Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/404

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JOXAII the Samaritan Woman, Descent from the Cross (183!);; Byron's Corsair, Crown of Thorns (1840); Spaniards Threshing, Re- turning from the Fields (1841); Spanish Gypsy Women Bathing, Massacre of Inno- cents (1845), Rouen Museum ; Gypsies and Spanish Smugglers, Tomb of Les Knerves at Jumiegcs (1847) ; Perseus rescuing Androm- eda 1 184!>): Pieta (1850) ; Establishing tin Magistracy (1855). bought by State ; Virgin with SS. Joseph and Simon. Greek Woman Bathing (18(53 >; Christ among the Doctors (1S<>5), Prefecture de la Seine, Paris ; Cor- nelia's Jewels, Art in the Time of Peri- cles (1 Stith; Combat of Hooglide, 1794. do. of Aicha. 1805 (I8:;iii; Louis XH. in Battle of Agnadel, 15011. Taking of Cha- teau de Foix (18:57); Godfrey de Bouillon holding the tirst Assi/es in Jerusalem, 1110 ^ 1839 1, Louis le Gros capturing the Ori- llamme at St. Denis. Battle of Seminara, Buttle of Tourcoing. Portraits of Philip 111. and Marshal Catinat. Versailles Museum : Portraits of C^ueen Victoriii, Prince Albert, and others. Bellier, i. 834 : Larousse. i. UMili : Nou. biog. gen . xxvi. S50. JONAH. Michelanyelv, Sistine Chapel, Rome ; fresco on ceiling. By Tinlordt", Scuola di S. Rocco. Venice ; oval, on ceiling of upper room. The whale, whose mouth is as large as a cavern, has lifted Jonah out on his tongue, so that it forms a kind of red cushion for him to kneel on in his submission to the Deity. Ruskin. Stones of Venice, iii. 34* : Ridolli. Marav. . ii. IKS. JONAS. RUDOLF, born at Goldapp, East-Prussia, in 1822. Landscape painter, pupil of Konigsberg Academy under Beh- rcudsen ; went in 1851 to Munich, whence he visited the Bavarian Alps, Tyrol, Switzer- land, and North Italy ; taught in Dautzic from 1852 to 1854, when he moved to Mu- nich. In 185(! made a four mouths' journey through Corsica, and settled in Berlin in I860. Works : View of Ajaccio ; High Plain on Bay of Ajaccio ; Burial Hill in Corsica ; View near the Haff ; Oliva Monas- tery near Dantzic ; Deserted Saw Mill ; Inn Valley in Southern Bavaria ; Monastery near Elbiug ; Mountain-Brook ; Strait of Bonifacio. Midler, 285. JONES, GEORGE, born iu London, Jan. (i. 178G, died there, Sept. 19, 18G9. Battle painter, son of John Jones, engraver ; stu- dent of Royal Academy in 1801, and an ex- hibitor in 1803 ; was an officer of militia in Peninsular War, and was in Paris in 1815. Painted battle and subject pieces oil return of peace, and became A.R.A. in 1822 and R A. in 1824 ; librarian in 1834-40, and keeper in 1840-50. Works : Battle of Boro- dino (182H), Town-hall at Utrecht (1829, lent to Corporation of Oldham), The Fiery Furnace (1832), Lady Gocliva (1833), Relief of Lucknow, Cawnpore Passage of the Ganges (16I!1I, last three lent to Corporation of Coventry). National Gallery, London ; View in Rotterdam, Grosveuor House, ib. ; Nelson boarding the San Josef at St. Vin- cent, Greenwich Hospital ; Battle of Water- loo, Chelsea Hospital : do., National Gallery, Edinburgh ; Orleans, Woburn Abbey ; Re- lief of Lucknow. Cawnpore, Glasgow Gal- lery ; others in South Kensington Museum ; portrait of Sir Charles Napier, National Portrait Gallery. Redgrave ; Cat Nat. Gal.; Sandby. ii. 3G. JONES, HUGH BOLTON, born in Balti- more, Md.. Oct. 20, 1848. Landscape painter, studied in Baltimore. In 1877 vis- ited Europe, and studied there four years, sketching in Spain and Brittany. Elected an A.N.A. in 1881 audN.A. in 18'83. Studio in New York. Works : Ferry Inn, Summer on the Blue Ridge (1874) ; Twilight on Beau Creek, J. W. McCoy, Baltimore ; Tangier, W. T. Walters, ib. ; Return of the Cows- Brittany, Heath in Bloom Brittany (1878); French Landscape (1880); The Kasba from Moorish Cemetery Tangier (1881); Octo- ber, Early Spring (1882); Near Annisquam Massachusetts Coast, Landscape South Orange (1883); Near Plymouth Meeting Pa., On Hen-ing Run Baltimore (1884). Frank C. Jones, brother of the preceding,