Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/351

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HUGUENOT iii. 705 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 420 ; Vim ilcr gross there at tlio close of the Seven Years' Willigen, 184. War, and after 1'rince Fredcrik's death lie HUGUENOT, Sir John Everett Millaix, was appointed court-painter to the Emperor Mrs. Miller, Preston, England; canvas, H. Ferdinand III. Works: Pitta (2). (ilicnt 3 ft 2 in. X 2 ft. 1 in. Incident founded on Museum. Immtr/ttl, ii. (i4 ; Kramiii, iii. the order of the Due de Guise, that every 7(i(i. Catholic should bind a strip of white linen HULSM.VN, .JOHANN. tlourislied in Co- round his arm on the morning of St. Bar- logne about middle of 17th century, (ier- tholomew's Day (Aug. 15, 1572), when the man school ; history and portrait painter, bell of the Palais de Justice; should give the pupil of Augustin Braun ; possessed of signal for the massacre. The Huguenot of great inventive power, and an aide coloiirist, the picture gravely refuses to permit his worthy to be ranked with the best masters Roman Catholic mistress to bind a white of Rubens' school. Works : View of Castle scarf around his arm, as he takes a last em- and City of Heidelberg (10:ill>, Carlsruhe brace ; at the same time the rose in her Gallery; Legend of St. Nicholas (104:>), St. bosom falls to the ground, shedding its Ursula Church, Cologne ; Assumption. . Vpos- leaves. Royal Academy, 1852 ; painted for tie Church, ib. : Portrait of General .Johann David T. White, a dealer, for C150, to which von Werth, St. Veronica, Museum, ib.; Kle C50 was added after the engraving by T. (). gant Assembly at Meal Out -of- Doors { Hit 1 1. Barlow had proved remunerative. Tliispict- Germanic Museum, Nuremberg.- Alli_;em. lire brought Mr. Millais to the height of d. Biogr.. xiii. !!:!"> ; Naglcr, Mon., iii. '.IJS1. his reputation. The Huguenot was painted HULST, FRAN'S I>K, died in Haarlem, from Mr. Arthur, now General Lempriere, Dec. 2!), 1001. Dutch school ; landscape and the Catholic from Miss Ryan, who sat painter, master of the guild at Haarlem in also for the Puritan Maiden in the Proscribed 1031. Resembles in his early manner Salo- Royalist. Sketch in water-colours, Mr. C. mon van Ruysdael, in his later. Uoclof de Langton, Liverpool. Vries. Works: Dutch Citv on a Canal, HUGUET, VICTOR PIERRE, born in Berlin Museum; Village 'on Downs of Lude (Sarthe); contemporary. Genre and Scheveningen (10 4 t), Gotha Museum ; View lan<lscape painter, pupil of Hmile Ijoubon ; of Eastern Gate at Hooni, View of N'ym- ]>aints pleasing though sketchy Eastern land- wegen, Rotterdam Museum.- Meyer, Ge- Kcapcs and scenes. Medals: lid class, 18715 ; midde d. ki'mgl. Mus., 218. 2d class, 1882. Works: Caravans; Wells HULST, JAN BAPTIST VAN I >KK, born in Algiers; Camels Grazing, Ruins of Ro- at Lou vain, March 2, 17!>0, died at Brussels man Aqueduct in Algeria (18(i8); Hunting in June, 18(12. History and portrait paint- with the Falcon in Algeria (1874); River er, pupil of Louvain Academy under J. (!. Cheliff in Algeria (187!)); Wandering Tribe Geedts ; went in 181!) to Paris, and in 1*21! in Algeria (1882) ; Evening in the Dollars to Rome, whence he visited Naples, Flor- near Biskra (1884). cnce, and Venice ; was made court-painter HULLE, ANSELMUS VAN, born at to the King of Holland in 1830, and sube- Ghent in 1594, died about 1008. Flemish quently member of Amsterdam Academy, school. Heal name Anselmus Hebbelynck. Works: Miracle of the Holy Sacrament, St. History and portrait painter, master of the James's, Louvain ; Series of Family Por- guild at Ghent in 1620, subdcan in l(!l(2 ; traits, Duke of Arenberg, Brussels. Immer- settled early in Holland, where his talent zeel, ii. 05 ; Kramm, vii. 87. was much appreciated. Prince Frederik HULST, PEETER VAN, died in Antwerp Hendrik sent him to Mdnstcr in 1048 to ill 1028. Flemish school ; landscape paint- paint the portraits of the envoys to the Con- er, pupil of Ghielis Vinbons in 1583 ; his 303