Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/121

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ROYER where his Jester of Henri III. took a medal in Salon, 18CG ; now professor of engraving at Lyons. Works : Death of Roxana, J. C. Runkle, New York ; Page with Dogs, Mu- sical Party (1867), W. H. Vanderbilt, ib.;l Meet, Cologne Museum ; Playing Backgam- j mon (1868) ; A Musketeer ; Negress with a Drake ; Gypsy Woman ; Beer Drinker ; Standard Bearer, Time to Go, J. J. Astor, New York; Halberdier, T. R Butler, ib.; Cock Fight, D. O. Mills, ib. ; Velasquez painting the Infanta, D. W. Powers, Roch- ester ; Missal Painter, J. H. Warren, Hoo- sic Falls ; Ludovic Lesly, Judge H. Hoadly, Cincinnati ; The Message (Wilson sale, 1883, 12,000 francs). ROYER LIONEL, born at Chfiteau-du- Loir (Sarthe) ; contemporary. History and portrait painter, pupil of Cabanel. Medal, 3d class, 1884. Works : Christ on the Cross (1879); Daphne changed into a Laurel (1880); Venus protecting the Body of Hector (1881); Madame Roland (1883); The Family (1884); Love and Folly (1885) ; For Native Laud ! Charette a Patay (188(5). ROYMERSWALE. See Marintis. ROZIER, DOMINIQUE, born in Paris ; contemporary. Still-life painter, pupil of An- toine Vollonf Medals : 3d class, 1876 ; 2d class, 1880. Works : End of Supper (1880, bought by the State); Armour (1881); Vin- tage, End of Carnival (1882) ; Cabbage Soup, Isabel's Basket, Flower Girl (1883) ; Poul- try, Un Jambonneau (1884) ; Fish Market in the Halles Centrales (1885); Game (1886); Sunset, R. G. Dun, New York. RUBEN, CHRISTIAN, born at Treves, Nov. 30, 1805, died at Inzersdorf, near Vi- enna, July 8, 1875. History and genre painter, pupil of Dilsseldorf Academy (1823 -25) under Cornelius, whom he followed to Munich, and there rapidly established his reputation ; in 1841 he became director of Prague Academy, wlu'ch he reorganized, and in 1852-72 was director of the Vienna Acad- emy. Gold medal, 1864 ; Orders of Iron Crown and of Francis Joseph ; Belgian Or- der of Leopold, 1865 ; Commander of Pa- pal Order of Gregory. Works : Carthusian Monk, Ave Maria (1835) ; Power of Faith, Leuchtenberg Gallery, St Petersburg ; Duke Erich of Calenborg at Hardegsen in 1533 (1838) ; Shepherdess in the Alps, New Pi- nakothek, Munich ; Battle of Lipau in 1434, Vienna Museum ; Columbus discovering Land (1843), Nostitz Gallery, Prague ; Cy- cle of 14 cartoons on History of Bohemia, Belvedere, Prague. Brockhaus, xiii. 875 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1852), six. 359; Cotta's Kunstbl. (1841), No. 64 ; Laud und Mccr (1872), No. 50 ; Reber, ii. 194 ; Stahr, Chr. Ruben's Columbus (Oldenburg, 1844); Wurzbach, xxvii. 200 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xi. 372. RUBEN, FRANZ, 1>orn in Prague in 1843. History and portrait painter, son of Christian Ruben, and his pupil at Vienna Academy ; won prize in 1869, then studied in Italy after the Venetian masters, and set- tled in Venice. Medal, Munich, 2d class, 1883. Works : Miracle of Roses, The Two Leonoras and Torquato Tasso (1867); Court Life of Pope Leo X. (1869) ; The Widow's Mite ; Capri, A Page (1870); Tilly's Retreat (1871) ; Tournament at Court of Burgundy (1872); Washerwoman in Venice (1873); Indulgentia plenario. Wurzbach, xxvii. 205 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, v. 122. RUBENS, PETER PAUL, born at Sie- ge n, Westphalia, June 29, 1577, died at Antwerp, May 30, 1640. Flemish school ; studied at Antwerp with To- bias Verhaegt and Adam van Noort, and then with Otto van Veen from 1596 until 1600, when he went to Venice, where his copies after Titian and Giorgione attracted the notice of the Duke of Mantua, Viucenzo Gonzaga L.^Wio made him his court paint- er. In July, 1601, the Duke sent Rubens to Rome to copy pictures for his gallery, 81