Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/406

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JOPLIXG Interrupted (1883); Niel Ease, York and Lancaster Eoses, Lost Chord (1884). JOPLING, LOUISE, born in Manches- ter, Nov., 1843. Born Louise Goode ; mar- ried Mr. Homer (died 1872), Secretary to I iaron Nathaniel de Rothschild, Paris, where she studied art under Charles Chaplin in 1807-08 ; returned in 18(58 to England and married second in 1874 Mr. Joseph Middle- ton Jopling. Exhibited her first picture at Royal Academy, Bud and Bloom, in 1871. Works: Five V) clock Tea (1874); Elaine, Modern Cinderella (1875) ; Five Sisters of York (1870); Weary Waiting, It might have Been (1877); Pity Akin to Love (1878); Fair Rosamond, Children in the Wood (1881) ; Phyllis, Ellen Terry as Portia (1882); Daisy, Phyllis, Summer Snow, Saturday Night (1883) ; Chiistabel, From my Gondola, Fail- Venetian (1884) ; Little Bo-Peep (1885). JORDAENS, HANS, the younger, sur- namcd de lange Jordaens, born in Antwerp about 151)5, died there after July 14, 1(143. Flemish school ; history painter, probably son and pupil of Hans Jordaens, the elder, who entered the guild at Antwerp in 1582, and by whom there is a Banquet Scene in the Dresden Gallery ; master of the guild in 1020. Not to be confounded with the different Jordaens of Delft. Works: Cross- ing the Red Sea, Antwerp Museum ; do., Hague Museum ; do., Oldenburg Gallery ; do. (2, one dated 1024), Berlin Museum ; do., Hermitage, St. Petersburg; do., Hamp- ton Court Gallery ; do., Pinacoteca, Turin ; Art-Cabinet, Vienna Museum. Meyer, Ge- miilde d. Kongl. Mus., 223 ; Riegel, Bei- triige, ii. 293 ; Rooses (Reber), 352. JORDAENS, JAKOB, born in Antwerp, May 19, 1593, died there, Oct. 18, 1078. Flemish school ; history painter, scholar of Adam van Noort, whose daughter he mar- ried ; received as master in the painters' guild in 1015, and in the following year married Katherine, his master's daughter. Instead of going to Italy, he studied the pic- tures of the great Italian masters, especially Titian, at home, and becoming intimate with Rubens, assisted him in preparing cartoons for the tapestries of the king of Spain. With a fine feeling for colour and chiaro- scuro, great facility and skill in com- position, Jordaens wants taste and ele- vation of style, is often but a vulgar Rubens. In 1041 he built a fine house at Antwerp, where he spent the greater part of his life. Works: Judgment of Solomon, Marriage of St. Catherine, Christ and St. John, Meleager and Atalanta, Holocaust to Pomona, Diana's Bath, Family Scene in a ( iarden, Wandering Musicians, Madrid Mu- seum ; Clii-ixt driving out the Money Chan- gers, Last Judgment (1G53), The Four Evan- gelists, Infancy of Jupiter, Twelfth Night, As the Old sing so the Young Twitter, Por- trait of Admiral Ruyter, Louvre, Paris ; Christ and the Pharisees, Distress of the Prodigal, The Apostles, Twelfth Night, Su- sanna and (ho Elders, Lille Museum; Visi- tation, Nativity, Lyons Museum ; Miracu- lous Draught of Fishes, Marseilles Museum ; Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery. Renncs Museum ; Christ with Martha and Mary, An Elder, Rouen Museum ; Last Sup- per, Sisters of Charity, Entombment, Ado- ration of the Shepherds, Pegasus, Commerce and Industry protecting the Arts, Human Law based on Divine Law, Lady's Portrait, Museum, Antwerp ; Martyrdom of St. Apol- lonia, Augustine's, ib. ; St. Charles Borromeo interceding for the Plague-stricken at Milan, St. James's, ib. ; Christ on the Cross, St. Paul's, ib. ; St. Martin expelling an EvilSpirit (1C30), Allegory on Fertility, Satyr and Peasant, Triumph of Prince Frederik Heudrik of Nassau, Allegory on Vanity, Eliezer and Rebekah, Museum, Brussels ; As the Old Sing so the Young Twitter, Arenberg Gal- lery, ib. ; St. Ambrose, Reconciliation, Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery, Ghent 354