Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/290

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HERMANN-LEON Peter and Paul (1840-44), 14 frescos, Klos- terkircbe, Berlin ; Easter Morn, St. Mat- thew's, ib. ; Sermon on the Mount, Fifteen Pictures from German History (1844-54). Allgem. il. Biogr., xii. 185 ; Allgem. Zeitg., May 20, 1880, Beilage, 141 ; Brockhaus, ix. 145; Cotta's Kunstbl. (1831), 108; (1835), 42 ; D. Kunstbl. (1853), 40 ; (1854), 31 ; Kunst-Chronik, xv. 5(iO ; Forster, v. 72 ; Rac/ynski, i. 55, G5, 270 ; ii. 230. HERMANN-LEON, CHARLES, born at Havre, July 22, 1838. Animal and genre ing-Trough, Shepherd Dog (1883) ; In the Heath, Tip, A Pug-Dog (1884) ; Welfare (1885). Bellier, i. 7G2. HERMANN AND THUSNELDA, An- gelica Kmiffmann, Vienna Museum ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 4 in. xl ft. 3 in. Scene from one of Klopstock's dramas on Hermann (Armin- ius). Hermann, having triumphed over the legions of Varus, returns, bearing the spoils of victory, to sacrifice on the altars of his fathers ; Thusnekla presents him the wreath of sacred leaves, while her companions strew mi ^^mm^. fi Hermann and Thusnelda, Angelica Kauffmann, Vienna Museum. painter, pupil of Philippe Rousseau and of Fromentin. Medals : 3d class, 1873 ; 2d class, 1879. Works : Ill-gotten Gains do no Good to the Getter, Contempt (1808); Valet coupling Dogs, Intermission (1870); Hunt- ing Relay (1872) ; Peasants fleeing from In- vasion, Who-lioop to the Boar (1873) ; Legend of St. Hubert, Fino a Fox-Terrier (1874); Galendor and Castillo (1875) ; Mass of St. Hubert, Shepherd and the Sea (1870) ; Huntsman (1877); Death of Action (1878); Who-hoop (1879), bought by State ; Relay of Dogs (1880); Maternity, Wolf -Hunt (1881); Eve of Lent (1882); Coming from the Water- flowers and a priest gives thanks to Woden. Engraved by J. B. Durer ; G. Kotterba. Pxrvcil, X. 712. HERMANS, CHARLES, born in Brus- sels, Aug. 17, 1839. Genre painter, pupil of Brussels Academy, and in Paris of Ecole des Beaux Arts and of Gleyre ; lived in 18G2-GG in Italy, mostly at Rome. First attracted attention in Brussels in 1875 by his Morning Dawn in a Large City, for which he received the Order of Leopold. Works : On the Strand ; On the Terrace ; At Dawn of Day ; Monks playing Nine-Pins ; ! Job and his Friends (1872); Child's Hospi- 244