Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/22

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PORTRAITS OF PAINTERS 115. 11G. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 12G. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 13G. 71. Giotto 142 72. Giovanni da TJdine 144 73. Girodet de Roussy, Anne Louis . . 146 74. Giulio Romano 149 75. Glaize, Leon 1"! 76. Gleyre, Charles Gabriel 153 77. Goltzius, Hendrik 15(5 78. Goodall, Frederick 157 79. Gow, Andrew C 160 80. Goya y Lucieutes, Francisco Jose de 1<!1 81. Govc'ii, Jan van 161 82. (io/.zoli, Beno/zo 162 83. Gral'f, Anton 164 84. Graham, Peter 165 85. Granet, Francois-Marias 167 86. Grunt, Sir Francis 168 87. Gray, Henry Peters 170 88. Greco, El 171 89. Gregory, Edward John 172 90. Grouze, Jean Baptiste 173 91. Gros, Antoine Jean 178 92. Grosses Franz Theodor 179 137. 93. Griitzner, Eduard 181 ! 138. 94. Guide, Hans Fredrik 183 139. 95. Gudin, Theodore 183 140. 96. Guercino, 11 184 141. 97. Guerin, Pierre Narcisso 185 142. 98. Gallons, Godfroid 186 99. (iaido (Guido Reni) 187 100. Guillaumet, Gustavo 101. Guillemet, Jean Baptiste Antoine 102. Gussow, Karl 103. Gysis, Nikolaus 104. Haas, Mauritz Frederick Hendrick de 194 105. Hagen, Theodor 197 106. Haghe, Louis 198 107. Hagn, Ludwig von 198 108. Hals, Frans 202 109. Hammer, Guido 205 110. Hamou, Jean Louis 206 111. Hanoteau, Hector 207 ! 158. 112. Hansen, Konstautiu 208 113. Harlow, George Henry 211 114. Harpiguies, Henri 212 Harrach, Ferdinand von ...... Hart, James McDougal ........ Harvey, Sir George ........... Haseuclever, Johaun Peter ..... Haydon, Benjamin Robert ..... Hebert, Ernest ............... Heem, Jan Davidsz de ........ Heemskerk, Marten van ........ Heinz, Joseph, the elder ........ Heist. Bartholomeus van der Heudschel, Albert ............. Henner, Jean Jacques ......... Herkomer, Hubert ........... Herrera, Francisco de, the elder Herring, John Frederick ...... Hess, Heinrich Maria von ...... Heyden, August von .......... Heyden, Jan van der .......... Hildebrandt, Eduard .......... Hildebrandt, Theodor ......... Hill, Thomas ............... Hire, Laurent de la . 143. 144. 189 145. 190 | 146. 191 147. 193 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 159. KiO. 1G1. Hodgson, John Evan ....... Hoft', Karl ................. Hogarth, William .......... Hoguet, Charles ........... Holbein, Hans, the elder. . . . Holbein, Hans, the younger. Holl, Frank ....... ' ....... Homei', Winslow ........... Hondocoeter, Melchior d'. . . Honthorst, Gerard van ..... Hooch, Pieter de ........... Hoogstrateu, Samuel van . . . Hook, James Clarke ........ Horschelt, Theodor ........ Horsley, John Callcott ...... Hosemann, Theodor ........ Houbraken, Arnold ........ Howard, Henry ............ Huber, Johann Rudolf ...... Hiibner, Karl ............. Hiibner, Julius ............ Huet, Jean Baptiste ......... Humbert, Ferdinand ....... Hunt, William Holman ..... Hunt, William Morris.. I'AUE 212 213 214 215 217 220 222 224 228 232 234 236 242 247 248 250 253 254 257 258 25!) 2G2 264 267 268 269 270 270 272 285 286 287 289 289 289 293 294 294 295 297 298 299 299 300 304 305 306 Mi