Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/277

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HELT-STOKADK Lesson, Lesson with the Parson (1877) ; Father with his Children praying to Ma- donna (1878); Country Physician (18711) ; Clymene and her Sisters at Phaeton's Grave (1880); Father and Son (1882); Two Sons at their Mother's Deathbed (1883). Sigurd Miiller, 151. HELT-STOKADE, MCOLAAS VAN, born at Nymwegen about Kilt, died in Ki(ii). Dutch school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of David Rykaert the elder ; for a time court-painter in Franco, but lived mostly in liomc and Venice, though at Am- sterdam in 1(!54. Many European princes ordered pictures of him, as ho was an excel- lent colourist. He supplied the landscapes of Wynants, Hackaert, and Da Heusch with figures. Works : drain Market under .Jo- seph in Egypt, Town Hall, Amsterdam; Fig- ures in Border of a Forest (by Wynants, 1059), Hague Museum ; Susanna at the Bath, Leipsic Museum ; Male Portrait, Old Pinnkothek, Munich. Immerzeel, iii. 115; Kminni, v. 1575 ; Du Stuers, 180 ; Van den IJranden, 871. HEMICYCLE, Paul Dulnrorhr, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris ; encaustic painting, H. 15 ft. x about 50 ft. Scene the portico of an Ionic temple ; in centre sits Apelles en- throned, with Ictinus on his right and Phidias on his left. Near them are live alle- gorical figures : in front, Fame, nude, kneel- ing, easting out wreaths from a heap at her side ; back of her, at left, seated, are Greek Art and Gothic Art, the latter (with the model of a cathedral) a portrait of Dela- roche's wife, daughter of Horace Vcrnet ; at right, Roman Art and Renaissance Art. On each side of this ideal group extend the wings of the picture, in which are grouped the great artists of the world, standing or sitting in their habits as they moved of old. The work contains 75 colossal figures. The original, called the Hemicycle because it occupies the semicircular frieze of the am- phitheatre of the Beaux-Arts, was painted in 1837-41. Delaroche received for it 80,- 000 francs, the price set for a canvas of fifteei 1 figures, the work originally contemplated. It was injured by fire in 1855, but the dam- age was repaired by the artist himself, aided by Mercier and Fleury. The engraving by Heuriquel Dupont cost eight years' labour. Delaroche made for Dupont's use a copy of the work, in small (1851!), now owned by

. T. Walters, Baltimore. There is a pho- 

togravure of it iu Art Treasures of America, together with a key to the figures. Tho original sketch for the large work is in the Nantes Museum. --Art Treas. of Amer., i. 82 ; Mrs. Jameson ; (la/. <les 11. Arts I 180(1), viii. IS54. HEMISSEN (Ilemishem, HeniM-n), -IAN VAN, born at Ilemishem (Hemixenn, near Antwerp, about 1500, died at Haarlem be- tween 1555 and 1500. Flemish school. Real name Jan Sanders. History and por- trait painter, pupil at Antwerp of Hendrik van Cleve in 15111, master of the guild be- fore 1524, its dean in 1548; removed to Haarlem in 1551. Although, in his time, the influence of the Italian school asserted itself strongly, lie adhered to the old tradi- tions, and took (^iiinten Massys for his model. Works: Calling of St. Matthew, Museum, Antwerp ; do., Theodor van Lc- rius, ib. ; do., Ghent Museum ; Prodigal Son (1550), Brussels Museum ; Tobias re- storing his Father's Sight (1555), Louvre, Paris ; Christ driving out the Money-Chang ers (1550), Nancy Museum ; Madonna, il- lage Physician, Madrid Museum ; Abraham's Sacrifice, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; Calling of St. Matthew (15:!0), Isaac blessing Jacob, Holy Family (1541), Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Mocking of Christ (1544), Schleiss- heim Gallery ; Calling of St. Matthew, do. (15:i7), do. (1548), St. Jerome, St. William, Portrait of Mabusc, Vienna Museum ; St. Ursula, Adoration of the Magi, Prince Albert Collection, London. His daughter and pupil, Catharina, LJ J*j was an artist of merit ; went . ... with her husband, a musician, | to Spain, where both entered the service of the Queeii of Hungary. A Male Portrait by 233