Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/408

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JOKIS ily (1832); Proposal of Marriage in Hclgo- '215; Rosenberg, Berliner Malerschule, 45 ; land (1834), Windlass in Normandy (1843), : Wiegmann, 287. Death of the Pilot (185G), Old Sailor's Home JOKIS, PIO, born in Rome in June, 1843. on Dutch Coast (18GG), Widow's Comfort Genre and landscape painter, pupil of Acad- (18WI), National Gallery, Berlin ; Forgotten emy of San Luca and of Fortuny ; visited Boots/Eveuiiig in Helgoland, Return of the Venice, Munich, and Paris in 1809, London Pilots' (1835); ^Pilot's Alarm-Bell (1838-39); in 1870, and Spain in 1871-72. President (183! Pilot's Examination (1842); Scene on the Downs after Storm (1844); Women calling Men to the Rescue of Ship (1845); Saved from Shipwreck (1848), Dresden Gallery ; First Lie (184!)); Burial of Youngest Child, of Societa d' acquerellisti in Rome, honorary member of Sociute beige des aquarellistes, member of several Art-Unions ; Italian Crown Order, Bavarian Order of St. Mi- chael ; Gold medal, Munich, 1809 ; twelve Provinxial Museum, Hanover ; Women pray- medals in Chastity of Joseph, Johan 1878-81. Works : Roman Peas- ant Girl and Shepherd (18GG) ; Greeting of the Virgin Mary (18G7) ; Wed- ding in Palombara, Sabi- na, Hasty Meal, Concert in Genax.zano (18G8) ; Sun- day Morning before the Porta del Popolo (18G9); Via Flaminia in the Rain (1870); Saladad, Spanish Dance (1872); Art Ama- teurs, Beggar in Toledo (1872), Reitlinger Gallery, Paris ; Return to Convent (1873) ; Young Greek AVo- man, Poet after Festival in Villa d'Este (1874); Par- son as Antiquary (1875) ; Return of Orphans, Bap- tism in Roma Priora ing in the Storm (1852) ; Helgoland Pilot (187<1); After Vespers, Forio d'Ischia (1877); Family burying Child (1857), Haveiu' Gal- Baptism in Ischia (1878) : Replica, Neapoli- lery, Berlin; Hot urn of the Fisherman; tan Head (1879) ; Pastime in Last Century, Morning after Wedding (1801), Leipsic At the Antiquary's (1880); Arch of Titus in Museum ; Soup for the Sick (18(i2), Expec- Rome, Woman of Sonnino, Woman of Jeru- tation, Diisseldorf Gallery ; Soup-Day in salem. Cardinal going to Consistory (1881); French Convent (18G8), Cologne Museum ; Odalisque (1882) ; Flight of Pope Eugeuius Coast-Watch, Fraucnhnys in Amsterdam, IV. (1883), National Gallery, Rome ; Poor Burial of Old Sailor, Shipwrecked People Soldier as Ballad Singer (1883). L'lllustr. in Tavern on Coast (1872); Waiting-House italiana (1875-77); Meyer, Conv. Lex., xviii. near Scheveniugen ; Happiness and Labour; 531, G29 ; xix. 574 ; xxi. 549, 564. Missing Boat (187G) ; Tavern on Dutch Coast JOSEPH AND HIS BRETHREN, Murillo, (1884). D. Kunstbl. (1858), 287 ; Diosku- Sir Richard Wallace, Bart, London; canvas, ren, 18GG-G9 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 109 ; Mill- H. about 5 ft.x7 ft. In centre, four figures, Icr, 307; Wolfgang Midler, Diisseldf. K., among them, Joseph, hi a scanty white gar- 356