Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/415

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JUDITH niani Gallery. Another Judith by Mantegna in Collection of Earl of Pembroke. La- rousse, is. 1071. By Ihlma Vecchio, Uffizi, Florence ; can- vas, life-size, half-length. With a scimetar in right hand and head of Holofernes in left. Much injured by restoration. C. ('., N. Italy, ii. 470. By Girolamo Itumaniiio, Berlin Museum ; wood, H. 2 ft. ( J in. x 2 ft. :! in. Judith, half-length, with the head of Holofernes in a charger; her maid looking on, and a sol- dier in armour asleep. Painted about 1510(V) From Solly Collection. C. A; C., N. Italy, ii. 1570. By Paolo 1'nrniii'xi; Vienna Museum ; can- vas, H. .'! ft. (i in. Y. I! ft. 1 in. Judith, figure to knees, giving the head of Holofernes to Abra, her black servant, who holds a bag to receive it, ; in background, tent of Holofernes. Engraved by Passini. Gal. de Vieiine, i. PI. 42. JUDITH AND HOLOFERNES (apoc- r v - Judith and Holofemes, Attemuia Gentileschi, Palano Pitti. ryphal book of Judith), Artemisia, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 7 in. Judith, aided by her servant, is cutting oil' with a sword the head of Holofernes, who lies upon a couch in his tent. llosini, vi. 12*. By Micht'lanyelo, Sistino Chapel, llome ; fresco on ceiling. By Henri lliyiumlt, Marseilles Museum. Judith, on the point of striking Holofernes. who lies in a drunken sleep upon his lied, the upper part of his body nude. Painted in Home in IHIi'.t. Salon, IHd'.l. Gaz. desB. Arts(l)SSl), xxiv. !)l ; Moniteur, Aug., ISiil) ; Chaumelin, Art contemporain, :i!7 ; La- rousse, ix. 1071. By Tinlni-i-l/ii, Madrid Museum. Three pictures: 1. Judith, sword in hand, raising the covering of the bed on which Holofernes is lying ; behind her, the servant itli a sack. 2. Judith handing the head to the servant, .'i. Judith replacing the bed-cover while the servant puts the head into the sack. Ma- drazo ; Larousse, i. li>71. By Horace I 'i-rnrl. Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. lift.!) in. lift. "> in.; signed, dated Konie. 18:JO. Judith, standing near the bed of Holofernes, is about to strike oil' his head. Salon, ItSlil. Collection of Louis Philippe. Formerly in Luxembourg. Study for head of Judith, J. H. Stebbins, New York. La- rousse, ix. 1071. JUEL, JENS, born at (lamborg, Fiinen, May 12, 171."), died in Copenhagen. Dec. >1, 1S02. Portrait, landscape, and genre paint- er, pupil in Hamburg of (iehrmaiin, then of Copenhagen Academy ; won first jiri/.e in 1771, went, to Koine in 1772. to Paris in 177(5, and to Geneva in 1777. liccatnc court-painter in 17S:{ ; member of Copen- hagen Academy in 17M2. its director in 17'.r> !>S and 1SOO-1. Works: Anointing of David (1771), Portraits of the Kngraver Clemens (177(1). of Artist and Wife(17Ul), of the Dwarf Bajocco, of Admiral Kisbrick, of Abildgaard's Mother, six other portraits, Painter at Work, Fruits in a Niche, Ap- proaching Storm, Copenhagen Gallery ; Landscape, Young Seamstress, Sehwerin Gallery ; Male Portrait, National Gallery, Cliristiauia ; Portraits of Karl lionet, KHig 363