Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/125

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RUBENS 1877) ; Gachet, Lettres inedites (Brussels, 1846) ; Gaedertz, R und die Kubensfeier in Antwerpeu (Leipsic, 1878); Gcnard, ^aute- keningen over P. P. R (Antwerp, 1877) ; Gerrits, P. P. R, zijn tijd, etc. (Amsterdam, 1842); V. van Grimbergen, Hist. Levensbe- scbryving (Antwerp), 1840) ; A. van Hasselt, Hist. (Brussels, 1840) ; Kett, Rubens (Lon- don, 1882); Krarnm, v. 1395 ; Merlo, Nach- ricbten, 352 ; Michel, Hist, (Brussels, 1771); Micbiels, Rubens et 1'ucole d'Auvers (Paris, 1877) ; do., Hist, de la peinture flaruancle, vi. 374-444 ; vii. 1-253 ; L'CEuvre de P. P. R (Antwerp and Brussels, 1877, 1878) ; R de Piles, Eecueil, etc. (Paris, 1755) ; Reif- fenberg, Nouvelles Recbercbes (Brussels, 1835); Riegel, Beitrage, i. 165, 344 ; ii. 58- 66, 92-94 ; Rooses (Reber), 162-254 ; Ro- senberg, Rubensbriefe (Leipsic, 1881); Sains- bury, Original Papers (London, 1859) ; Scbneevogt, Cat. des Estampes (Haarlem, 1873) ; Smith, Cat. raisouno (London, 1829 -42); Van den Branden, 357, 409, 482, 1271, 1372, 1386 ; Verachter, Gcm-alogie de P. P. R.; do., Le Tombeau de R. (Antwerp, 1840, 1843) ; Villaamil, Rubens, Diplomatico Es- pafiol (Madrid, 1874); Waagen (Noel), P. P. R (London, 1840); do., Kl. Schriften (Stutt- gart, 1875); Woltmann, Aus vicr Jahrh., 49 ; Annalen des hist. Vereius f. d. Niederrhein (1861, 1869) ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1859-68), L-xxxv.; (1869), i. 223, 334; (1881), xxiii. 5, 305; (1882), xxv. 5; xxvi. 273; (1883), xxvii. 5, 203, 309 ; xxviii. 361 ; (1884), xxix. 29, 193 ; (1884), xxx. 34 ; (1885), xxxi. 121 ; xxxii. 97, 449 ; Graph. K, ii. 25 ; Journal des B. Arts (1875-79) ; Kuust-Chronik, xii. 425, 457, 571, 697, 724, 777, 809, 825 ; xiii. 81 ; xvi. 484, 504 ; xvii. 094 ; xviii. 217, 532 ; xxi. 141, 221, 337 ; Vlaamsche school (1866, 1875, 1877, 1878) ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, i. 225 ; ii. 132 ; iii. 128 ; iv. 47 ; v. 202, 304 ; viii. 190 ; ix. (Mittheilungen, ii. 1) ; x. 96 (Hit., iii. 40) ; xi. 352, 383 ; xii. 261, 306 (Hit, v. 57) ; xv. 225, 261 ; xvi. 235 ; xvii. 165. RUBENS, portrait, Eubem, Windsor Cas- tle ; wood, H. 2 ft 9* in. x 2 ft. 1 in. Half- length, face three-quarters, looking to left, wearing a black Spanish mantle with a gold chain around his neck, and a large hat dec- orated with a tassel. Presented to Charles I. by Lord Danby. Engraved by P. Pon- tius ; Worlidge ; Chambers ; Facius ; Pel- ham ; J. H. Robinson. Duplicate, engraved by Moulmeester and Gregori, Uffizi, Flor- ence. Other portraits of Rubens in Vienna, Louvre, Uffizi, and Genoa Galleries. Smith, ii. 145, 159 ; Waagen, Treasures, ii. 435 ; Lasinio, iii. PI. 96. RUBENS AND ISABELLA BRANDT, I lluhem, Munich Gallery ; canvas, H. 5 ft 6 Rubens ind lubellt Brandt, Ruben, Munich in. x 4 ft. 2 in. Rubens and his first wife, daughter of Jan Brandt, of Antwerp ; fig- ures full-length, in full dress, seated, under an arbour, he on the edge of a table, she on a stool beside it Probably painted about 1610. Engraved by Hesa Kctt, 64 ; Smith, ii. 63. RUBENS AND HELENA FOURMENT, Rubens, Blenheim Palace ; canvas, H. 7 ft 8 in. x 6 ft 8 in. Rubens and his second wife, full-length, life-size, in Spanish cos- 86