Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/432

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KELLER of Juno at Praeneste ; Rising of Tabea, Judgment of Paris (1885). D. illustr. Zeitg. (1885), i. 151 ; Leixner, Mod. K., i. 100. KELLER, FERDINAND, born in Carls- flMBfc^ ruheAug.5,1842. Landscape, his- tory, portrait, and genre painter, pu- pil of Carlsruhe Art School under Schirmer, then of Canon ; visited, in 1800, and later, France and Italy. In 1858 he accom- pnnied his father and brother to Brazil, whence he brought, studies for his tropical landscapes. His first historical painting, the Death of Philip II., exhibited in Paris iu 18(57, excited general admiration, and won the first, prize at Rio Janeiro. Professor and, since 1880, director of Carlsruhe Art School. Medal, Vienna, 1S73. Works : From the Primeval Forest ; Bay of Rio de- Janeiro ; Alchymist ; Carrier-Pigeon ; Nero at Conflagration of Home (1873) ; Lohen- grin and Telraiuund; Scene in Marriage of Figaro ; Humboldt on the Orinoco (1875); Sketch for Curtain in Royal Theatre (1875), Dresden Museum ; Entombment ; Victory of Margrave Louis William of Baden at Salankemen in 1001, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Hero and Leander (1880) ; Portrait of Grand- duchess of Oldenburg and little Daughter (1884). Fresco, Annunciation (1870), Jesuit Church, Heidelberg ; Classic and Romantic Art and Science (1885), cycle in staircase of United Collections at Carlsruhe. ' Kunst-Chronik, x. 580 ; xx. 057 ; Kunst. ' f. Allc, i. 103; Miiller, 205; Illustr. Zeitg. (1874), i. 207 ; (1875), i. 13, 47 ; (1881), ii. 3(58; Land und Meer (1878), i. 251. KELLERHOVEN, MORITZ, born at Al- ' tenrath, Duchy of Berg, in 1758, died in Munich in 1830. Portrait painter, studied in Diisseldorf under Krahe, and in Antwerp; went to Vienna in 1770, and to Italy in 1782. Made court-painter in 1784 to the Elector Charles Theodor in Munich, and first professor at the reorganized Academy there, in 1808. Works : Max I. of Bavaria, Munich University ; Gustavus Adolphus IV. of Sweden, and his Queen ; Archduke Charles of Austria ; Crown Prince Ludwig ; Augusta Amalia von Leuchtenberg ; Bishop von Streber ; Archbishop von Gebsattel ; Last Abbot of Steingaden, New Pinakothek, Munich ; Portrait of a Singer, do. of a Prelate, Schleissheim Gallery. Allgem. d. Biogr., xv. 584 ; Cotta's Kunstblatt (1831), 173;Nagler, vi. 553. KELS, FRANZ, born at Derendorf, West- phalia, in 1828. Genre painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy. W 7 orks : Girl with Goat (1H40) ; Peasant Woman with Child before Madonna (1852); Westphalian Peas- ant Wedding (185(1); Domestic Happiness (1S57); Spring Offering (1860); Apple Har- vest ( 1802); Girls at the Brook. D. Kunstbl. (1S50), 405 ; (1S57), 18 ; Miiller, 20G. KENS KIT, JOHN FREDERICK, born in Cheshire, Conn., March 22, 1818, died in New York, Dec. 10, 1872. Landscape painter ; after study- ing engraving under Daggett, he spent seven 3- ears abroad (1840-47), painting in England, Rome, Naples, Switzerland, on the Rhine, and among the Italian lakes. First exhibited at Royal Academy, London, in 1845. Elected N.A. in New York, in 1840. In 1850, appointed member of the commission to superintend the decoration of the Capitol at Washington. Professional life spent in New York. W 7 orks : Mount Washington from North Con way (1840) ; Sketch of Mount Washington (1851), High Bank on Genesee River (1857), October Af- ternoon (1804), Corcoran Gallery, Washing- ton ; Franconia Mountains (1853) ; Sunset on the Coast (1858) ; Sunset in the Adiron- dacks (1800) ; Twenty-four Landscapes and