Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/330

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HOLY & C., Raphael, i. 285 ; Gower, Hist. Gal. of England (London, 1881) ; Felibien, Entre- tiens, i. 228 ; Gruyer, Yierges de Raphael, iii. 259 ; Waagen, Treasures, ii. 20 ; Cab. Crozat, i. PI. 23. HOLY FAMILY LA PERLA (The Pearl), lluphat'l, Madrid Museum ; wood, transferred to canvas, H. 4 ft. 9 in. x3 ft. 10 in. The Virgin, sitting near a cradle, hold- ing Jesus on her knees ; he has one foot on the cradle, and is reaching for fruits which Holy Family La Peila, Raphael, Madiid Museum. St. John, dressed in a sheep skin, presents him ; on right, St. Elizabeth kneeling ; in background, St. Joseph among ruins. Paint- ed about 1517 for Fcderigo II., Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, according to Passavant, but probably identical with the Nativity described by Vasari as painted for Bishop Lodovico da Canossa ; passed from Canossa family, Verona, to Duke of Mantua, and sold in 1028 to Charles I. of England ; bought after Charles's death, for 2,000, by Don Alonzo de Cardenas, Spanish Ambassador, for Philip IV. of Spain, who is said to have exclaimed when he saw it: "This is the pearl among my pictures ! " Carried in 1813 to Paris, where transferred to canvas ; re- turned to Madrid in 1822. Many copies. Engraved by Gio. Baptista Franco, L. Vor- stermau, and others. The M. dellaGatta, by Giulio Romano, Naples Museum, is a repe- tition of the Perla, with a change of acces- sories ; derives its name from the cat (gatta) crouching at St. Elizabeth's feet. Engraved by G. B. Franco ; L. Vorsterman. Giulio Romano had perhaps some hand in painting the Perla. Gruyer, Vierges de Raphael, iii. 348 ; Passavant, ii. 250 ; Kugler (Eastlake), ii. 375 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 351 ; Miintz, 513 ; Springer, 351 ; Gaz. des B. Arts, xviii. (1878), 211 ; Madrazo, 192. HOLY FAMILY WITH SAINTS, Ilagna- cavallo, Bologna Gallery ; wood, H. G ft. 2 in. x 4 ft. 5 in. The Virgin, seated ; Jesus, standing in his cradle, leans across her lap to reach flowers offered by St. Joseph ; be- hind, standing, SS. Benedict, Mary Magda- ' len, and Paul ; in background, the nativitj-. Formerly in S. M. Maddalena, Bologna. Engraved by G. Asioli. Pinac. di Bologna, PI. 10. HOLY FAMILY WITH ST. ZACHA- RIAS. See Jfadoitna with Cherries. HOLZER, JOHANN EVANGELIST, born at Burgeis, Tyrol, in 1709, died at Clemens- werth, Hanover, July 21, 1740. German school ; history and portrait painter, pupil at Mcran of Nicholaas Auer ; went afterwards to Augsburg, where he worked conjointly with Johann Geo. Bergmiiller.and later independ- ently in oil and fresco. Works : Finding of the Cross, Sketch to Mythological Fresco Painting in Augsburg, Faith, Hope and Love, Emperor Heraclius divesting himself of the Purple, Artist's Portrait, Ferdinan- dcurn, Innsbruck ; Ecce Homo ; Peasant Wedding ; Two Altai-pieces, Dominican Church, Augsburg ; Fall of Angels, Jesuit Church, ib. ; Portrait of Elector Clemens of Cologne (1740). Allgem. d. Biogr., xiii. 27 ; Wurzbach, ix. 248. HOLZER, JOSEF, bora in Vienna, March 20, 1824, died there, Jan. 17, 187G. Land- scape painter, pupil of the Vienna Academy, 284