Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/216

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GUIFFIER Gallery ; Soldiers crossing a River, Stock- holm Museum ; Rhine Views (2), Vienna j Museum ; Landscape, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg. His younger son, Jan (died about 1750), was noted as a copyist of Claude Lor- rain. Ch. Blanc, Kcole hollandaise ; Iinnier- zeel, i. 285 ; Kramm, ii. 604 ; Quellen- , schriften, xiv. 425. GRIFFIER, ROBERT, born in London, Oct. 7, 1688, died there or in Amsterdam in 1750. Dutch school ; son and pupil of Jan G rimer, whom he often surpassed in painting Rhine views, marines, and battle pieces. He had an extraordinary talent for imitation, and deceived even connoisseurs with his clever ! ^^ copies after Wo uwe r- m an, Van de V e 1 d e , andSaftLe- ven. Works: Landscape, Amsterdam Museum ; do., Darmstadt, Museum; do., Schwerin Gallery; do., Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Immerzeel, i. 296. GRIGOLETTI, MICHEL ANGIOLO, born at Rorai-grande di Pordenoue, Aug. 29, 18(11, died in Venice, Feb. 10, 1870. History painter, pupil of Venice Academy. ! Visited Florence and Rome, and settled in , Venice, where in 1839 he became professor at the Academy. His works, distinguished for their fine colouring, recall the old Ve- netian masters. Works : Jupiter caressing Love (1825) ; Last Interview of the two Foscari, Museum, Vienna ; St. James and St. Joseph, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. ; Fran- ccsca da Rimini ; Odalisques at the Bath ; Jacob receiving Joseph ; St. Paul preaching at Ephesus ; Prodigal Son ; Madonna, St. Anthony's, Trieste ; Christ on Sea of Galilee, Brescia Cathedral ; Altai-pieces for Cathe- drals of Erlau and Arad, and Assumption (1846) for Cathedral of Gran, Hungary. Wurzbach, v. 336. GRUFF. See Gryfff. GRIMALDI, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO, born at Bologna in 1606, died in Rome in 1680. Bolognese school. Called sometimes II Bolognese. Pupil of the Carracci ; be- came one of the leading landscape painters of his day. Employed many years in Rome by different popes, and in Paris by Cardinal Mazarin and Louis XFV. Works : Scenes from Old Testament, Quirinal, Rome ; Series of Landscapes, Palazzo Borghese, ib. ; Land- scapes with Figures (2), Washerwomen, Louvre, Paris ; Landscapes, Bibliotheque nationals, ib. ; do., National Gallery, Edin- burgh ; Baptism of Christ, Darmstadt Mu- seum. Lanzi, iii. 132 ; Ch. Blanc, l5cole bo- lonaise ; Burckhardt, 764, 808. GRIMANI, ANTONIO, Doge, portrait, Titian, Palazzo Giustiniani, Padua ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 10 in. x 3 ft. 3 in. Painted in 1521; in Titian's house till his death ; sold in 1581 by Pomponio Vecelli to Cristoforo Barber- igo, and inherited by Count Giustiniani. Another, painted same time, in possession of Mr. De Rosenberg, Vienna ; and a third, also same date, in Morosini-Gattersburg Collection, Vienna. C. & C., Titian, i. 243. GRIMANI, DOGE, KNEELING BE- FORE FAITH. See Fale. GRIMER, ABEL, born at Antwerp about 1575, died there before 1619. Flemish school ; history and landscape painter, son and pupil of Jacob Grimer ; master of the guild in 1592. Works : Christ bearing the Cross (1593) ; Skaters under the Bridge of Sint Jorispoort Antwerp (1604), Th. van Lerius, Antwerp ; Christ with Martha and Mary (1614), Brussels Museum. Van den Branden, 300. GRIMER, JACOB, born at Antwerp about 1526, died there before May, 1590. Flem- ish school ; landscape painter, pupil of Ga- briel Bouwens, Matthys Cock, and Christiaan van den Queeckborne ; master of the guild in 1547. One of the best landscape painters of his time. Works : View of the Kiel at Antwerp (1575), City Hall, Antwerp; Village Kirmess (1586), Th. van Lerius, ib.; Legend of St. Eustace, Brussels Museum ; Christ and the Adulteress, Ghent Museum. Rooses (Reber), 116 ; Van den Brauden, 297. 176