Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/97

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FLATZ Bas-Breau, Bonier of a Pine Wood at For- nic (1875); Landscape, In the Woods (1871!) ; Garden near Nimes (1877); View near Eire- tat (1878) ; View in Provence, View at Bugey (1879); River Alberine, Road of Etroits near Lyons (1880); Souvenir of Bugey, Provence (1881); Road near Montmoreney, View from the Heights above Sevres (1882); Landscape, Autumn near Montmorency (1881$); In Au- tuinu, Diggers at Work (1884); Autumn Reminiscence, Shades (1885). Pictures in the Museums of Nimes, Lyons, and Langres. His elder brother, Auguste Rene (1804 43), pupil of Ingres, was director of Lyons Aead- emy. Bellier de la Chavignerie, i. 551!. FLATZ, GEBHARD, born at WoltVurt, Vorarlberg, June 11, 1800. History painter, pupil of Vienna Academy ; then studied at Munich, and went to Rome, where, except- iug a short stay at Innsbriick, he has since lived, forming himself after the works of Fra Angelico and Raphael, allied in close friendship with Overbeck, and, like him, among the foremost modern painters of re- ligious subjects. Most of his works have been bought for England and America, Works : Paris challenged by Hector (1827), Ferdinandenm, Innsbriick ; Allegory on In- carnation of Christ (1842); Madonna (1843); Transfiguration of St. Francis (1845); Abra- ham and the Angels ; Madonna adoring the Infant ; Fiesole after a Vision painting the Madonna ; Mary with Martha, John and Lazarus listening to the Lord ; Christ be- stowing upon Souls in Purgatory the Boon of his Sacrifice (1854); Bishop of Lodi, the Founder of Figlie del sagro Cuvrc at Trent ; Mary and Joseph adoring the new- born Saviour, Imperial Chapel, Vienna ; St. Francis Xavier on his Death-bed ; Cycle of Five Scenes in Life of Christ (1858). In fresco : Cycle representing the Teaching of Christ. Wurzbach, iv. 2(i4 ; xxvi. 370. FLEMAEL (Flemalle), BARTHOLET, born at Liege, May 23, 1614, died there, July 10, 1675. Flemish school ; history and portrait painter, son of Renier Fie- inael, glass-painter ; pupil of Gerard Douf- fct and of Jordaens ; went to Italv in 1G38, stayed principally at Rome and Florence, and on his way homeward painted with great repute in the Carmelite and Angus- tin churches in Paris, where, on a second visit in 1(!70, he was made member anil pro- fessor of the Academy. Returned to LK-ge in 1<>47, and two years later took up his abode temporarily at Brussels. Shows the influence of Nicolas Poussin. Works : Chas- tisement of Heliodorus, Brussels Museum ; Flight of ^neas from Troy, Dresden Gal- lery ; Alexander leaving for Asia, Death of Lucretia, C'assel Gallerv ; Raising of the Cross, Crucifixion, Lii'-ge Museum ; Nativ- ity, Ca."n Museum; Mysteries of (lie Old and New Testa - ments, Louvre. Biog. nat. de l!el- gique, vii. !)(! ; Hel- big, Hist, de la peinture u Liege ; Fi'tis, Les Artistes beiges a IV-tranger, ii. 371. FLERS, CAMILLE, born in Paris. Feb. 15, 1802, died at Annet (Seine-et-Marne), June '27, 1868. Landscape painter, pupil of Paris. Bred in the old school of land- scape painting, but became a leader of the new in 1831. His best works were painted before 1855. Medals: ltd class, 1810; 2.1 class, 1847; L. of Honour, 184!t. Works: Cascade of Pissevache (18:11); Mill on the Marno ; View of the Meillerave ; Road in Normandy, Environs of Dunkirk ; Animals , in a Pasture, Castle of Arques ; Environs of

Compiegne ; Mill of Toucque, Island of Sa-

moi's (181(8); Banks of the Marno (1818); Four Seasons (1855); eight views and in- teriors (1857); Willows on the Beuvronne ; Mill of Coillour (185!)); Hazel Trees on Banks of the Bresle ; Orchard at Aumale ; Henriette Island at Annet ; Tuileries du Pcr- rey at Havre ; Water-Mill near Quillelxeuf ; Washing-Places on the Bresle ; Mill at An- net (1861); The Allier at Vichy after an In- undation ; Mill at Aunay (1863). Bellier de la Chavignerie, i. 557. > FLEURY, FRANrOIS AN [ born in Paris, Dec. 18, 1804, died Oct. !!, 63