Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/296

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HESS profited by studying the old masters in Brussels and Paris. Works: Family in Forester's House, Game Poulterer (1840) ; Hunter's Good Morning (1848) ; First In- struction in Hunting (1850) ; Bavarian Rifle- man on Outpost (1853) ; Marshal Wrangel overtaken by General von Worth (1855) ; Message from Battlefield (1857) ; Looking for Pheasants (1802) ; Shakespeare as a Poacher before his Landlord ; Visit at the Monastery, The Swedish General Wrangel escaping capture by the Bavarians in 1047 while hunting, New Pinakothek, Munich. Andrescn, iii. 203. HESS, HEINRICH MA1UA VON, born in Diisseldorf, April 1!), 1798, died in Munich, March 29, 18(53. His- tory and portrait paint- er, son and pupil of the engraver Karl Ernst Christoph Hess, then from 1813 at the Munich Academy under P. von L a n g e r . Having at- tracted attention by his paintings when only eighteen, he went in 1821 to Rome, and remained four years. In 182747 he was professor at the Munich Academy, and in 1849 became director of all the galleries. His frescos in the Chapel of All Saints (1827-37), and especially those in the Basilica (1837-40), arc among the most remarkable modern works of their kind. He was a member of the Vienna, Milan, Stock- holm, and Antwerp Academies. Works : Entombment, St. Luke (1815) ; Holy Fam- ily, Faith, Love, and Hope (1817) ; Charity, Christmas Eve, St. Cecilia, Entombment, Descent from the Cross, several portraits (1817-21); Portrait of Thorwaldsen, Count- ess Florenzi, Parnassus (1821-20); 07 Scenes from Old and New Testament, and 11 from Church History (1827-37), Life of St. Boni- face (1840-45), Church of All Saints, Munich; Last Supper (1840), Refectory, Benedictine Monastery, Munich ; Madonna Enthroned, Last Supper (1803, unfinished); Peasants on Pilgrimage to Rome, Portrait of Thorwald- sen, do. of Florentine Lady, New Pinakothek, ib. ; Portrait of Thorwaldsen, Schack Gallery, ib. Allgem. d. Biogr., xii. 278 ; Brockhaus, ix. 181 ; Art Journal (1805), 97 ; Reber-Pecht, ii. 97. HESS, HIERONYMUS, born in Basle in 1788, died there in 1850. History painter, pupil in Rome of Koch. Works : Murder of Emperor Albrecht by Hans von Schwaben ; Battle of the Swiss against the French near St. Jacob, Basle Museum. Cotta's Kunstbl., 1830, 25 ; N. Necrol. d. D. 1850 ; Waagen, D, ii. 283, 290. HESS, JOHANN MICHAEL, born at Erlau, Hungary, Sept, 18, 1708, died about 1830. History painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Maurer, won the first prize in 1794, and afterwards became professor of drawing at the Engineer Academy. Works : St. Stephen, Assumption, John the Baptist and John of Nepomuk, Seminary Church, Erlau ; Baptism of St. Stephen, Gran Cathe- dral. Wurzbach, viii. 424. HESS, KARL, born in Diisseldorf in ' 1801, died at Reiclieuhall, Nov. 10, 1874. Genre and animal painter, youngest brother of Peter, whom, with Wagenbauer, he took for his model. Educated in Munich. Pict- ures full of truth, character, and poetry. Also an engraver. Works : Thierstilck (1835) ; Starting for the Alp, Alp near HKochel (1848); On Stahremberg Lake ; Alp near Schliersee ; Mu- nich Buck-Cellar ; Pasturage ; Ty- / o 3 -3 rolese Landscape, National Gal- lery, Berlin. Allgem. d. Biogr., xii. 298; Deutsche Warte (1875), 708; Kunst-Chronik, x. 137. HESS, KARL ADOLF, bom in Dresden in 1709, died at Wilhelmsdorf, near Vienna, July 3, 1849. Battle and horse painter, 1 pupil of Klass ; settled about 1809 in Vi- enna, where he afterwards became professor

at the Academy. His many journeys to

Hungary, Russia, and Turkey, and in 1829 to England, enabled him to acquire a thor- ough knowledge of the various breeds of 250