Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/111

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ROSAKIO Works : Queen Isabel the Catholic dictat- ing her Will (1867), Madrid Museum ; St Joseph ; Presentation of Don Juan of Aus- tria at S. Yuste ; Entry of Amadeo into Madrid ; Death of Lucretia ; Portrait of ' Rio Rosas ; do. of Garcia Aznar, Madrid Museum ; Evangelists SS. John and Mat- thew, S. Tomas, ib. La Ilustracion, 1873. ROSARIO, IL. See Madonna del Rosa- rio, Domenichino. ROSE OF LIMA, ST., Murillo, Fred- erick E. Church, Hudson, N. Y. ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 4 in. x 3 ft. 8 in. In Dominican habit, standing nearly front, holding in right hand ' a bunch of roses on which is seated the In- fant Jesus, who extends his hands towards her ; her left hand on her breast holds a rosary ; in air above, six heads. From Gal- lery of Don Aniceto Bravo ; thence to Don Jorge Diez Martinez and Don Luis Portilla, Madrid ; bought in 1873 by W. J. Shaw, at whose sale in New York (1880) sold to Mr. Church for $380. Repetitious : Sala- inanca sale (1875), 20,000 francs ; Pereire sale (1872), 25,500 francs. Curtis, 267 ; Tubino, Murillo, 185. ROSEL (Roselius) VON ROSENHOF (Rooshoff), FRANCISCUS, nourished in Nuremberg about 1666. German school, animal painter ; won the victory over Pau- diss with his picture in the Munich Gallery. Works : Wolf tearing Lamb (1666), Old Pi- nakothek, Munich ; do., Barnberg Gallery ; Rooster (1665), Fox devouring Chicken (1666), Augsburg Gallery. ROSEN, GEORG VON, Count, born in Paris, Feb. 13, 1843. History painter, pu- pil of Stockholm Academy, then of Weimar Art School (1861), and in Antwerp (1863) of Hendrik Leys, whose pictures had great- ly attracted him in London the year be- fore ; visited Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Tur- key, Greece, and Germany in 1864-65, then Italy and Antwerp, and lived for a time in j Munich. Member of Stockholm and Co- , penhagen Academies and of Societe beige des Aquarellistes. Medal, 1863 ; Order of Wasa ; L. of Honour, 1878. Works : Steu i Sture's Entry into Stockholm in 1471 (18G3); Wedding in Smedsgille Chapel in 1500 (1865) ; Eric XIV. signing his Abdication (1871), Stockholm Museum ; Luther's Study at the Wartburg ; Portraits of King Charles XV. and of Artist's Father. Mttller, 448 ; Land und Meer (1874), i. 306. ROSENFELDER, LUDWIG, born at Breslau, July 18, 1813, died at KOnigsberg, April 18, 1881. History painter, pupil of Berlin Academy under Hensel (1832-36) ; was director of Kiinigsberg Academy in 1845-74, visited Italy in 1851-52, and painted frescos in the Aula of Kiinigsberg University in 1865. Gold medal, 1850. Works : Narcissus ; Gideon ; Cola di Ri- enzi at Avignon ; Blinding of Prince Arthur (1838, from Shakespeare's " King John "); Landgrave Philip of Hesse taken Prisoner by Alva ; Scene in Dantzic during Reforma- tion ; Occupation of Marieuburg by Teuton Order in 1457 (1857), Kimigsberg Museum ; Worshippers beside Coffin of Henry IV., Cologne Museum ; Electress Elizabeth of Brandenburg taking Communion after Prot- estant Rite ; Charles L taking Farewell of his Children ; Christ Crucified ; Male Por- trait (1849), Dresden Museum. In fresco : Theology and Medicine (1865), Kunigsbcrg University. -D. Kunstbl. (1850), 78, 161, 336; (1853), 436; (1855), 462; (1858), 342 ; (1857), 122 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1880), ii. 345 ; Muller, 448 ; Rosenberg, BerL Maler- sch., 88. ROSENHOF. See Ri'wl. ROSENSTAND, VILHELM JAKOB, born in Copenhagen, July 31, 1838. Genre painter, pupil of Mar- strand ; lives in Italy and paints characteristic scenes from Italian life. Medals, 1859, 1861. Works: Saxarmen at the Danne Earthworks (1865); Farewell of An- dreas Heiberg (1868) ; Village Hairdresser; The Congratulators ; Before a Cafe in Paris 71