Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/456

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KONIGGEATZ Kough Sea in the Dresden Gallery. Bode, Studien, 317 ; Nagler, vii. 117. KONIGGRATZ, BATTLE OF, Georg M-ibtreu, National Gallery, Berlin ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 11 in. X ft. 11 in. On a small ele- vation in centre King William on a black horse with his suite, Bismarck, Moltke, lloon, etc., watching the battle ; in fore- ground, a detachment of captured Austri- ans coming towards the spectator ; from the right the body-guard galloping forward ; in the middle-ground a cavalry combat ; on the height to the left the forest of Dub, and at the right the village! of Problus on fire. Jordan '(1885), i. 1(5. KONIGSWIESER, HEINHICH, flour- ished second half of 16th century. German school ; pupil of Cranach, the younger, in "Vittenberg, whither he was sent in 1552 by Duke Albert of Prussia. Work : Christ on Mount of Olives. Kimigsberg Cathedral. W. & W., ii. 433. KONINCK, DAVID DE. See Cnnim-l. KOXINCK (Koning), PHILIP DE, born at Amster- dam, Nov. 5, 101!), died there, buried Oct. 4, 1G88. Dutch school. Land- scape, history, and portrait painter, pupil of - It e m b r a n d t. Lingelbach and Dirk van Bergen painted the figures in some of his landscapes, which generally represent extensive views with surprising truth to nat- ure and grand atmospheric effect. Works : Landscapes (2), National Gallery, London ; Landscape (long attributed to llembrandt), Lord Overstone, ib. ; Mouth of a Dutch River, Hague Museum ; Landscape (1070), Entrance to a Forest, Amsterdam Museum ; Landscape (1064), Rotterdam Museum ; View near Scheveningen, Museum, Brussels ; Landscape, Arenberg Gallery, ib. ; do. (1004), Rotterdam Museum ; Daughter of Jairus, Surgical Operation (1650), Old Wo- man with a Pot, Runsthalle, Hamburg ; Merry Skippers at the Inn (1640), Schwerin Gallery ; Portrait of the Poet Joost van Von- u del (1050 and 1662). Allgem. d. Biogr., xvi. 535 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole hollandaise ; Burger, Musees, i. 53 ; ii. 181 ; Iminerzeel, ii. 128 ; Rramm, iii. 901; Rugler (Crowe), ii. 387; Stuers, 65. KONINCK (Koning), SALOMON, born at Amsterdam in 1009, died there after 1003. Dutch school. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of David Colyns and Nicolaas Moyaert, and later a follower of Rembrandt. Became member of the Painter's Guild at Amsterdam in 1030. Works : Young Man Reading (1030), Bridgewater Gal- lery, London ; Joseph explaining Pha- raoh's Dream (attributed to Rembrandt), Lord Scarsdale, Keddleston Hall ; The Gold- weigher (1054), Rotterdam Museum ; St. Je- rome, Basle Museum; Portrait of a Rabbi, Calling of St. Matthew (1046); Croesus and Solon, Berlin Museum ; Old Philosopher (104!)), Brunswick Museum ; Lady at Toilet, Turkish Warrior, Copenhagen Gallery ; Hermit Reading (1043), Old Man with Tur- ban, Old Bearded Man with Telescope, Dres- den Museum ; David playing before Saul, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Lady's Portrait, Gotha Museum ; Christ in the Temple, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Parable of the Vine- yard, Old Man, do. in Profile, Hermitage, St. 5 ' Petersburg ; Male Portrait, Schleissheim Gallery ; Saul and David, Joseph explaining Pharaoh's Dreams (1055), Vision of Zacha- riah, Old Man's Portrait, Schwerin Gallery ; W4