Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/253

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HARRISON' Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1854. Genre painter, pupil iu Paris of C.irolus Duran, and of tlio JCcole des Beaux Arts under Cabanel. Ex- hibited first in Salon of 1881. Returned to America in 1882, painted in New Mexico in 1883. Studio in Paris. Works : Waif from the Sea (1881) ; Return from First Com- munion (1882) ; November (purchased by French Government) ; Little Goose-Herd, Motherless, Summer Idyl, Calling Home the Cows, Milkmaid, Modern Pompeiian, Friends or Foes (1884). HARRISON, THOMAS ALEXANDKH, born in Philadelphia, Jan. 17, 1853. Genre and landscape painter, brother of Lowell Birge ; pupil of Ecole des Beaux Arts under Gere/me. Exhibited first in Salon of 1881 ; Honourable Mention, 1885. Gold medal, S. Francisco, 1878. Studio in Paris. Works : Au Bords de la Mer, Shipwrecked, Coast of Brittany (18S1) ; Chateaux en Espagne (1882) ; Tlje Amateurs, Little Slave (1883) ; Harbour of Concarneau, Pebbly Beach, Breton Garden, Twilight, The Shipwrecked of Glenans (1884) ; Sea-shore, The Wave (18S5). Butler Harrison, n younger brother, has studied in Paris since 1881, with Bou- langer and Lefebvre. Work, Little Grand- mother (1884), Philadelphia Academy Ex- hibition. HAHT, JAMES M< DOUGAL, born iu Kilmarnock, Scot land, May 10, 1828. Land- scape painter ; taken to America in 18151 ; pupil of his brother, William Hart, and in 1851 of Schirmer in Dilsseldorf. Elected an A. N.A. in 1857, and N.A. in 185!). Studio in New York. Works : On the Croton, Launt Thompson ; Landscape and Cattle, J. H. Sherwood, New York ; Morning in the Adirondacks, M. O. Roberts Collection, il>. ; Summer on the Boquet River, Stewart Gal- lery, ib. ; Summer Memory of Berkshire, E. D. Morgan Collection, ib. ; Autumn Woods, Rush C. Hawkins, ib. ; Glimpse of Cayuga Lake, J. W. Pinehot, ib. ; Adirondack* (185!)), W. T. Walters, Baltimore; Dr,n-e at the Ford (1874), Corcoran Gallery, Wash- ington ; Threatening Weather, In the Pas- ture (1877) ; Midsummer's Day (1878) ; Through Dust-Clouds (18711) ; Farmington River, At the Brooksido (1880) ; Loitering at Noonday, In our Village (1881) ; Princess Lily (188-2); In the Old Orchard, Oaks in Autumn (1883) ; So Near and Yet so Far, Boughs for Christmas ( 18S1) ; At the Water- ing Trough (1885). Art Journal (1877).


HAHT, SOLOMON' ALKKANI >KR. born in Plymouth, April, 1801!, died in London, June 11, 1881. History and portrait paint- er, apprenticed in London to Samuel War- ren, engraver : became student, in Koyal Academy in 1823, A.U..V in 1835, and i. in 1840 : was professor of painting (here in 1854 (13, and librarian in 18U5 81. First won notice by his Isaac of York in the Castle of Front de B<eiif. Other works: Interior of a Jewish Synagogue, National Gallery ; Henry I. receiving News of the Shipwreck and Deatli of his Son (1840): Execution of Lady Jane Grey, Plymouth Gallery; Co- lumbus and the Child ; Wolsev and Buck- ingham ; Dante; The Hoarder (1881).- Cat. Nat. Gal.; Art Journal (1881), 223; Sandby, ii. !(>(>; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xix. 457. HART, WILLIAM, born in Paisley, Scot- land, March 31, 1823. Landscape and ani- mal painter, self-taught ; brother of James McDougal ; taken to America in early youth. In 1841* visited Scotland, where he studied and painted three years. Elected an A.N.A. in 1857, and N.A. in 1858. Studio in New York. Works: Near Keene, Mt, Desert, S. V. Wright ; After the Shower, S. J. Harriot ; Peace and Plenty (1855) ; Close of Day Mt. Desert (1850); Lake in the Hills (1858); White Mountain, E B Warren, Philadel- phia; Joy of Autumn (18C5); Golden Hour (1872); Morning in the Mountains (1874); Kecne Valley (1875); Jersey Cattle (187!));