Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/151

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LTTLVfiS LULVES, JEAN, born at Miilhausen, Al- sace, in 1834 History and genre painter, pupil of Steffeck in Berlin, and of Moller iu Moscow. Was a civil engineer, but turned to painting, and decorated the Cor- onation Hall of the Kremlin, and the danc- ing hall of the banker Krause at Berlin, where he resides. He now paints histori- cal scenes and mythological genre with much success. Works : The Painter Clouet in the Louvre ; Secret Reunion ; Murder of Riccio ; Historical Scene of Murder. Miil- ler, 344; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 319. LUMINAIS, EVARISTE VITAL, born at Nantes, Dec. 14, 1822. Genre paint- er, pupil of Leon Cogniet and Troy- 011 ; has devoted himself chiefly and with success to painting scenes from Breton life. Medals : 3d class, 1852, 1855, 1857, 1861 ; L. of Honour, 18(iO. Works : Scenes from Civil War under the Republic (184:$) ; Breton Fair, After the Fight (1847); Defeat of the Germans at Tolbiac (1848), Nantes Museum ; Siege of Paris by the Normans, The Pirates (1849) ; Return from the Fair (1850) ; Lobster Fishermen in Brittany (1852), Langres Museum ; Breton Shepherd (1852) ; Gathering Sea-Weed, Reading the Will (1853) ; The Great Racket (1855), La- val Museum ; Hunting for Sea-Birds' Nests, Lesson iu Singing (1855) ; Pasture of Ker- lat (1857) ; Cry of the Owl (1859) ; Return from the Hunt (1861), Nantes Museum ; A Consultation, Tenderness (1863); Two Guar- dians (18G4), Augers Museum ; Under the Hedge (1865) ; The Pirates (1866) ; Two Rivals (1868) ; Gallic Revenge (1869) ; Gauls in Sight of Rome (1870), Nancy Mu- seum ; Scouts (1870), Bordeaux Museum ; The Invasion, Return from the Hunt (1873); Brunhild (1874) ; King Morvan, Herd car- ried off by Enemy (1875) ; Consequences of a Duel (1876) ; Firing at Random, Prisoner ! Escaping (1877) ; Death of Chramm, Hunt- ing under King Dagobert (1879) ; Lcs Enerves de Jumieges (Sydney Museum), Dis- pute over a Female Captive (1880) ; Rapt, j During the War (1882); Last Merovingian, Chil- dericm. (1883); Flight of King Gradlon, A Mad- man (1884) ; Death of Chilperic I., Escaped Prisoners (1885). Bellier, i. 1067; Larousse ; Miiller, 344. LUNA AND THE HOURS, Tinlwll,,, Berlin Museum ; canvas. Luna, in a cha- riot, attended by three Hours. LUND, FREDRIK CHRISTIAN, born in Copenhagen, Feb. 14, 1826. Battler, genre, and portrait painter, pu- pil of Copenhagen Acad- emy, where he received medals in 1849 and 1852; took part as volunteer in the battles of Bau (1848) and Fredericia (1849), where he was severely wounded. Was in Italy in 1862-04 and 1874-75. Danebrog Order in 1876 ; member of Copenhagen Academy iu 1877. Works: Episode from Battle of Fredericia (1852), Copenhagen Gallery ; Christ at Emmaus (1857) ; Judith (1803) ; Jacob's Dream, Storming of Copenhagen (1869) ; Swedes at Kronborg (1873), Co- penhagen Gallery ; Swiss Guard (1872) ; Caroline Mathilde, In the Convent Kitchen (1877) ; Collector of Engravings ; Chancel- lor Niels Kaas handing to King Christian IV. Keys to Crown Jewels ; Ceiling Paint- ings (1876), Viborg Cathedral. Sig. Miil- ler, 218 ; Weilbach, 421. LUND, JOHAN LUDVIG GEBHARD, born in Kiel, Oct. 16, 1777, died in Copen- hagen, March 3, 1867. History painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy under Abild- gaard ; went in 1799 to Dresden, in 1800 to Paris, where he studied under David, 113