Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/388

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JEAURAT director-general of the national museums, Le opened new galleries and classified pict- ures according to schools at the Louvre, and reorganized many provincial museums. In 1863 he became director of the Marseilles Museum. Medals : 2d class, 1833 ; L. of Honour, 1855 ; Corresponding Member of Institute, 18G3. Works: Little Patriots (1830), Caen Museum ; Smugglers Halting, Workmen on a Strike (1833); Peasants of Limousin (1834); Blacksmiths of Corivze (1830) ; Criminals collecting Upas Poison (1810) ; Gypsies (1846) ; Abandoned Har- bour of Ambleteuse (1850), Luxembourg Museum ; Plight into Egypt, Due do Luynes ; Harbour of Andresselles, Establishing the Telegraph at Cape Gris-Ncz (1850); Fisher- men at the Ferry, Susanna (1852); View of Cape Gris-Nez (1853), Boulogne Museum ; Dead Low Tide (1853), Douai Museum ; Camp of Equihem (1855), Chartres Muse- um ; Camp of Ambleteuse (1855), Aix Mu- seum ; Tintoretto and his Daughter in the Campagua, Fra Bartolommeo, Raphael and the Fornarina, Sea-Birds, Long Absence (1857); Phoenician and Slave (1859); Banks of the Seine (1859); Arras Museum ; Valley of Posavera, Return of the Fishermen, Bat- tle of Solferino, Zouaves by the Sea (bought by State), French Soldiers at Solferino, French Soldiers near Genoa (1SC1) ; Old Willows of Hycrcs, Baths of Bonnettes (1863); Marseilles Lighthouse (1864), Notre Dame de la Garde and the Castle of If (18G5); Pond of Belmont (1868); Cape Cou- roune (186!)); Stone Terrace at Comborn (1870); Notre Dame des Anges, Cape Gris- Nex (1874); Waiting, Stubble, Tliver Dur- ance (1875) ; From Genoa to Marseilles (1876); View in the Limousin, Lille Mu- seum ; Portrait of Mirabeau, Versailles Mu- seum. L'Art (1877), vi. 189 ; (1878), ix. 96 ; Bellier, i. 827 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1865), xix. 24, 535 ; Larousse. JEAURAT, ETIENNE, born in Paris, Feb. 8, 1G99, died in Versailles, Dec. 14, 1789. French school. Genre painter, pu- pil of Vleughels, whom he accompanied to Rome when that painter was appointed di- rector of the French Academy in that city (1724). On his re- turn to France, he was elected a member of the Academy, and produced pictures of great merit. Man}' of his works have been en- graved. Member Academy 1733; professor, 1743 ; rector, 1765 ; chancellor, 1781 ; custodian of the Versailles Gallery. Works : Diana and Acta-on, Esau and Jacob (1737) ; Di- ana Resting (1738) ; Departure of Achilles (1738), Cambrai Museum ; Boy Playing with Syringe (1739); Daplmis and Chloe (1741); Seamstress, Woman in Confinement, After- noon, Taking Harlots to the Hospital, Paint- er Moving, Village Wedding, Painter's Stu- dio, Diogenes breaking his Bowl (1747), Louvre ; Achilles going to avenge Patroclus, Two Savoyards, Woman dressing Salad (1753); An Arrest (1755); Lemon Trees of Javotte (1763); Wine-Press in Burgundy, Peasant Women keeping a Vigil (1769); Cook returning from Market, Besaneon Mu- seum ; Christ giving the Keys to St. Peter, Kitchen Interior, Van- clyck (attrib.), Male Portrait (attrib.), Or- leans Museum ; Famil- iar Scene (1774), Her- mitage, St. Petersburg. Bellier, i. 828 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole franchise ; Wurzbach, Fr. Maler des xviii. Jahrh., 32 ; Larousse. JEBENS, ADOLPH, born at Elbiug, W T est-Prussia, March 19, 1819. Portrait painter, pupil of Berlin Academy, and, 1836- 39, in Paris of Delaroche ; afterward visited Paris again and Italy. In 1845-63 he painted in St. Petersburg large military portraits for the Czars Nicholas and Alexan- der ; since 1863 in Berlin. Member of St.