Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/325

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HOLY London ; wood, H. 3 ft. fi in. x 2 f t. 8 in. The Virgin seated, with the Child on her knees ; Elizabeth with infant St. John seated at her right hand. Formerly in Palazzo Al- dobrandiuo, Rome ; taken to England in 180G, and passed through hands of Mr. Irvine and Mr. Buchanan to Kev. W. H. Carr, who bc(iueathed it in 1831 to the Na- tional Gallery. Rcveil, iv. 254. By Andrea del Surln, Palazzo 1'itti, Flor- ence ; wood, H. 4 ft. 1 in. x 3 ft. 3 in. The Virgin, kneeling, looks at Jesus, who smiles as he lies before her ; behind him infant St. Holy Family, Andrea del Sarto, National Gallery, London. John standing. St. Joseph, to left, leans his head on his hand. Landscape back- ground. Painted about 1521 for Zanobi Bracci. Engraved by Paradisi. C. &. C., Italy, iii. 57(5 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., v. 35 ; Gal. du Pal. Pitti, ii. PI. 117. By Andrea del Sarto, Palazzo Pitti, Flor- ence ; wood, H. 4 ft. (i in. x 3 ft. 3 in. Jesus, astride on the knee of the Virgin, who sits on the ground, turns to infant Baptist, sup- ported by St. Elizabeth ; in foreground a reed cross. " Perfectly handled in Andrea's fused 'transparent manner" (C. .t C.). Painted about 152'J for Ottavianode' Medici. Ancient copy in Dulwich Gallery, St. Joseph being added. This figure, different in style, recalls the manner of Vasari, Andrea's scholar. En- graved by Guzzi. C. C., Italy, iii. oil!; Vasari, cd. Mil., v. 51 ; Gal. du Pol. Pitti, iv. PI. lit; Kit-liter, Cat. Dulwich Gal., 151. By Girolamo iS'ai-oMo, Turin Gallery ; can- vas, H. :i ft. x 4 ft. (> in.; signed, dated 15^7. Tim Virgin, with hands joined, behind a cradle or cushion on which Jesus is lying ; at left a donor a man in a furred cloak lifting a cloth from the waking Child ; at right, St. Francis, in prayer. Replica, long attributed to Pordenone, at Hampton Court, in which a second donor, a woman, is sub- stituted for St. Francis. C. A; C., N. Italy, ii. 127 ; Law, Hist. Cat. Hampton Court, -I:!. Uy Andrea Sularin, Casa I'oldi, Milan ; wood, figures one-fifth life-size; signed, dated 1515. The Virgin, sitting, holding Jesus, to whom Joseph is presenting fruit ; in background, the ass in a glade. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 5! I. By Titian, Louvre ; canvas, H. 2 ft. S in. 3 ft. (! in. The Virgin, seated under a tree to the left, holds Jesus on her lap ; St. John coming forward with his lamb and St. Joseph looking on ; in distance a servant leads the ox and ass, and two angels in the air carry the cross ; landscape background. Painted in 1530 ; belonged to Cardinal Ma/.arin, bought of his heirs for Louis XIV. Rej)- lica of Titian's time in Escorial ; another from Orleans Gallery, now in Holford Gal- lery, London ; engraved by Teniers, consid- ered by Waagen and Miindler superior to that in Louvre ; others in Royal Institution, Liverpool, and Modena Gallery ; later adap- tations in Stockholm and Berlin Galleries. C. <fc C., Titian, i. 341 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 42!) ; Waagen, Treasures, ii. 194 ; Miind- ler. Ivssai, 207 ; Ch. Blanc, t>ole venitienne. By Paolo Verowse, Uftizi, Florence; can- vas, figures life-size, half-length. The Vir- , gin seated, with Jesus asleep in her lap ; at sro