Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/71

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FAES ington ; Sir Walter Scott and his Friends (1849) ; Burns and Highland Mary (1852) ; Mitherless Bairn (1855) ; My Ain Fire-side (1859) ; From Dawn to Sunset (18G1) ; New Wars to an Old Soldier (1802) ; Last of the Clan (18(55) ; Flower o' Dunblane, Jeannie Deans and the Duke of Argyll (1808) ; High- land Mother (1870) ; God's Acre (1872); Violets and Primroses (1874) ; She never told her Love (187(i) ; Runaway Horse (1878); Free from Care (187!)); School' Board in the North (1881) ; The Wakefu' Heart (1883) ; Keeper's Daughter, Seeing them off, Of what is the wee Lassie think- ing? (1884). Sandby, ii. 348. FAES, PETER VAN DER Sec /.</</. FAGERLIN, FERDINAND (JULIUS), born in Stockholm, Feb. 5, 1825. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Stockholm Academy, then in Diisseldorf of Karl Sohn, and in Paris of Couture ; visited Holland, and settled in Diisseldorf. Member of Stockholm Academy and court-painter to the King of Sweden in 18(i5. Medal, Paris, 3d class, 18(17. Works : Young Smokers, Jealousy, Stockholm Museum ; Fisherman's Family (18(!2) ; Love Declaration ; Wooing ; Bachelor's Perplexities, Christiania Gallery ; Sick-Boom; Rejected Suitor; Without Com- fort ; Old Couple; One too Many (187!)); A Deserter (1882); Honeymoon (1884). Mailer, 100 : Meyer, Conv. Lex., xviii. 305 ; Kunst-Chronik, xix. 54!). FAHLKRANTZ, KARL JOHANN, born in diocese of Stora Tuna, Dalecarlia, Nov. 29, 1774, died Jan. !), 18G1. Landscape | painter, pupil of P. Ljung. Fond of north- ern subjects. Professor in 1825. Knight of the Order of Gustavus Vasa. Works : Scenes from Frithiof Saga ; Views of Stock- holm ; Christiania ; Spam-holm and Bonus ; Hills of Smedjebakken ; Framnas Promon- tory ; Balestrand ; Don are Waterfall. Brockhaus, vi. 522. FAHRBACH, KARL LUDWIG, born at Heidelberg, Dec. 10, 1835. Landscape painter, pupil of Ddsseldorf Academy under Schinner; continued his studies, 1853, in Munich, and afterwards settled in Diissel- dorf. Works : View in Heidelberg Stadt- wald (1873) ; Landscape in the Odenwald ; View near Carlsruhe ; Beech-wood in Au- tumn ; Evening on Trout Brook near Hei- delberg ; Moonrise over Castle Seefeld, Ba- varia. Miiller, 100. FAIRMAN, JAMES, born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1K20. Landscape painter ; settled in the United States in earlv youth, and entered the National Academv, New York. In 1H71 visited Europe, and studied ten years in the art schools of Diisseldorf, Paris, and London. Studio in Chicago. Works : Sunset in the Androscoggin Valley -Maine (lS(i7); Pleasant River Valley'; Stratford on Avon ; Caernarvon Castle North Wales; Adieu to the Land (1SS1). FAISTENBEIiGEU (Feistenberger), AN- TON, born at Innsbruck in 1078, died at Vienna in 1722. German school ; landscape painter, pupil of Bouritzsch, an obscure ar- tist at Salzburg; painted in the style of Gas- pard Poussin, whoso works lie studied in Rome. Invited to Vienna by the Emperor, who employed him several years. Hans Graf and A. Van Bredael assisted him in painting his figures. Works : Landscape with many figures, Travellers attacked by Robbers, Dresden Gallery; others in Vi- enna and Weimar Museums, Liechtenstein and Vienna Galleries. Wur/.hach, iv. 104. FAISTENBERGEK, JOSEF, born at Innsbruck in 1084, died at Vienna in 1735. German school ; landscape painter, brother and pupil of Anton F., whom he assisted in some of his works. Was a skilful imitator of Salvator Rosa. Works : Ravine (under Rosa), Berlin Museum ; Landscape with Animals (by Tamm), Weimar Museum ; Mountainous Landscape with Sheep, Land- scape with Shepherds and Herds, Museum, Vienna ; others in Liechtenstein Gallerv, ib. FAITH, Morelto, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg ; H. 3 ft. 4 in. x '2 ft. in. A symbolic female figure, half-length, in red tunic and