Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/223

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GTASTA eessors of Cimahnc and Giotto. Ho was the first to adorn the Sala del (Iran C'onsiglio, Venice, in 1365, with a Paradise, afterward replaced by Tintoretto. A Crucifixion bv Lini is in the Pinacoteca, Bassano, and fres- cos in the choir of the Eremitani, Padua. C. A: C., Italy, ii. 252 ; Vasari, ed. Lo Mon., vi. 86 ; xi. 833, X. 3 ; Ridolti, Le Maraviglie dell' Arte ( Venice, 1(5 48), 27 ; Burckhardt , 5-2 1 . GUASTA, BEXVENUTO 1)1 GIOVAN- XI DI MEO DEL, died in 1517 (V). Si, n- ese school. Described in a record of 1455 as employed in the baptistery of S. Gio- vanni, Siena, but his first extant picture, (14<>(i) is the Annunciation in S. Girolaiuo, Volterra. Its counterpart is in the. sacristy of SS. Piero e Paulo at Buonconvento. Other of his pictures are in the Siena Acad- emy, and in churches there. His hard and precise style somewhat resembles that of II Veccbietta. C. A:. C., Italy, iii. 70 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., iv. 163 ; xi. 173 ; xii. S5 ; Liib- ke, Gesch. ital. Mai., i. 385. GUASTO, MARQUIS DEL. See Jra/,,s. GUAY, GABRIEL, born in Paris ; con- temporary. Genre painter, pupil of Gerome and of Lequien. Medal, 3d class, 1878. AVorks : I'lysses suspended over Charybdis (1873) ; Slumber, After the Ball (1874) ; In Carnival, Incorruptible (187t!) ; In the ab- sence of the Master, Latona and the Peas- ants (1877) ; The Levitcof Ephraim (1878); The Tallianuni during the Persecution (1880) ; Mater Amabilis, Souvenir de Vcules (1881) ; La Source, Cosette (1882) ; Father Rabu, Mother Race (1884) ; The Wounded Dove (1885) ; Birth of Spring, Mrs. 1). D. Colton, San Francisco. GUDE, HAXS FREDRIK, born in Chris- tiania, March 13, 1825. Landscape and mar- ine painter, pupil of Andreas Achenbach, and of Ddsseldorf Academy under Scliir- mer; visited Norway in 1843-46, lived in Christiania in 1848-50, became professor at the Dilsseldorf Academy in 1854 ; went to England in 1862, and to Carlsruho in 1864 as professor at the art-school. Since 1880, professor at Berlin Academy. Member of Am- sterdam, Rotterdam, Stockholm. Berlin, and Vienna Academies. Great gold medal in Berlin (1 852 and 18IJO) and Weimar (1861). Medal, Paris, 2d class, 1855, 1861, 1SI>7. Numerous Or- ders. Works: Hijjh Plain with Reindeer (1847); Bridal Pro- cession on Hardan- ger Fjord (1848) ; Birch Wood (1848), Christiania Gallery; Four landscapes from S<>gne (18411-50), ()s- carshall, near Christiania ; Night-Fishing in Norway (1851); Mountainous Landscape with Pine Wood (18.V2I; Funeral in Sogne Fjord, Lledr Valley in Wales, Stockholm Museum; Norwegian Mountains; Mountain Shepherdesses with Herd; Fishermen in Evening Landscape; Summer Evening on Norwegian Lake (1851, figures by Tidc- niand), Norwegian Coast (l87di. National Gallery, Berlin ; Cliristiania Fjord (1S57), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Norwegian Harbour of Refuge (1873), Bremen Gallery; do., Carlsruhe Gallery; Calm-Sea, Cologne Mu- seum ; do., Stuttgart Gallery ; Cliiem Lake, Vienna Academy ; Harbour of Cliristiania ; Pilot-Houso on Norwegian Coast ; View on Nether Rhine; Scotch Landscape (1878). Illustr. Zeitg. (1882), i. 387 ; Kunst-ChroniK, v. 124 ; W. Miiller, Diisseldf. K., 311, 343 ; Wiegniann, 388; Zeitschr., vi. 17(i ; xvi. 151; xxi. 40. GUDIX, (JEAN AXTOINE) THEO- DORE, born in Paris, Aug. 15, 18()'_', died at Boulogne -sur-Sei ne, April 11, 1880. Marine painter, pupil of Girodet- Trioson, but soon aban- doned his style. His early and best pictures, landscapes, and marines, are fine in colour and bold in execution, but the later are tamo and conventional in style. 183