Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/390

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.TKUEAIIAII College Gallery ; canvas, H. 7 ft. X (! ft. Jeremiah, full-length, seated in the court of the prison, dietatingMs prophecy of the Ml of Jerusalem to Baruch the Scribe, who sits at his feet (Jer. i. 17, 18). Painted about 1820; Jtremiah, Washington Allston, Yylo College Gallery. belonged t.o Miss Gibbs, of Newport, of whom bought for 7,000 by Professor Morse and presented to Yale College. By Michtilaityclo, Sistine Chapel, Rome ; fresco on ceiling. JEREMIAH AT THE TALL OF JERU- SALEM, Eduard lleiulemann, National Gal- lery, Berlin ; canvas, H. 1:5 ft. 7 in. x 1C ft. '.) iu. Signed and dated, Diisseldorf, 1S72. In the foreground the prophet ill speechless grief sitting among the ruins ; at his side, Baruch, kneeling iu prayer ; at right, a group of despairing women and children from whom a Babylonian warrior has snatched a bag ; iu the middle, Nebuchadnezzar in royal attire upon his chariot accompanied by fe- male satellites, preceded by the army laden with booty ; behind him, the blind king Zcdckiah, feeling his way with liis staff, sur- rounded by women and followed by priests with the ark of the covenant ; iu the back- ground, left, the smoking ruins of the tem- ple. Jordan (1885), i. 11. JERICHAU, HARALD (ADOLF NIKO- LAJ), born in Copenhagen, Aug. 17, 1852, died in Rome, March G, 1878. Landscape painter, sou of the sculptor Jens Adolf and of Elizabeth Jerichau ; pupil of his mother, then in Rome of Beuouville, but studied chiefly from nature, travelling in Switzer- land, Greece, Turkey, and Asia Minor. Works : Pontc Molle, View from Velletri (1870); Coast of Sorrento ; Caravan of Sar- des, Copenhagen Gallery ; The Acropolis at Athens, Greek Convent on Isle of Paros (1874). Ulustr. Tidende (1878), No. 971 ; Weilbach, 3:iO; Sigurd MUller, 178. JERICHAU-BAUMANN, ELISABETH, born in Yarsaw, Nov. 21, 1819, died in Co- penhagen, July 11, 1881. Genre painter, pupil in Diisseldorf of Karl Sohn and Stilke ; went in 1845 to Rome, where she married the Danish sculptor Jerichau, whom she accompanied to Co- agen. In 1852 she visited England, | France, and Russia, and afterwards Rome, Greece, Constantinople, Asia Minor, and Egypt. Member of Copenhagen Academy, 18(11. Works: Young Bride going to Church (1840), Polish Mother with Children leaving their Destroyed Home (1844), Raczynski Gallery, Berlin ; Polish Peasant Family re- turning to Ruins of Burnt House (1844), j Lord Lansdowne, London ; Girls at the Well in Ariccia (1845); Portrait of her Hus- band (1840), Copenhagen Gallery ; Peasant Girl reading Bible, Girl playing with Sheep, Carnival Scenes, Home Devotion, Allegory of Denmark (1847); Stranded; Orphans; Finis Polouiue ; Danish Fisherman ; Ice- landic Girl (1852), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Wounded Soldier nursed by his Betrothed 1 (18CO), Copenhagen Gallery ; Portraits of the Brothers Grimm ; Hans Christian An- pen sas