Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/444

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KNACKFITSS Munich, where lie painted for the Royal Winter Garden, and Villa Linderhof. Court- painter. Works: Court-Yard in Nurem- berg ; Court- Yard in Florence ; Ruin8 of Roman Palace (18CO); Castle Ruin of the Renaissance ; Tomb in Roman Campagna (18(i(i); Convent Yard with Well (18G8); Ro- man Landscape (1872); View in Neglected Park (1874); Roman Hot Springs; Corin- thian Ruin in the Campagna ; similar subject (1885). Dioskuren (1872), 211; Kunst- Chrouik, xx. G71 ; Leixner, D. mod. K., i. ( 114 ; Land und Mcer (1883), ii. 839. KXACKFUSS, HERMANN, born at Wis- sen. History painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Bendcmami ; took part in the campaign of 1870-71, went to Rome in 1875, and became professor at the Cassel Academy in 1880. Works : Attila's Queen receiving Presents from Byzantine Ambassa- , dors (187G); First Fruits (1877); Capture of Frederick the Fair in Battle of Miihldorf, 132-2 (1883) ; Painter's Studio in 16th Cen- tury (1884). Frescos : Ceiling in new Gov- ernment Building at Cassel ; Two Episodes ' in History of German Empire (1884), Vesti- bule of Railway Station at Strassburg ; Bat- tle of Turin (in progress), Arsenal, Berlin. Kuiist-Chronik, xvii. 222 ; xviii. 435, 531 ; Leixner, Mod. K., i. 1)8; Miiller, 301. KXAPP, JOHANN, born in Vicuna, Sept. ' 5, 1778, died at Schonbrunn, near Vienna, Feb. 18, 1833. Flower painter, pupil of Vi- : cnna Academy under Drechslcr ; called to ! arms in 1797, he returned, after the conclu- ' siou of peace, to his profession, and in 1804 became painter to the Archduke Anton. His ' most remarkable work is a bouquet (7 ft. x 5 ft.), composed of flowers of all climes, ; painted for Baron Jacquin in 1820-21. Oth- er works : Flower and Fruit-Pieces, Vienna Museum ; Styrian Alpine Plants (2), Joan- neum, Gratz ; Roses, Hyacinths, Exotic Flowers, Flora Alpina (300 water-colors), for Archduke John ; Flower-Piece (1816), Weimar Museum ; Alpine Plants Exotic Plants, for the Grandduke of Weimar. Hor- mayr'sArchiv. (1821), 138; Wurzbach, xii. 137. when he resigned. KNAUS, LUDWIG, born at Wiesbaden, Oct. 10, 1829. Genre painter, pupil of Dtis- seldorf Academy un- der Sohnand Schadow in 1846-52, studied then in Paris until I860 ; visited Italy in 1857-58; lived in Ber- lin in 1861-66, and at Diisseldorf from 18G6 to 1874. Professor i at the Berlin Academy from 1874 to 1884, He is one of the leaders of the younger Diisseldorf school, and the foremost genre painter in Germany. Mem- ber of the Vienna, Berlin, Munich, Amster- dam, Antwerp, and Christiania Academies ; Medals: Paris, 2d class, 1853; 1st class, 1855, 1857, 1859 ; Medal of Honour, 1867 ; L. of Honour, 1859 ; Officer, 1867 ; Knight of Prussian Order of Merit, etc., and many medals. Works : Peasant Dance (1850) ; Cheaters at Cards (1851), Diisseldorf Gallery and Leipsic Museum ; Bee-Keeper, Age does not protect against Folly (1851); Funeral in the Woods (1852) ; Countess Helfenstein begging for her Husband's Life, Pickpocket (1852) ; The Promenade (1855), Luxembourg Museum ; Woman playing with Cats (1856), two others, Raveiu' Gallery, Berlin ; The To- per, Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Country-Town People in a Village Inn, Wiesbaden Gallery; Morning after Kit-mess, Golden Wedding (1858); After the Christening (1859); Woch- enstube, Tyrolesc Brawlers before their Parson (1864); Gypsies Resting (1865), K6- nigsberg Museum ; Juggler ; Table in the Corner (1869); Children's Festival (1869), National Gallery, Berlin ; Funeral in a Hes- sian Village (1870); Beggar Boy (1871); His Highness Travelling ; Child with Doll ; Old Woman with Cats ; Organ-Grinder ; Council of Peasants ; In a thousand Fears, Die Geschwister (1872); Holy Family (1875); Tavern Scene (1876); The Refractory Model (1877); Solomonic Wisdom (1878); Glimpse behind the Scene (1880), Dresden Gallery ; 392