Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/133

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RUYSDAEL Brunswick (2), Darmstadt, Dresden (3, one dated 1718), Gotha, Innsbruck (2), Vienna (1706), New York (2) ; Galleries of Car 1s- ruhe (3, two dated 1715, 1717), Cassel, Frankfort (1698), Wiesbaden ; Six Collec- tion, Amsterdam (2, 1730); Old Pinakothek, Munich (5, three dated 1708, 1709, 1715) ; Liechtenstein (2) and Czerniii (2) Galleries, Vienna ; Uffizi, Florence (2, 1711) ; Palazzo Pitti, ib. (2). Ch. landaise ; 218 ; Immerzeel, 7 J ^ fl iii. 40 ; Kramm, ie//?*Y JC * v ' 17; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 546 ; Burger, Husoes, i. 165; ii. 154, 319; Riegel, Beitrage, ii. 447. RUYSDAEL. See EuMael RUYTEN, JOANNES MICHAEL, born in Antwerp, April 9, 1813. Landscape and marine painter, pupil in Antwerp of Rege- morter, and at The Hague of Nuyen. Works : Exodus (1838); River Bank (1840); A Sail (1842) ; View of Antwerp ; Enter- tainment before Inn ; Fisherman's Boat Stranded ; Harbour View ; Winter Harbour of Dordrecht ; Entertainment on the Ice ; City on a River, Canal in Antwerp, Stettin Museum ; Cartmen loading Freight Wagon, Stuttgart Museum ; Winter Landscape with Figures, Harrach Gallery, Vienna ; Scene in Antwerp, John D. Lankenau, Philadelphia. Immerzeel, iii. 44 ; Kramm, v. 1418 ; Kug- ler, Kl. Schr., iii. RY, PIETER DE. See Danckerls. RYCKAERT, DAVID, the younger (HI.), born in Antwerp, baptized Dec. 2, 1612, died there, Nov. 11, 1661. Flemish school ; genre painter, son and pupil of David Ryck- aert, the elder (H, 1586-1642), developed under the influence of Brouwer and David Teniers the younger ; friend of Gonzales Coques, who married his sister. Received into guild of St. Luke, 1636. Studied Teniers the younger, Brouwer, and Van Ostade. Excelled in effects of light; sub- jects generally interiors with peasant* and village fairs. Works : Interior of Flemish Tavern, Stowage, Farm House, New York Museum ; Dutch Interior, Historical Soci- ety, New York ; Artist in his Studio, Lou- vre ; Village Fair, Jolly Company at Table, Antwerp Museum ; Alchemist (1648), Brus- sels Museum ; Shell Dealer, Lille Museum ; Shoemaker's Shop, Amsterdam Museum ; Toper, Rotterdam Museum ; Flemish Inn, Must'e Rath, Geneva ; do., and Holiday Meal in Peasant Cottage (1657), Family Concert (1650), Gallery, Copenhagen ; Vil- lage Cobbler, Moltke Collection, ib.; Vil- lage Fool, Berlin Museum ; Lute Player and Old Woman (1644), Cassel Gallery ; Interior with Peasants Drinking (1638), Peasant Fam- ily (1639), Similar Subject (1644), Still-Life (2), Dresden Museum ; Butcher offering to Woman a Glass of Beer (1639), Stiidel Gal- lery, Frankfort ; Alchemist and Wife in the Laboratory (1648), Shoemaker's Shop, Leip- sic Museum ; Street Urchins at Play (1640), Twelfth Night Festival (1648), Old Pinako- thek, Munich ; Old Woman with Cat, Peas- ant with Dog, Hermitage, Si Petersburg ; Merry Topers, Schleissheim Gallery ; Inte- rior of Peasant Cottage (1617), Domestic Music, Schwerin Gallery ; Soldiers plunder- ing Village (1649), Kirmess Festival (1648), The Witch, A Scholar, Kitchen Interior, Museum, Vienna ; Nativity, Musical Enter- tainment (1650), Liechtenstein Gallery, ib.; Sacknge of a House, Musical Trio, Harrach Gallery, ib.; Peasants in a Tavern, Musical Assembly, Czernin Gallery, ib.; Temptation of St. Anthony (2), Uffizi, Florence ; Alche- // mist, Madrid Museum. Cat du Mua dAnvers, 320 ; Immerzeel, iii. 46 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 329 ; Kramm, v. 1421 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Michiels, ix. 60 ; Rooses (Reber), 402; Van den Branden, 606. 93