Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/105

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IIOMNEY Blanc, l5cole hollandaise ; Van der Willi- geu, 252. ROMNEY, GEORGE, born at Dalton-le- Furness, L a n c a- shire, England, Dec. 15, 1734, died at Kendal, Nov. 15, 1802. After ac- quiring a little knowledge of painting from Steele, a painter at Keudal, he sup- ported himself by painting portraits in the north of England, at two guineas a head, until 1762, when he went to London. In that year, and in 1765, he gained premiums from the Society of Arts for his pictures of the Death of Wolfe and the Death of King Edward. In 1773 he visited Italy with Ozias Humphrey, and, after a two years' absence, established him- self in London, where, until 1797, when he removed to Hainpstead, he divided public patronage with Reynolds and Gainsborough. His favourite model was the notorious and beautiful Lady Hamilton, whose face he re- produced under many disguises. Ho painted with few colours, with great breadth of treat- ment, and in some instances with exceeding grace and sentiment. Much of his work is sketchy, often careless in the accessories, but it is never without charm. His flesh tints are fresh, and his treatment of hair, though slight, is truthful and facile. Works : Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante, Parson's Daughter, National Gallery, London ; Por- traits of Richard Cumberland, Lady Hamil- ton, and Flaxman, National Portrait Gallery, ib. ; Lord Stanley and Sister, Lady Horton, Earl of Derby ; Lady Hamilton at Spinning Wheel, Earl of Normantou ; do. as Ariad- ne, Baron L. de Rothschild ; do. as Euphros- yne, Jeffrey Whitehead, Esq. Full list of works in Lord Ronald Gower's "Romney and Lawrence. "Hay ley, Life (1809) ; Rev. John Romney, Life (1830) ; Cunningham ; European Magazine, vol. 43 ; Cat. Nat. Port Gal. ; Cat. S. Kensington Mus , Nat. Port. Exhib. (1867) ; Redgrave ; F. do Conches, 271 ; Ch. Blanc, tfcole anglaise ; Portfolio (1873), 18, 34. ROMUALD, ST., VISION OF, Andrea Sacchi, Vatican ; canvas, H. 10 ft. x 5 f t 6 in. St. Romuald, founder of the order of the Camaldolensians, seated under a tree telling his companions of his dream, in which he iMalhiM r*i ' Jl.v..J N ? 6*vv--3*A Vision of St. Romuald. Andrei Sacchi, Vatican saw a ladder, like Jacob's at Bethel, and the

brethren of the order ascending to heaven.

Painted for Church of the Camaldoli, Rome ; carried to Paris in 1799 ; restored in 1815, and placed in the Vatican. Called in its j time one of the four best pictures in Rome a verdict scarcely concurred in by modern ! critics. Landon, Musee, viii. PI. 21 ; Muaee