Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/45

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EILERSEX through the trampled grain arc rising in their stirrups, waving their swords, and shouting iu a frenzy of enthusiasm as the Emperor, on a white horse at left, sur- rounded by his Etat-major and Marshals Bessicres, Duroe, and 13erthier, salutes them by raising his cocked hat. Behind, at Na- poleon's left, troops are waiting to fall into line, and further on are seen the bearskin caps of the Old Guard. In the foreground, nt Napoleon's right, in yellow breeches and red dolmans, are the four troopers compos- ing the avant-garde of the imperial escort. Meissonier's masterpiece. Finished in LsTii after fifteen years' labour. The costumes and trappings were made by tailors, boot- makers, and saddlers ; the horses wens modelled in wax. Vienna Exposition, LS7S. Mr. Stewart paid 800,000 for it. I/Art (1K7(!), i. 11 ; Art Treasures of America, i. 27. EILEHSEN, RASMUSSEX, born at Os- terby, Fiinen, March 1, 1827. Landscape painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy ; took part in the Schleswig-Holstein cam- paign of 1848-50, and afterwards studied under J. I'. Moller ; visited France, Switzer- land, and the Pyrenees in 1858-00, London in 1802, Holland and Belgium in 1871, Vi- enna and Salzburg in 1873, and Italy in 1870. Many of his pictures bought in Ger- many and England. Member of Copenha- gen Academy, 1871 ; Order of Danebrog, 1870. Works : Mill near Heden ; Land- scape in Southern Fiinen (1855) ; View of Himmelbjaerget (1857) ; Gloomy Weather iu the Landes, Two Views in the Pyrenees (1801) ; Morning at Sorrento, October After- noon at Amalfi (1881) ; View in Frysenborg Deer-Park (1804), Copenhagen Gallery. Sigurd Miiller, 87 ; Weilbach, 152. EINSLE, ANTON, born in Vienna in 1801, died there March 10, 1871. Portrait painter, pupil of Vienna Academy ; ap- pointed court-painter in 1807, and decorated with the Order of Franz Josef. Works : Count Zichy, The Letter (1842) ; Sculptor Klieber (1844) ; Negro Slave (1840) ; Count Chotek, Countess Wickenburg (1840) ; Em- peror Francis Joseph, Empress Elizabeth, Field-Marshal Count Radetzky. Wurzbach, iv. 15. EIRENE, painter. See frei: EISEXMENGER, AUGUST, born in Vi- enna, Feb. 11, 18IHJ. Decorative painter, pupil of Leopold Schult/, of the Vienna Academy, in 1842-48, and in 185li of Itulil, whose indispensable assistant he soon be- came. Professor at Vienna Academy since 1872. Works: Apollo and the Muses (I80!t), Musikvcri-in, Vienna ; Ceiling Paintings, Grand Hotel, il>. ; Twelve Months, Palais Guttmann, ib. ; The Graces and Peace, Tiet/. Mansion, ib. ; Scenes from Lives of Emperor Maximilian I. and Duke Leopold, C'astle Hiirnstein ; Fresco Paintings in the Museum of Art and Industry. Graph. K., vi. 77 ; Miiller, 150. E1SMANX, JOHANX ANTON, born at Salzburg in 1034, died in Venice in 10'.I8. German school ; landscape, marine, and battle painter, self-taught ; went to Venice, where he studied after the old masters, and soon attained considerable success. His land- scapes and seaports embellished with archi- tecture were especially esteemed. Works : Landscapes with Ruins (2), Dresden Gal- lery; Landscape with Cavalry Skirmish, Vi- enna Museum. EISMANN-BRISEf iHELLA, CARLO, born iu Venice in 107'.). Landscape, marine, and battle painter, adopted son and pupil of preceding, who at Venice had formed a friendship with his father, Mattia Brise- ghella. After Eismann's death he seems to have settled at Ferrara. Works : Skirmish under the Walls of a Fortress, Cavalry Skir- mishes (2), A Battlefield, Dresden Gallery. EKELS, JAN, the younger, born at Am- sterdam in 175!), died there June 4, 171)3. Dutch school ; genre painter, son and pu- pil of Jan E. the elder (1724-81) ; went to Paris, and in 1783 up the Rhine to Ddssel- tlorf to visit the gallery. Imitated the old masters, especially J. Molenaer. Works : Young Man Drawing, Peasant lighting his