Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/323

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HOLY SS. Joseph and Elizabeth. Collection of Louis XTV. Engraved by Blomaert. Vil- lot, Cat. Louvre ; Filliol, ii. PI. P_>1 ; Lon- don, Musoe, i. PL 43. By Sebastian del Fiomlxi, Baring Collec- tion, London ; wood, H. 3 ft. '1 in. 15 ft. (i in. A donor kneels before the Virgin, who rests one hand on his shoulder, while with the other she holds on her lap Jesus, who points to John Baptist with his cross, to the left ; to the right, St. Joseph asleep. Painted about 1512. Formerly iu the Stratton Col- Holy Family (La petite Sainte Famille), Raphael, Louvre. lection. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. :!24 ; Waagen, Treasures, ii. 172. By lta]>ha<>/, Louvre ; wood, H. 1 ft. .'t in. X 11 in. (La petite Sainte Famille). Jesus, standing in his cradle, leans across the Vir- gin's knees, and caresses the cheeks of St. John, whom St. Elizabeth, kneeling, presents to him ; background, landscape with ruins. Painted in Rome about 1517-18 ; given by Raphael to Adrian Gouffier, Cardinal de Boissy, papal legate in France in 1519 ; passed to Due de Rouanez, and bought finally by Louis XIV. Engraved by Fr. Poilly ; P. Drevet ; W. de Gutweiu ; J. B. L. Massard ; S. Simonneau ; A. B. Pesnoy- ers ; and others. Probably painted by Giu- lio Romano, after Raphael's design. Passa- vant. ii. -2. (!:{ ; Felibien, ii. :!:!.">; Gruyer, Vierges de Raphael, iii. 'M'2 ; Cab. Cro/.at, i. PI. 17; Landon, Mus.'e, ii. PI. 5 ; Villot, Louvre ; Filliol, i. PI. ."><!. By liembramlt, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg ; canvas, H. i> ft. -JJ in. x :i ft. 41 in.: signed, dated Ili45. The Virgin, seated in a rustic, apartment, divssed in a red robe and dark-coloured skirt, holding a large open book on her knees, is raising the cov- erlet of a cradle in which Jesus lies asleep ; a lire, over which is a p> >t. burns on a hearth near her ; in background, St. Joseph chop- ping wood ; above, a group of angels hover- ing. Smith, vii. 2U. By Sir Joshua AV///I, ,/'/>-. National Gallery, London ; canvas, If. <> ft. 5 in. 4 ft. ',1 in. , The Virgin, holding the infant Christ, and Joseph seated at base of a stone pedestal under a tree ; at left, infant St. John with standard of the lamb : background, a land- scape. Painted for Mr. Macklin, who sold it to Lord Gwydyr ; purchased at his sale I (1828) and presented to National G.illcrv ; copy by J. R. Powell at Somerlev, seat of Earl of Normanton, which Waagen mistook for a genuine Sir Joshua. Engraved by W. Sharp (1792) ; G. Presbury in Jones's Na- tional Gallery. -Cat. Nat. Gal.; Eng. Paint- ers of Georgian Era, 4 ; Art Journal ( Isiii)).


I5y Hulii'ii.--, Blenheim Palace. See 1,','hint from Egypt. By Hii/H-nx, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; wood, H. !).', in. X 115.1 in. The Virgin seated on the ground, holding Jesus, who is caress- ing a lamb, across the neck of which St. John is standing ; behind, St. Eli/abeth, standing. Engraved by Earlom. Formerly in Houghton Gallery. Smith, ii. 15(i. By Riilienit, Hertford House, London ; wood, H. 4 ft. 2 in. x '. ft. 1 in. Virgin and Child, with SS. Joseph, John, and Elizabeth. Formerly one of chief ornaments of the Bel- vedere Gallery, Vienna ; presented in 1784 ten