Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/327

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HOLY H. 4 ft. x3 ft. 3 in.; signed. The Virgin, seated in a meadow at right, with a book in her left hand, supports Jesus with the other ; he, resting upon her knee, with one foot on the ground, reaches toward tlio infant St. John, who is sustained at left by St. Eli/a- beth, kneeling ; behind, St. Joseph, standing, leaning on his staff' completes the pyramidal group ; background, a landscape. Painted Canigiani Holy Family, Raphael, Munich Gallery. about 150(5 for Domenico Canigiani, of Flor- ence ; passed into hands of the Medici, and given by Cosmo III. to his daughter, Anna Maria Luisa, on her marriage in KJDOwith Jo- hann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine : transferred to Munich from Ddsscldorf Gallery, whence sometimes called Dusseldorf Madonna. Much repainted ; the angels in the sky were so much injured by a restorer named Colin, that Krahe, director, caused them to be painted out. Sketches in Albertina Collec- tion, Vienna, and in Due d'Aumale's Collec- tion, Chantilly. Copy in Corsini Gallery. Florence, formerly in Casa Rinuccini, Flor- ence ; probably by a disciple of Raphael, though landscape looks like the work of a Fleming. Another copy in sacristy of S. Frediano, Florence. Engraved by Bona- snne, Rene JSoirin. Calendi, Prestel, Cosse, K. Russ, Carl Hess (1804), S. Amsler ( 18M). Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. li'JC ; Passavant, li. 5:t ; Miint/, 11)1 ; C. t v, C., Raphael, i. 2!4 ; (inner, Vierges do Raphael, iii. 'JSli ; Kug- ler (Kastlake). ii. 4'JH. HOLY FAMILY DHL CORDERO (<.f the Lamb), /iii/i/ini-l, Madrid Museum ; wood, H. 1U in. x8 in.: signed, dated l."i(7. The Virgin, half kneeling, holds Jesus on a lamb ; St. Joseph, standing and leaning on his staff, looks on ; background, landscape with castle on a hill and church on low ground, with llight into Egypt, very small figures. Painted in Florence ; long unnoticed in Oratorio of the Escorial until one davDun Sebastian, tin; Infante, examining it, was surprised to find Raphael's signature. A tine copy of Raphael's time sold in 18-10 bv Signor Baldesehi, <if Rome, for I'J.IHIO scudi, to Count Castelbarco, of Milan, who sold his collection in Paris in IsTll. Manv other copies. Engraved by R. Morghen ; Sade- ler. C. A. C.. Raphael, i. :!:!7 ; Passavant, ii. 55; Miint/, 188; (iruver. Vierges de Raphael, iii. l>'.l(i ; Madra/o.' Is I. HOLY FAMILY DHL DIYINO AMORK (of Divine Love), attributed to Raphael, but probably by (Jiulio Uniiinini, Xaples Museum; wood, H. 1 f t. 1 1 in. 1 ft. 7 in. The Virgin sitting with clasped hands ; Jesus on her lap, with right hand raised as if blessing St. John, who kneels, holding a cross; behind is St. Eli/.abelh seated, and in the background Joseph. Painted about 15l:t for Leonello Pio da Carpi ; in possession of Cardinal Ridolfo Pio da Carpi in 1558 ; thence passed to Farnese family and was taken to Parma, whence carried to Naples by King Ferdi- nand I.; in 1805, on the approach of the French, Queen Caroline took it with her to Palermo, Vienna, and Constantinople, and finally brought it back to Naples. Orig- inal sketch in Naples Museum. Engraved by Marc Antonio, with variations, from an original sketch. Pussavaut mentions many