Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/202

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GOYET 1043), Old Pinakothek, Munich; do. (3, 1033, 1C43), Dresden Gallery ; View on Canal (1053), Leipsic Museum ; Village Scene (1023), Pasture (1035), Brunswick Museum ; Flat Country with Halt of Trav- ellers (1028), do. with Peasants Conversing (1031), View of Nymwegeu (1042), FortLillo on the Scheldt (1043), Gotha Museum ; Canal with Boats, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; do. (2), Musee Bath, Geneva ; Landscape (1045), Amalienstift, Dessau ; View of Forti- fied Town, Marine (?), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Winter (1021), Summer, View in the Downs (102!)), View of Arnheim (1040), do. of Nym- wegen (1049), Winter Landscape (1050), River-Bank, Berlin Museum ; Flat Country, Museum, Vienna ; Marine View, Academy, ib. ; Dutch City (1045), Copenhagen Gallery ; Village on Canal, View of Vliessiugen (1043), Downs near Scheveningen, Landscape with Skaters (1045), View of the Meuse (1045), Canals with Buildings (2), Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Moordykc, Metropolitan Mu- seum, New York ; Castle and Seaport, His- torical Society, ib. ; Moonlight, Bivcr Scene, Pennsylvania Academy, Philadelphia. All- gem. d. Biogr., ix. 522 ; Ch. Blanc, Kcole hollaudaise ; Dohme, lii. ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1875), xii. 138, 298 ; (1878), xvii. 134 ; Im- rncrzeel, i. 2S)0 ; Kramm, ii. 590 ; Kunst- Chronik, xix. 28, 002 ; Eiegel, Beitri'ige, ii. 352 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, ix. 12. GOYET, EUGfcNE, born at Chulon-sur- SaAne, Feb. 7, 1798, died in Paris, May 17, 1857. History and genre painter, pupil of Gros. Son of Jean Baptiste Goyet, genre painter (1779-1854). Medals: 2d class, 1831 ; 1st class, 1839. Works : Cimabue or the Renaissance of Painting (1831) ; Chancellor Voysin and Louis XIV. (1833); Christ (1839), Chulon Museum ; Foulques de Villaret (1841), Versailles Museum ; St.

Luke healing a Sick Child (1841), St. Luke's,

Paris ; Four Evangelists (1842), Church

of St. Mtklard, ib. ; Simon the Just, 

St. Cecilia (1842); St. Germain, Bishop of Auxerre (1843), Montpellier Cathedral ; Ap- parition of Christ to St. James (1844); Jesus in the Garden of Olives (1845); Portrait of Pius IX. (1848); Massacre of the Innocents (unfinished, 1857), Montpellier Museum. Bellier dc la Chavignerie, i. 084. GOZZOLI, BENOZZO, born in Florence in 1424, died there in 1498. Florentine school. Real name Benozzo di Lese di Sandro; pupil of Fra An- gelico, whom he followed to Home, and his ' assistant at Or- vieto in 1447. He parted from him in 1449, and established himself at Montcfalco, near Foligno, where he remained until 1450 and executed many important works in the manner of his master, though they are far from approaching him in spiritual power. Those in S. Fortunate consist of a Madonna with Saints and Angels, an Apotheosis of the titular Saint, an Annunciation, and St. Thomas receiving the Girdle, now in the Museum of St. John Lateran, Rome. In S. Francesco, Benozzo filled the choir with a triple course of episodes from the life of St. Francis, and painted a Madonna and Saints and other frescos in the Chapel of St. Jerome in the same church. In 1450, after paint- ing in Perugia the Madonna and Saints, now in the Academy, Benozzo returned to Florence, and was employed by Piero de' Medici to paint a series of frescos represent- ing the Journey of the Magi to Bethlehem, in the Chapel of the Palazzo Riccardi. In these, like the realists, he made Scripture incidents a vehicle for the treatment of rich costume, animal life, and landscape. In ' 1403-07 he painted in S. Agostino, San 162