Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/189

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(ilKTIX Lieguitz, and in 1854 went to Berlin. Works: Mill in Silesia; Windmill; Moon- light Night in Tyrolese Alps ; Ttmcru Moun- tain. GIRTIN, THOMAS, born at Southwark, Surrey, in 1775, died in Ijondon in 1*02. Landscape painter, one of the founders of the English school of painting in water-col- ours, and next in importance to Turner, with whom he was intimate ; exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1 794-180 1. Works : View of Bridgenorth, (treat Hall in Con way Castle, Ethel Castle, Melrose Abbey, View of Ripon, York Cathedral, Interior of Can- terbury Cathedral, and others, British Mu- seum, London; Hievaulx Abbey (1798), View on the Thames, Warkworth Hermitage, three others, South Kensington Museum, ib. ; View of St. Asaph, Jedburgh Abbey, Nation- al Gallery, Dublin. Miller, Turner and (lirtin's Picturesque Views (London, iHot). GISP.ERT, ANTONIO, born at Alcoy. Valencia ; contemporary. History and genre painter, pupil of Madrid Academy. Direc- tor of S. Fernando Museum, Madrid. Med- als : Paris, 18<;r>, 18(17; Otliccr L. of Hon- our, 1S70. Works: Landing of Puritans in North America ; Execution of Padilla ; Death of Don Carlos ; Francis I. meeting his Betrothed ; Columbus embarking at Palos ; Paolo and Francesca ; Guitar Player. Grandfather's Birthday, Flute Player, In the Garden, Students' Household ; Modern Paris and Three Graces (1882); Prestidigi- tator, William Astor, New York. Miiller, 209. G I SL E R , EDOUARD ; contemporary. History painter, pupil of Nave/. Works: Jeremiah on Huins of .Jerusalem (18IU!), St. Gudule's, Brussels; The Virgin (1841). Immer/eel, i. 280. GIULIANO, BARTOLOMMEO, born at Susa, North Italy, in 1825. Genre and land- scape painter, professor at Milan Academy. Works : Faust and Marguerite ; Parisina ; Difficult Passage ; In Thoughts ; Drinking Girl (18(5). MUller, 209. GH'LIO ROMANO, bom in Rome in 1492, died in Mantua. Nov. 1, 154li. lieal name Giulio Pippi de'(ii- annuz/i, but called Romano from his birthplace. Um- brian school ; became the assistant of Kaphael when quite young, and with II Fat tore and Pellegrino da Modena aided him in the decoration of the Vatican. He was Raphael's favour- ite pupil and was, with II Flit tore, his heir and art executor. He painted frescos in Koine in the Villa Lanti, in the Villa Madama. which he built, and in Trinita de' Monti. Having fulfilled his duties towards Raphael by finishing his incomplete works in the Vatican, and in painting, with II Fat tore, the Assumption which Kaphael had promised to the Convent of Monteluce, now in the Vatican, he went (bvJll to Mantua and end-red the service of Duke Federigo ( ion/.aga. There he directed works in architecture as well as in painting, having under him many scholars and assist- ants. While under Raphael's care he was a close imitator of his style ; but when left to himself his taste soon became depraved, and he was largely responsible for the decay of Italian art. Among his works in Mantua are frescos in the Pala/./o del Te, which In- built. They represent the Defeat of the Giants, and the Hist or v of Cupid and Psyche, the latter with a licentious freedom of treat ment which ill accords with the traditions of tin; school in which lie was bred. He also painted other frescos in the I'lli/io della Scaccheria and in several churches in Man- tua. In l")4(i he was chosen architect of St. Peter's, Koine, as successor toSansovino, and was about to set out for that city when he died. Among the best of his few easel pic- tures are : Minimum del Bacino, Pan and the young Olympus, Dresden Gal.; Martyrdom of St. Sti'/ilii-n, S. Stefano, Genoa; Madon- na, Sacristy of St. Peter's, Rome; Julius II. (copy of Raphael), Foruariua (copy of the