Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/119

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ROUX Avenue, Edge of the Woods at Sunset, Au- tumn Weather (1849) ; Edge of the Woods at Sunset, Morning, Plateau of Belle-Croix, ' Woods of Bas-Brc'au, Village of Barbizon, i Entrance to Bas-Breau (1850); Sunny Land- scape, Landscape after Bain (1852) ; Marsh in the Landes of Guienne (1853) ; Coast at j Grauville, Edge of the Woods in Berry, ; Moors, An Avenue, Way out of the Woods at Sunset, Way out of the Woods in Twi- light, Marsh in the Laiules, Edge of the Gerard Mountains, Oaks in Gorges of Apre- mont, Plain of Biirbizon, Woods of Fon- tainebleau (1855), Louvre ; Loire Valley in Springtime, Stormy Morning during Har- vest, Village in Cantal, Birches in the Gorge of Aprernont, Meadow with Trees, Cross- Eoad at Bas Brcau (1857) ; Farm on the Moors, River Sevre, Boundaries of Barbi- zon, Gorges of Apremont, Edge of Woods near Barbizon (1859); Oak of Roche (1861); Clearing in the Woods, Pond in Oak Grove (1861); Cottage among Trees, Village (1864); Sunset at Foutaiuebleau, Boundaries of For- est of Fontainebleau (18CC) ; Ray of Sun- light in Stormy Weather, Small Farm on the Oise (1867) ; River Bank, Storm Laud- scape, Luxembourg Museum. Works in United States : River Scene, do. in Autumn, Village of Barbizon, Gorges of Apremont, Forest, Morning, Farm on the Oise, W. H. Vanderbilt, New York ; Landscape, Miss C. L. Wolfe, ib.; do., August Belmont, ib. ; do., H. G. Marquand, ib.; do., J. C. Runkle, ib.; do., D. O. Mills, ib.; Paris Oven, Land- j scape and Forest, do. and Pond, W. Rocke- feller, ib.; Forest Scene, C. P. Huntington, ib.; Plain of Barbizon, Mrs. J. G. Fell, Phila- delphia ; do., R C. Taft, Providence ; Sun- set, J. A. Brown, ib. ; Autumn, B. Wall, ib. ; Le Givre Winter Solitude, two others (one dated 1845), W. T. Walters, Baltimore; Landscape, H. P. Kidder, Boston ; do., T. Wigglesworth, ib.; Oak Tree of Barbizon, Landscape, Birch Trees at Foutainebleau, H. Probasco, Cincinnati. Sales : Farm in Berry (Dagnan sale, 1882, 29,500 francs, to M. Viterbo) ; Public Oven on the Moors (Hartmann sale, 47,000 francs, bought by Mr. Brame) ; Sunset (20,100 francs, same sale) ; A Village (38,000 francs, same sale) ; Farm in the Landes (73,000 francs, same sale) ; Village in Normandy (Wilson sale, 1881, 20,000 francs); Plain among the Pyr- enees (17,000 francs, Hartmann sale); Wooda in Winter (48,600 francs, same sale) ; Old Dormitory in Bas-Brcau (49,000 francs, bought for Louvre, same sale) ; Autumn at St. Jean de Paris (46,000 francs, same sale); A Pond (20,000 francs, Narischkino sale, 1883) ; Road in Woods near Fontainebleau (20,500 francs). Sensier, Souvenirs surTh. Rousseau (1872) ; Bellier, ii. 431 ; Meyer, Gesch., 744 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1873), vii. 191 ; (1881), xxiii. 462 ; L'Art (1882), xxviii. 161, 186 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., iii. 281 ; xii. (Mittheilungen, v. 40). ROUX, KARL, born in Heidelberg, Aug. 15, 1826. Animal and genre painter, son of J. W. Christian Roux (1771-1831, por- trait and landscape painter), pupil of D(ls- seldorf Academy and (1847) of Karl Htlb- ner, continued his studies in Munich, Ant- werp, and Paris ; was for several years professor at the Art School in Carlsruhe, and settled in Munich in 1868. Director of Carlsruhe Art School and Mannheim Gal- lery since 1881. Works : Rest of Lansque- nets (1853), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Hans and Verena (1861) ; Plundering of Village in Thirty Years' War, Hermann and Doro- thea (1863), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Ploughing Early in the Morning ; Uneducated Son of the Alps (a bull) ; Cows returning l>eforo Storm ; Yoke of Oxen ; Hay Harvest (1877); Cattle Fair of Munich ; October Festival ; Cattle Herd on Achen Lake. Mtlller, 452. ROUX, MAiTRE. See Rosso. ROUX, (PROSPER) LOUIS, born in Paris, Feb. 13, 1817. History and genre painter, pupil of Delaroche. Medals : 3d class, 1846 ; 2d class, 1857, 1859. Works : St. Roch praying for the Plague-Stricken (1846), Luxembourg ; Italian Peasant play- ing with Child (1847) ; Jean Boltius an Anatomist of Liege ; Linuieus returning 79