Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/246

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HAMMER HAMMER, HANS JORGEN, born in Copenhagen, Dec. 29, 1815. Genre and landscape painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy under Eckersberg ; entered the army in 1848, took part in the campaign of that vear, and took his leave as captain in 1800 "; visited Italy in 1856-58. Order of Dannebrog, 18G1 ; Member of Copenhagen Academy in 1874. Works : Last Load of Hay (1845) ; Peasants' Amusement on Sun- day (.1847) ; View of Rome (1803) ; Market- Place at Ariccia (1803) ; Market-Day at Fredericia (1871) ; Long-Expected Letter (1877), Copenhagen Gallery. HAMMER, JOHN J., born in Westhofen, Germany, Jan. 1, 1842. Genre and portrait p.iintcr, pupil in Munich from 187(i of Pro- fessors Loeft't/ and Alexander Wagner. .Re- moved to New York in 1884. Works : In the Shade (18S1), In the Sun (1882), Kunst- vereiu, Munich ; Gleaners (18S3), William Baum f *arti'ii, New York ; Scenes from Pom- O peii water-colours (18S3) ; Goose Girl (1888), Munich Exhibition ; Little Barefoot (1884); Dreams of Childhood water-colours (1885) ; Portrait of Mrs. Margaret Carnegie (188(1), Andrew Carnegie, New York. HAMON", JEAN LOUIS, born at St. Loup, near Plouha (Cotes-du-Xonl ), MayH, 1821, died at St. Raphael (Var), May 29, 1874. Genre painter, pupil of Delaroche and of xGleyre ; exhib- ited in 1848 with little success. Gleyre then obtained him employment at Sevres, where he designed and painted a number of vases, among them one for Queen Victoria (1851), and another for the Empress. Lived in Capri after 18G5. Many of his highly poetical and delicately painted pict- ures have been engraved. Despite great professional success, his life was embittered and shortened by sickness and pecuniary embarrassment. Medals : 3d class, 1853 ; 2d class, 1855 ; L. of Houour, 1855. Works : Tomb of Christ, Frieze of a Door (1848) ; Equality in the Seraglio, Parrot playing with two Girls, a Roman Notice (1849) ; Human Comedy (1852), Luxembourg Museum ; My Sister isn't There (1853); Cupid and his Fol- lowers, The Orphans, Nurse with Children, It is not I (1855); Tomb of Christ (1805), Mar- seilles Museum; Chained Butterfly, Enslaved Fly, The Cheap Shop, The Tamer, Love, Wom- en Winding (1857); Cupid Visiting (1859); Aviary, Smuggler, Guardianship, Virgins of Lesbos (1801); Elder Sister, Mountebank (1801), Nantes Museum ; Imitator, Day of Be- trothal, Aurora (1804); Muses at Pompeii (1800) ; Promenade (1807) ; Ophelia on the 15ank of the Dark River (1873) ; Among the Flowers, Museum, New York ; Spring Flow- ers, W. H. Van- J.L. HAMON lerbilt, ib.-Gaz. des B. Arts (1875), xi. 119; Athenrvum (1874), i. 835; Hamer- ton, French Painters ; Larousse ; Meyer, Gesch., 028; Illustr. /eitg. (1879), i. 315, 321 ; Claretie, Peintres (1882), i. 49. HAMPE, KARL FRIEDRICH, born in Berlin, July 13, 1772, died there, Dec. 29, 1848. Genre and architecture painter, pu- pil of Berlin Academy under Niedlich and Friscli. Member of the Berlin Academy in 1810, professor in 1823, and inspector and librarian from 1829. Works : Castle in Moonlight (1817), Fountain in Gothic Hall (1819), Luther's Room in Wittenberg (1821), National Gallery, Berlin. HANDLER, PAUL, born at Altenwed- dingen, near Magdeburg, March 10, 1833. History painter, pupil of Berlin ami Diissel- dorf Academies, then in Dresden of Julius Schnorr ; visited Italy in 1859, and after- wards Paris ; lived in Dresden in 18G1-C7, and then settled in Berlin, where lie is pro- fessor at the Royal Art School. Works : Cru- cifixion (1801); Disciples at Emmaus (1862); Battle at Mockern (1864); Christ bearing the Cross (1805) ; Wall Paintings for Church in Hillerslebeu (1807) ; Doubting Thomas