1808); Alarm-Shot, Recon- noitring, Spinning-Room in Poland, Duel on Horseback, The Train is Coining, Light- Horse Marching (LSI!!)); Return from the Chase, Spring Promenade (1870); Meeting before the Chase, On the Vistula, After the first Ball, Starting for the Chase, Hunting Scene (1871); Night Scene, Country Road in Poland, Ride through Beech-drove, Po- lish Village Street, In front of Polish Inn (1872); Morning in Polish Camp, Moonlight Scene, Advance Guard Alarmed, Cossacks on the March (187:!); Stag-Hunt in Eigh- teenth Century (187-1), National Gallery, Berlin. Allgem. d. Biogr., ix. 150 ; Allgem. Zeitg., Aug. 27, 181-2, Bcilage, 210; Dios- kuren (1874), :!57 ; Kunst-Chronik, vi. 7 ; x. 440. (HESSMANX, FRIEDRICH, born in Leipsic, Dec. 151, 1810, died in Munich, Sept. '21, 1847. History painter, pupil of Dresden and Munich Academies, in the lat- ter under Julius Schnorr, from whose car- toons he painted live great compositions in the new Royal Palace. Works : Scenes from Life of Charlemagne, Rudolph von Haps- burg, and Frederick Barbarossa, and 4 other pictures, Royal Palace, Munich ; Prodigal Son. Allgem. d. Biogr., ix. l(i(i. GIFFORD, FANNIE ELLIOT, born in New Bedford, Mass., in 1844. Landscape and bird painter ; wife of Robert Swain Gifford ; studied at the Cooper Institute schools, New York, and under Samuel Gerry of Boston. Studio in New York. GIFFORD, ROBERT SWAIN, born on the Island of Naushon, Gosnold, Mass., Dee. 23, 1840. Landscape painter and etcher ; studied in New Bedford under Albert van Beest, marine painter, iu 1804, and settled in New York in 1800 ; made sketching tours iu California and Oregon in 18011, and in Europe and North Africa in 1870 71, and again in 1874-75. Began to paint in water- colours in 18(55, and soon became a prominent mem- ber i if the Water Colour Society. Klected an A.N.A. in 1870, and N.A. in 1878. Works in oil: Scene at Manchester (I8li7); Mount Hood Oregon (1870); Kntnmco to Moorish House Tangier. View of the' Golden Horn (187:5); Halting for Water, Passenger Boats on Nile (1871); Uootli in Algeria, Rossetti Garden- Cairo (1875); Freight Boat on Nile, Egyptian Caravan (187(1); Border of the Desert (1877); Dartmouth Moors (1878); Sailers Beach (187'.l); Coast of New England (1880); Hillside, Old Fields (1881); Non- iniitt Cliff (1882); Near /aandam Holland, Salt Marshes (188:5); Point Road, /nyder- 7ee (1884); On the Paskamansctt, Shores of Bu/./.ard's Hay, Salt. Mills at Dartmouth (1885). Water-colours: Deserted Whaler (18(17); Autumn on the Sea-shore (18C>8); Return from Phihe Egypt (1871); Low Tide, Old Fort (1874 ); Venetian Companion, Guerande (187(i); Evening in the Sahara, Scene on the Campagna, Oasis of Filiarch Algeria (1877); On the Lagoon Venice (1878). Am. Art Rev. (1880), 417. GIFFORD, SANDFORD ROBINSON, born at Greenfield, N. Y., July 10, 182.'!, died in New York, Aug. 2!), 1880. Land- scape painter, graduate of Brown University in 1842 ; in 1844 went to New York, and became pupil of J. R. Smith and of the National Academy. Elected an A.N.A. in 1851, and N.A. in 18.54. In 1855-57 studied in Paris and Rome, and sketched in differ- ent parts of Europe ; in 1808-G9 sketched in Italy, Greece, Syria, and Egypt, and in 1870 in the Rocky Mountains. Works : Kauters-